41 resultados para Cell-mediated immunity


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Phosphorylation of the beta(2) adrenoreceptor (beta(2)AR) by cAMP-activated protein kinase A (PKA) switches its predominant coupling from stimulatory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (G(s)) to inhibitory guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (G(i)). beta-Arrestins recruit the cAMP-degrading PDE4 phosphodiesterases to the beta(2)AR, thus controlling PKA activity at the membrane. Here we investigate a role for PDE4 recruitment in regulating G protein switching by the beta(2)AR. In human embryonic kidney 293 cells overexpressing a recombinant beta(2)AR, stimulation with isoprenaline recruits beta-arrestins 1 and 2 as well as both PDE4D3 and PDE4D5 to the receptor and stimulates receptor phosphorylation by PKA. The PKA phosphorylation status of the beta(2)AR is enhanced markedly when cells are treated with the selective PDE4-inhibitor rolipram or when they are transfected with a catalytically inactive PDE4D mutant (PDE4D5-D556A) that competitively inhibits isoprenaline-stimulated recruitment of native PDE4 to the beta(2)AR. Rolipram and PDE4D5-D556A also enhance beta(2)AR-mediated activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases ERK12. This is consistent with a switch in coupling of the receptor from G(s) to G(i), because the ERK12 activation is sensitive to both inhibitors of PKA (H89) and G(i) (pertussis toxin). In cardiac myocytes, the beta(2)AR also switches from G(s) to G(i) coupling. Treating primary cardiac myocytes with isoprenaline induces recruitment of PDE4D3 and PDE4D5 to membranes and activates ERK12. Rolipram robustly enhances this activation in a manner sensitive to both pertussis toxin and H89. Adenovirus-mediated expression of PDE4D5-D556A also potentiates ERK12 activation. Thus, receptor-stimulated beta-arrestin-mediated recruitment of PDE4 plays a central role in the regulation of G protein switching by the beta(2)AR in a physiological system, the cardiac myocyte.


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Our laboratory has been testing the hypothesis that genetic modulation of the beta-adrenergic signaling cascade can enhance cardiac function. We have previously shown that transgenic mice with cardiac overexpression of either the human beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2AR) or an inhibitor of the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (betaARK), an enzyme that phosphorylates and uncouples agonist-bound receptors, have increased myocardial inotropy. We now have created recombinant adenoviruses encoding either the beta2AR (Adeno-beta2AR) or a peptide betaARK inhibitor (consisting of the carboxyl terminus of betaARK1, Adeno-betaARKct) and tested their ability to potentiate beta-adrenergic signaling in cultured adult rabbit ventricular myocytes. As assessed by radioligand binding, Adeno-beta2AR infection led to approximately 20-fold overexpression of beta-adrenergic receptors. Protein immunoblots demonstrated the presence of the Adeno-betaARKct transgene. Both transgenes significantly increased isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP as compared to myocytes infected with an adenovirus encoding beta-galactosidase (Adeno-betaGal) but did not affect the sarcolemmal adenylyl cyclase response to Forskolin or NaF. beta-Adrenergic agonist-induced desensitization was significantly inhibited in Adeno-betaARKct-infected myocytes (16+/-2%) as compared to Adeno-betaGal-infected myocytes (37+/-1%, P < 0.001). We conclude that recombinant adenoviral gene transfer of the beta2AR or an inhibitor of betaARK-mediated desensitization can potentiate beta-adrenergic signaling.


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Stimulation of Gi-coupled receptors leads to the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAP kinases). In several cell types, this appears to be dependent on the activation of p21ras (Ras). Which G-protein subunit(s) (G alpha or the G beta gamma complex) primarily is responsible for triggering this signaling pathway, however, is unclear. We have demonstrated previously that the carboxyl terminus of the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase, containing its G beta gamma-binding domain, is a cellular G beta gamma antagonist capable of specifically distinguishing G alpha- and G beta gamma-mediated processes. Using this G beta gamma inhibitor, we studied Ras and MAP kinase activation through endogenous Gi-coupled receptors in Rat-1 fibroblasts and through receptors expressed by transiently transfected COS-7 cells. We report here that both Ras and MAP kinase activation in response to lysophosphatidic acid is markedly attenuated in Rat-1 cells stably transfected with a plasmid encoding this G beta gamma antagonist. Likewise in COS-7 cells transfected with plasmids encoding Gi-coupled receptors (alpha 2-adrenergic and M2 muscarinic), the activation of Ras and MAP kinase was significantly reduced in the presence of the coexpressed G beta gamma antagonist. Ras-MAP kinase activation mediated through a Gq-coupled receptor (alpha 1-adrenergic) or the tyrosine kinase epidermal growth factor receptor was unaltered by this G beta gamma antagonist. These results identify G beta gamma as the primary mediator of Ras activation and subsequent signaling via MAP kinase in response to stimulation of Gi-coupled receptors.


