2 resultados para Active surface states

em Duke University


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Biofouling, the accumulation of biomolecules, cells, organisms and their deposits on submerged and implanted surfaces, is a ubiquitous problem across various human endeavors including maritime operations, medicine, food industries and biotechnology. Since several decades, there have been substantial research efforts towards developing various types of antifouling and fouling release approaches to control bioaccumulation on man-made surfaces. In this work we hypothesized, investigated and developed dynamic change of the surface area and topology of elastomers as a general approach for biofouling management. Further, we combined dynamic surface deformation of elastomers with other existing antifouling and fouling-release approaches to develop multifunctional, pro-active biofouling control strategies.

This research work was focused on developing fundamental, new and environment-friendly approaches for biofouling management with emphasis on marine model systems and applications, but which also provided fundamental insights into the control of infectious biofilms on biomedical devices. We used different methods (mechanical stretching, electrical-actuation and pneumatic-actuation) to generate dynamic deformation of elastomer surfaces. Our initial studies showed that dynamic surface deformation methods are effective in detaching laboratory grown bacterial biofilms and barnacles. Further systematic studies revealed that a threshold critical surface strain is required to debond a biofilm from the surface, and this critical strain is dependent on the biofilm mechanical properties including adhesion energy, thickness and modulus. To test the dynamic surface deformation approach in natural environment, we conducted field studies (at Beaufort, NC) in natural seawater using pneumatic-actuation of silicone elastomer. The field studies also confirmed that a critical substrate strain is needed to detach natural biofilm accumulated in seawater. Additionally, the results from the field studies suggested that substrate modulus also affect the critical strain needed to debond biofilms. To sum up, both the laboratory and the field studies proved that dynamic surface deformation approach can effectively detach various biofilms and barnacles, and therefore offers a non-toxic and environmental friendly approach for biofouling management.

Deformable elastomer systems used in our studies are easy to fabricate and can be used as complementary approach for existing commercial strategies for biofouling control. To this end, we aimed towards developed proactive multifunctional surfaces and proposed two different approaches: (i) modification of elastomers with antifouling polymers to produce multifunctional, and (ii) incorporation of silicone-oil additives into the elastomer to enhance fouling-release performance.

In approach (i), we modified poly(vinylmethylsiloxane) elastomer surfaces with zwitterionic polymers using thiol-ene click chemistry and controlled free radical polymerization. These surfaces exhibited both fouling resistance and triggered fouling-release functionalities. The zwitterionic polymers exhibited fouling resistance over short-term (∼hours) exposure to bacteria and barnacle cyprids. The biofilms that eventually accumulated over prolonged-exposure (∼days) were easily detached by applying mechanical strain to the elastomer substrate. In approach (ii), we incorporated silicone-oil additives in deformable elastomer and studied synergistic effect of silicone-oils and surface strain on barnacle detachment. We hypothesized that incorporation of silicone-oil additive reduces the amount of surface strain needed to detach barnacles. Our experimental results supported the above hypothesis and suggested that surface-action of silicone-oils plays a major role in decreasing the strain needed to detach barnacles. Further, we also examined the effect of change in substrate modulus and showed that stiffer substrates require lower amount of strain to detach barnacles.

In summary, this study shows that (1) dynamic surface deformation can be used as an effective, environmental friendly approach for biofouling control (2) stretchable elastomer surfaces modified with anti-fouling polymers provides a pro-active, dual-mode approach for biofouling control, and (3) incorporation of silicone-oils additives into stretchable elastomers improves the fouling-release performance of dynamic surface deformation technology. Dynamic surface deformation by itself and as a supplementary approach can be utilized biofouling management in biomedical, industrial and marine applications.


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Effective conservation and management of top predators requires a comprehensive understanding of their distributions and of the underlying biological and physical processes that affect these distributions. The Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf break system is a dynamic and productive region where at least 32 species of cetaceans have been recorded through various systematic and opportunistic marine mammal surveys from the 1970s through 2012. My dissertation characterizes the spatial distribution and habitat of cetaceans in the Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf break system by utilizing marine mammal line-transect survey data, synoptic multi-frequency active acoustic data, and fine-scale hydrographic data collected during the 2011 summer Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (AMAPPS) survey. Although studies describing cetacean habitat and distributions have been previously conducted in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, my research specifically focuses on the shelf break region to elucidate both the physical and biological processes that influence cetacean distribution patterns within this cetacean hotspot.

