76 resultados para transduction de signal


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Functional MRI (fMRI) can detect blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) hemodynamic responses secondary to neuronal activity. The most commonly used method for detecting fMRI signals is the gradient-echo echo-planar imaging (EPI) technique because of its sensitivity and speed. However, it is generally believed that a significant portion of these signals arises from large veins, with additional contribution from the capillaries and parenchyma. Early experiments using diffusion-weighted gradient-echo EPI have suggested that intra-voxel incoherent motion (IVIM) weighting inherent in the sequence can selectively attenuate contributions from different vessels based on the differences in the mobility of the blood within them. In the present study, we used similar approach to characterize the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) distribution within the activated areas of BOLD contrast. It is shown that the voxel values of the ADCs obtained from this technique can infer various vascular contributions to the BOLD signal.


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beta-arrestin-1 is an adaptor protein that mediates agonist-dependent internalization and desensitization of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and also participates in the process of heterologous desensitization between receptor tyrosine kinases and GPCR signaling. In the present study, we determined whether beta-arrestin-1 is involved in insulin-induced insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) degradation. Overexpression of wild-type (WT) beta-arrestin-1 attenuated insulin-induced degradation of IRS-1, leading to increased insulin signaling downstream of IRS-1. When endogenous beta-arrestin-1 was knocked down by transfection of beta-arrestin-1 small interfering RNA, insulin-induced IRS-1 degradation was enhanced. Insulin stimulated the association of IRS-1 and Mdm2, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, and this association was inhibited to overexpression of WT beta-arrestin-1, which led by decreased ubiquitin content of IRS-1, suggesting that both beta-arrestin-1 and IRS-1 competitively bind to Mdm2. In summary, we have found the following: (i) beta-arrestin-1 can alter insulin signaling by inhibiting insulin-induced proteasomal degradation of IRS-1; (ii) beta-arrestin-1 decreases the rate of ubiquitination of IRS-1 by competitively binding to endogenous Mdm2, an E3 ligase that can ubiquitinate IRS-1; (iii) dephosphorylation of S412 on beta-arrestin and the amino terminus of beta-arrestin-1 are required for this effect of beta-arrestin on IRS-1 degradation; and (iv) inhibition of beta-arrestin-1 leads to enhanced IRS-1 degradation and accentuated cellular insulin resistance.


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Stimulation of a mutant angiotensin type 1A receptor (DRY/AAY) with angiotensin II (Ang II) or of a wild-type receptor with an Ang II analog ([sarcosine1,Ile4,Ile8]Ang II) fails to activate classical heterotrimeric G protein signaling but does lead to recruitment of beta-arrestin 2-GFP and activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) (maximum stimulation approximately 50% of wild type). This G protein-independent activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase is abolished by depletion of cellular beta-arrestin 2 but is unaffected by the PKC inhibitor Ro-31-8425. In parallel, stimulation of the wild-type angiotensin type 1A receptor with Ang II robustly stimulates ERK1/2 activation with approximately 60% of the response blocked by the PKC inhibitor (G protein dependent) and the rest of the response blocked by depletion of cellular beta-arrestin 2 by small interfering RNA (beta-arrestin dependent). These findings imply the existence of independent G protein- and beta-arrestin 2-mediated pathways leading to ERK1/2 activation and the existence of distinct "active" conformations of a seven-membrane-spanning receptor coupled to each.


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Beta-arrestins bind to activated G protein-coupled receptor kinase-phosphorylated receptors, which leads to their desensitization with respect to G proteins, internalization via clathrin-coated pits, and signaling via a growing list of "scaffolded" pathways. To facilitate the discovery of novel adaptor and signaling roles of beta-arrestins, we have developed and validated a generally applicable interfering RNA approach for selectively suppressing beta-arrestins 1 or 2 expression by up to 95%. Beta-arrestin depletion in HEK293 cells leads to enhanced cAMP generation in response to beta(2)-adrenergic receptor stimulation, markedly reduced beta(2)-adrenergic receptor and angiotensin II receptor internalization and impaired activation of the MAP kinases ERK 1 and 2 by angiotensin II. This approach should allow discovery of novel signaling and regulatory roles for the beta-arrestins in many seven-membrane-spanning receptor systems.