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The beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (beta ARK) phosphorylates its membrane-associated receptor substrates, such as the beta-adrenergic receptor, triggering events leading to receptor desensitization. beta ARK activity is markedly stimulated by the isoprenylated beta gamma subunit complex of heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G beta gamma), which translocates the kinase to the plasma membrane and thereby targets it to its receptor substrate. The amino-terminal two-thirds of beta ARK1 composes the receptor recognition and catalytic domains, while the carboxyl third contains the G beta gamma binding sequences, the targeting domain. We prepared this domain as a recombinant His6 fusion protein from Escherichia coli and found that it had both independent secondary structure and functional activity. We demonstrated the inhibitory properties of this domain against G beta gamma activation of type II adenylyl cyclase both in a reconstituted system utilizing Sf9 insect cell membranes and in a permeabilized 293 human embryonic kidney cell system. Gi alpha-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase was not affected. These data suggest that this His6 fusion protein derived from the carboxyl terminus of beta ARK1 provides a specific probe for defining G beta gamma-mediated processes and for studying the structural features of a G beta gamma-binding domain.


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The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the human intervertebral disc is rich in molecules that interact with cells through integrin-mediated attachments. Porcine nucleus pulposus (NP) cells have been shown to interact with laminin (LM) isoforms LM-111 and LM-511 through select integrins that regulate biosynthesis and cell attachment. Since human NP cells lose many phenotypic characteristics with age, attachment and interaction with the ECM may be altered. Expression of LM-binding integrins was quantified for human NP cells using flow cytometry. The cell-ECM attachment mechanism was determined by quantifying cell attachment to LM-111, LM-511, or type II collagen after functionally blocking specific integrin subunits. Human NP cells express integrins β1, α3, and α5, with over 70% of cells positive for each subunit. Blocking subunit β1 inhibited NP cell attachment to all substrates. Blocking subunits α1, α2, α3, and α5 simultaneously, but not individually, inhibits NP cell attachment to laminins. While integrin α6β1 mediated porcine NP cell attachment to LM-111, we found integrins α3, α5, and β1 instead contributed to human NP cell attachment. These findings identify integrin subunits that may mediate interactions with the ECM for human NP cells and could be used to promote cell attachment, survival, and biosynthesis in cell-based therapeutics.


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Many of the biochemical reactions of apoptotic cell death, including mitochondrial cytochrome c release and caspase activation, can be reconstituted in cell-free extracts derived from Xenopus eggs. In addition, because caspase activation does not occur until the egg extract has been incubated for several hours on the bench, upstream signaling processes occurring before full apoptosis are rendered accessible to biochemical manipulation. We reported previously that the adaptor protein Crk is required for apoptotic signaling in egg extracts (Evans, E.K., W. Lu, S.L. Strum, B.J. Mayer, and S. Kornbluth. 1997. EMBO (Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ.) J. 16:230-241). Moreover, we demonstrated that removal of Crk Src homology (SH)2 or SH3 interactors from the extracts prevented apoptosis. We now report the finding that the relevant Crk SH2-interacting protein, important for apoptotic signaling in the extract, is the well-known cell cycle regulator, Wee1. We have demonstrated a specific interaction between tyrosine-phosphorylated Wee1 and the Crk SH2 domain and have shown that recombinant Wee1 can restore apoptosis to an extract depleted of SH2 interactors. Moreover, exogenous Wee1 accelerated apoptosis in egg extracts, and this acceleration was largely dependent on the presence of endogenous Crk protein. As other Cdk inhibitors, such as roscovitine and Myt1, did not act like Wee1 to accelerate apoptosis, we propose that Wee1-Crk complexes signal in a novel apoptotic pathway, which may be unrelated to Wee1's role as a cell cycle regulator.


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Proapoptotic Bcl-2 family members, such as Bax, promote release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, leading to caspase activation and cell death. It was previously reported that modulator of apoptosis protein 1 (MOAP-1), an enhancer of Bax activation induced by DNA damage, is stabilized by Trim39, a protein of unknown function. In this paper, we show that MOAP-1 is a novel substrate of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C(Cdh1)) ubiquitin ligase. The influence of Trim39 on MOAP-1 levels stems from the ability of Trim39 (a RING domain E3 ligase) to directly inhibit APC/C(Cdh1)-mediated protein ubiquitylation. Accordingly, small interfering ribonucleic acid-mediated knockdown of Cdh1 stabilized MOAP-1, thereby enhancing etoposide-induced Bax activation and apoptosis. These data identify Trim39 as a novel APC/C regulator and provide an unexpected link between the APC/C and apoptotic regulation via MOAP-1.