In Chapter One I review biologically important areas for cetaceans in the Atlantic waters of the United States. I describe the study area, the shelf break region of the Mid-Atlantic Bight, in terms of the general oceanography, productivity and biodiversity. According to recent habitat-based cetacean density models, the shelf break region is an area of high cetacean abundance and density, yet little research is directed at understanding the mechanisms that establish this region as a cetacean hotspot.

In Chapter Two I present the basic physical principles of sound in water and describe the methodology used to categorize opportunistically collected multi-frequency active acoustic data using frequency responses techniques. Frequency response classification methods are usually employed in conjunction with net-tow data, but the logistics of the 2011 AMAPPS survey did not allow for appropriate net-tow data to be collected. Biologically meaningful information can be extracted from acoustic scattering regions by comparing the frequency response curves of acoustic regions to theoretical curves of known scattering models. Using the five frequencies on the EK60 system (18, 38, 70, 120, and 200 kHz), three categories of scatterers were defined: fish-like (with swim bladder), nekton-like (e.g., euphausiids), and plankton-like (e.g., copepods). I also employed a multi-frequency acoustic categorization method using three frequencies (18, 38, and 120 kHz) that has been used in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank which is based the presence or absence of volume backscatter above a threshold. This method is more objective than the comparison of frequency response curves because it uses an established backscatter value for the threshold. By removing all data below the threshold, only strong scattering information is retained.

In Chapter Three I analyze the distribution of the categorized acoustic regions of interest during the daytime cross shelf transects. Over all transects, plankton-like acoustic regions of interest were detected most frequently, followed by fish-like acoustic regions and then nekton-like acoustic regions. Plankton-like detections were the only significantly different acoustic detections per kilometer, although nekton-like detections were only slightly not significant. Using the threshold categorization method by Jech and Michaels (2006) provides a more conservative and discrete detection of acoustic scatterers and allows me to retrieve backscatter values along transects in areas that have been categorized. This provides continuous data values that can be integrated at discrete spatial increments for wavelet analysis. Wavelet analysis indicates significant spatial scales of interest for fish-like and nekton-like acoustic backscatter range from one to four kilometers and vary among transects.

In Chapter Four I analyze the fine scale distribution of cetaceans in the shelf break system of the Mid-Atlantic Bight using corrected sightings per trackline region, classification trees, multidimensional scaling, and random forest analysis. I describe habitat for common dolphins, Risso’s dolphins and sperm whales. From the distribution of cetacean sightings, patterns of habitat start to emerge: within the shelf break region of the Mid-Atlantic Bight, common dolphins were sighted more prevalently over the shelf while sperm whales were more frequently found in the deep waters offshore and Risso’s dolphins were most prevalent at the shelf break. Multidimensional scaling presents clear environmental separation among common dolphins and Risso’s dolphins and sperm whales. The sperm whale random forest habitat model had the lowest misclassification error (0.30) and the Risso’s dolphin random forest habitat model had the greatest misclassification error (0.37). Shallow water depth (less than 148 meters) was the primary variable selected in the classification model for common dolphin habitat. Distance to surface density fronts and surface temperature fronts were the primary variables selected in the classification models to describe Risso’s dolphin habitat and sperm whale habitat respectively. When mapped back into geographic space, these three cetacean species occupy different fine-scale habitats within the dynamic Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf break system.

In Chapter Five I present a summary of the previous chapters and present potential analytical steps to address ecological questions pertaining the dynamic shelf break region. Taken together, the results of my dissertation demonstrate the use of opportunistically collected data in ecosystem studies; emphasize the need to incorporate middle trophic level data and oceanographic features into cetacean habitat models; and emphasize the importance of developing more mechanistic understanding of dynamic ecosystems.