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Phosphorylation of the beta(2) adrenoreceptor (beta(2)AR) by cAMP-activated protein kinase A (PKA) switches its predominant coupling from stimulatory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (G(s)) to inhibitory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (G(i)). beta-Arrestins recruit the cAMP-degrading PDE4 phosphodiesterases to the beta(2)AR, thus controlling PKA activity at the membrane. Here we investigate a role for PDE4 recruitment in regulating G protein switching by the beta(2)AR. In human embryonic kidney 293 cells overexpressing a recombinant beta(2)AR, stimulation with isoprenaline recruits beta-arrestins 1 and 2 as well as both PDE4D3 and PDE4D5 to the receptor and stimulates receptor phosphorylation by PKA. The PKA phosphorylation status of the beta(2)AR is enhanced markedly when cells are treated with the selective PDE4-inhibitor rolipram or when they are transfected with a catalytically inactive PDE4D mutant (PDE4D5-D556A) that competitively inhibits isoprenaline-stimulated recruitment of native PDE4 to the beta(2)AR. Rolipram and PDE4D5-D556A also enhance beta(2)AR-mediated activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases ERK12. This is consistent with a switch in coupling of the receptor from G(s) to G(i), because the ERK12 activation is sensitive to both inhibitors of PKA (H89) and G(i) (pertussis toxin). In cardiac myocytes, the beta(2)AR also switches from G(s) to G(i) coupling. Treating primary cardiac myocytes with isoprenaline induces recruitment of PDE4D3 and PDE4D5 to membranes and activates ERK12. Rolipram robustly enhances this activation in a manner sensitive to both pertussis toxin and H89. Adenovirus-mediated expression of PDE4D5-D556A also potentiates ERK12 activation. Thus, receptor-stimulated beta-arrestin-mediated recruitment of PDE4 plays a central role in the regulation of G protein switching by the beta(2)AR in a physiological system, the cardiac myocyte.


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Using both confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and biochemical approaches, we have examined the role of beta-arrestins in the activation and targeting of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 (ERK2) following stimulation of angiotensin II type 1a receptors (AT1aR). In HEK-293 cells expressing hemagglutinin-tagged AT1aR, angiotensin stimulation triggered beta-arrestin-2 binding to the receptor and internalization of AT1aR-beta-arrestin complexes. Using red fluorescent protein-tagged ERK2 to track the subcellular distribution of ERK2, we found that angiotensin treatment caused the redistribution of activated ERK2 into endosomal vesicles that also contained AT1aR-beta-arrestin complexes. This targeting of ERK2 reflects the formation of multiprotein complexes containing AT1aR, beta-arrestin-2, and the component kinases of the ERK cascade, cRaf-1, MEK1, and ERK2. Myc-tagged cRaf-1, MEK1, and green fluorescent protein-tagged ERK2 coprecipitated with Flag-tagged beta-arrestin-2 from transfected COS-7 cells. Coprecipitation of cRaf-1 with beta-arrestin-2 was independent of MEK1 and ERK2, whereas the coprecipitation of MEK1 and ERK2 with beta-arrestin-2 was significantly enhanced in the presence of overexpressed cRaf-1, suggesting that binding of cRaf-1 to beta-arrestin facilitates the assembly of a cRaf-1, MEK1, ERK2 complex. The phosphorylation of ERK2 in beta-arrestin complexes was markedly enhanced by coexpression of cRaf-1, and this effect is blocked by expression of a catalytically inactive dominant inhibitory mutant of MEK1. Stimulation with angiotensin increased the binding of both cRaf-1 and ERK2 to beta-arrestin-2, and the association of beta-arrestin-2, cRaf-1, and ERK2 with AT1aR. These data suggest that beta-arrestins function both as scaffolds to enhance cRaf-1 and MEK-dependent activation of ERK2, and as targeting proteins that direct activated ERK to specific subcellular locations.