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Ataxia telangiectasia mutant (ATM) is an S/T-Q-directed kinase that is critical for the cellular response to double-stranded breaks (DSBs) in DNA. Following DNA damage, ATM is activated and recruited by the MRN protein complex [meiotic recombination 11 (Mre11)/DNA repair protein Rad50/Nijmegen breakage syndrome 1 proteins] to sites of DNA damage where ATM phosphorylates multiple substrates to trigger cell-cycle arrest. In cancer cells, this regulation may be faulty, and cell division may proceed even in the presence of damaged DNA. We show here that the ribosomal s6 kinase (Rsk), often elevated in cancers, can suppress DSB-induced ATM activation in both Xenopus egg extracts and human tumor cell lines. In analyzing each step in ATM activation, we have found that Rsk targets loading of MRN complex components onto DNA at DSB sites. Rsk can phosphorylate the Mre11 protein directly at S676 both in vitro and in intact cells and thereby can inhibit the binding of Mre11 to DNA with DSBs. Accordingly, mutation of S676 to Ala can reverse inhibition of the response to DSBs by Rsk. Collectively, these data point to Mre11 as an important locus of Rsk-mediated checkpoint inhibition acting upstream of ATM activation.


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Using A/J mice, which are susceptible to Staphylococcus aureus, we sought to identify genetic determinants of susceptibility to S. aureus, and evaluate their function with regard to S. aureus infection. One QTL region on chromosome 11 containing 422 genes was found to be significantly associated with susceptibility to S. aureus infection. Of these 422 genes, whole genome transcription profiling identified five genes (Dcaf7, Dusp3, Fam134c, Psme3, and Slc4a1) that were significantly differentially expressed in a) S. aureus -infected susceptible (A/J) vs. resistant (C57BL/6J) mice and b) humans with S. aureus blood stream infection vs. healthy subjects. Three of these genes (Dcaf7, Dusp3, and Psme3) were down-regulated in susceptible vs. resistant mice at both pre- and post-infection time points by qPCR. siRNA-mediated knockdown of Dusp3 and Psme3 induced significant increases of cytokine production in S. aureus-challenged RAW264.7 macrophages and bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs) through enhancing NF-κB signaling activity. Similar increases in cytokine production and NF-κB activity were also seen in BMDMs from CSS11 (C57BL/6J background with chromosome 11 from A/J), but not C57BL/6J. These findings suggest that Dusp3 and Psme3 contribute to S. aureus infection susceptibility in A/J mice and play a role in human S. aureus infection.


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Depletional strategies directed toward achieving tolerance induction in organ transplantation have been associated with an increased incidence and risk of antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) and graft injury. Our clinical data suggest correlation of increased serum B cell activating factor/survival factor (BAFF) with increased risk of antibody-mediated rejection in alemtuzumab treated patients. In the present study, we tested the ability of BAFF blockade (TACI-Ig) in a nonhuman primate AMR model to prevent alloantibody production and prolong allograft survival. Three animals received the AMR inducing regimen (CD3-IT/alefacept/tacrolimus) with TACI-Ig (atacicept), compared to five control animals treated with the AMR inducing regimen only. TACI-Ig treatment lead to decreased levels of DSA in treated animals at 2 and 4 weeks posttransplantation (p < 0.05). In addition, peripheral B cell numbers were significantly lower at 6 weeks posttransplantation. However, it provided only a marginal increase in graft survival (59 ± 22 vs. 102 ± 47 days; p = 0.11). Histological analysis revealed a substantial reduction in findings typically associated with humoral rejection with atacicept treatment. More T cell rejection findings were observed with increased graft T cell infiltration in atacicept treatment, likely secondary to the graft prolongation. We show that BAFF/APRIL blockade using concomitant TACI-Ig treatment reduced the humoral portion of rejection in our depletion-induced preclinical AMR model.


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Chronic allograft rejection is a major impediment to long-term transplant success. Humoral immune responses to alloantigens are a growing clinical problem in transplantation, with mounting evidence associating alloantibodies with the development of chronic rejection. Nearly a third of transplant recipients develop de novo antibodies, for which no established therapies are effective at preventing or eliminating, highlighting the need for a nonhuman primate model of antibody-mediated rejection. In this report, we demonstrate that depletion using anti-CD3 immunotoxin (IT) combined with maintenance immunosuppression that included tacrolimus with or without alefacept reliably prolonged renal allograft survival in rhesus monkeys. In these animals, a preferential skewing toward CD4 repopulation and proliferation was observed, particularly with the addition of alefacept. Furthermore, alefacept-treated animals demonstrated increased alloantibody production (100%) and morphologic features of antibody-mediated injury. In vitro, alefacept was found to enhance CD4 effector memory T cell proliferation. In conclusion, alefacept administration after depletion and with tacrolimus promotes a CD4+memory T cell and alloantibody response, with morphologic changes reflecting antibody-mediated allograft injury. Early and consistent de novo alloantibody production with associated histological changes makes this nonhuman primate model an attractive candidate for evaluating targeted therapeutics.