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The two widely coexpressed isoforms of beta-arrestin (termed beta arrestin 1 and 2) are highly similar in amino acid sequence. The beta-arrestins bind phosphorylated heptahelical receptors to desensitize and target them to clathrin-coated pits for endocytosis. To better define differences in the roles of beta-arrestin 1 and 2, we prepared mouse embryonic fibroblasts from knockout mice that lack one of the beta-arrestins (beta arr1-KO and beta arr2-KO) or both (beta arr1/2-KO), as well as their wild-type (WT) littermate controls. These cells were analyzed for their ability to support desensitization and sequestration of the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)-AR) and the angiotensin II type 1A receptor (AT(1A)-R). Both beta arr1-KO and beta arr2-KO cells showed similar impairment in agonist-stimulated beta(2)-AR and AT(1A)-R desensitization, when compared with their WT control cells, and the beta arr1/2-KO cells were even further impaired. Sequestration of the beta(2)-AR in the beta arr2-KO cells was compromised significantly (87% reduction), whereas in the beta arr1-KO cells it was not. Agonist-stimulated internalization of the AT(1A)-R was only slightly reduced in the beta arr1-KO but was unaffected in the beta arr2-KO cells. In the beta arr1/2-KO cells, the sequestration of both receptors was dramatically reduced. Comparison of the ability of the two beta-arrestins to sequester the beta(2)-AR revealed beta-arrestin 2 to be 100-fold more potent than beta-arrestin 1. Down-regulation of the beta(2)-AR was also prevented in the beta arr1/2-KO cells, whereas no change was observed in the single knockout cells. These findings suggest that sequestration of various heptahelical receptors is regulated differently by the two beta-arrestins, whereas both isoforms are capable of supporting receptor desensitization and down-regulation.


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Pressure overload ventricular hypertrophy is accompanied by dysfunctional beta-adrenergic receptor signaling due to increased levels of the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-1, which phosphorylates and desensitizes beta-adrenergic receptors. In this study, we examined whether increased beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1 expression is associated with myocardial hypertrophy induced by adrenergic stimulation. With use of implanted mini-osmotic pumps, we treated mice with isoproterenol, phenylephrine, or vehicle to distinguish between alpha1- and beta-adrenergic stimulation. Both treatments resulted in cardiac hypertrophy, but only isoproterenol induced significant increases in beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-1 protein levels and activity. Similarly, in isolated adult rat cardiac myocytes, 24 hours of isoproterenol stimulation resulted in a significant 2.8-fold increase in beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-1 protein levels, whereas 24 hours of phenylephrine treatment did not alter beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-1 expression. Our results indicate that increased beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-1 is not invariably associated with myocardial hypertrophy but apparently is controlled by the state of beta-adrenergic receptor activation.


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Cardiac beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)AR) overexpression is a potential contractile therapy for heart failure. Cardiac contractility was elevated in mice overexpressing beta(2)ARs (TG4s) with no adverse effects under normal conditions. To assess the consequences of beta(2)AR overexpression during ischemia, perfused hearts from TG4 and wild-type mice were subjected to 20-minute ischemia and 40-minute reperfusion. During ischemia, ATP and pH fell lower in TG4 hearts than wild type. Ischemic injury was greater in TG4 hearts, as indicated by lower postischemic recoveries of contractile function, ATP, and phosphocreatine. Because beta(2)ARs, unlike beta(1)ARs, couple to G(i) as well as G(s), we pretreated mice with the G(i) inhibitor pertussis toxin (PTX). PTX treatment increased basal contractility in TG4 hearts and abolished the contractile resistance to isoproterenol. During ischemia, ATP fell lower in TG4+PTX than in TG4 hearts. Recoveries of contractile function and ATP were lower in TG4+PTX than in TG4 hearts. We also studied mice that overexpressed either betaARK1 (TGbetaARK1) or a betaARK1 inhibitor (TGbetaARKct). Recoveries of function, ATP, and phosphocreatine were higher in TGbetaARK1 hearts than in wild-type hearts. Despite basal contractility being elevated in TGbetaARKct hearts to the same level as that of TG4s, ischemic injury was not increased. In summary, beta(2)AR overexpression increased ischemic injury, whereas betaARK1 overexpression was protective. Ischemic injury in the beta(2)AR overexpressors was exacerbated by PTX treatment, implying that it was G(s) not G(i) activity that enhanced injury. Unlike beta(2)AR overexpression, basal contractility was increased by betaARK1 inhibitor expression without increasing ischemic injury, thus implicating a safer potential therapy for heart failure.


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Restenosis continues to be a major problem limiting the effectiveness of revascularization procedures. To date, the roles of heterotrimeric G proteins in the triggering of pathological vascular smooth muscle (VSM) cell proliferation have not been elucidated. betagamma subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins (Gbetagamma) are known to activate mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases after stimulation of certain G protein-coupled receptors; however, their relevance in VSM mitogenesis in vitro or in vivo is not known. Using adenoviral-mediated transfer of a transgene encoding a peptide inhibitor of Gbetagamma signaling (betaARKct), we evaluated the role of Gbetagamma in MAP kinase activation and proliferation in response to several mitogens, including serum, in cultured rat VSM cells. Our results include the striking finding that serum-induced proliferation of VSM cells in vitro is mediated largely via Gbetagamma. Furthermore, we studied the effects of in vivo adenoviral-mediated betaARKct gene transfer on VSM intimal hyperplasia in a rat carotid artery restenosis model. Our in vivo results demonstrated that the presence of the betaARKct in injured rat carotid arteries significantly reduced VSM intimal hyperplasia by 70%. Thus, Gbetagamma plays a critical role in physiological VSM proliferation, and targeted Gbetagamma inhibition represents a novel approach for the treatment of pathological conditions such as restenosis.


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Vein grafting results in the development of intimal hyperplasia with accompanying changes in guanine nucleotide-binding (G) protein expression and function. Several serum mitogens that act through G protein-coupled receptors, such as lysophosphatidic acid, stimulate proliferative pathways that are dependent on the G protein betagamma subunit (Gbetagamma)-mediated activation of p21ras. This study examines the role of Gbetagamma signaling in intimal hyperplasia by targeting a gene encoding a specific Gbetagamma inhibitor in an experimental rabbit vein graft model. This inhibitor, the carboxyl terminus of the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (betaARK(CT)), contains a Gbetagamma-binding domain. Vein graft intimal hyperplasia was significantly reduced by 37% (P<0.01), and physiological studies demonstrated that the normal alterations in G protein coupling phenotypically seen in this model were blocked by betaARK(CT) treatment. Thus, it appears that Gbetagamma-mediated pathways play a major role in intimal hyperplasia and that targeting inhibitors of Gbetagamma signaling offers novel intraoperative therapeutic modalities to inhibit the development of vein graft intimal hyperplasia and subsequent vein graft failure.


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Cardiovascular gene therapy is a novel approach to the treatment of diseases such as congestive heart failure (CHF). Gene transfer to the heart would allow for the replacement of defective or missing cellular proteins that may improve cardiac performance. Our laboratory has been focusing on the feasibility of restoring beta-adrenergic signaling deficiencies that are a characteristic of chronic CHF. We have now studied isolated ventricular myocytes from rabbits that have been chronically paced to produce hemodynamic failure. We document molecular beta-adrenergic signaling defects including down-regulation of myocardial beta-adrenergic receptors (beta-ARs), functional beta-AR uncoupling, and an up-regulation of the beta-AR kinase (betaARK1). Adenoviral-mediated gene transfer of the human beta2-AR or an inhibitor of betaARK1 to these failing myocytes led to the restoration of beta-AR signaling. These results demonstrate that defects present in this critical myocardial signaling pathway can be corrected in vitro using genetic modification and raise the possibility of novel inotropic therapies for CHF including the inhibition of betaARK1 activity in the heart.


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Our laboratory has been testing the hypothesis that genetic modulation of the beta-adrenergic signaling cascade can enhance cardiac function. We have previously shown that transgenic mice with cardiac overexpression of either the human beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2AR) or an inhibitor of the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (betaARK), an enzyme that phosphorylates and uncouples agonist-bound receptors, have increased myocardial inotropy. We now have created recombinant adenoviruses encoding either the beta2AR (Adeno-beta2AR) or a peptide betaARK inhibitor (consisting of the carboxyl terminus of betaARK1, Adeno-betaARKct) and tested their ability to potentiate beta-adrenergic signaling in cultured adult rabbit ventricular myocytes. As assessed by radioligand binding, Adeno-beta2AR infection led to approximately 20-fold overexpression of beta-adrenergic receptors. Protein immunoblots demonstrated the presence of the Adeno-betaARKct transgene. Both transgenes significantly increased isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP as compared to myocytes infected with an adenovirus encoding beta-galactosidase (Adeno-betaGal) but did not affect the sarcolemmal adenylyl cyclase response to Forskolin or NaF. beta-Adrenergic agonist-induced desensitization was significantly inhibited in Adeno-betaARKct-infected myocytes (16+/-2%) as compared to Adeno-betaGal-infected myocytes (37+/-1%, P < 0.001). We conclude that recombinant adenoviral gene transfer of the beta2AR or an inhibitor of betaARK-mediated desensitization can potentiate beta-adrenergic signaling.


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