23 resultados para Transcription, Genetic -- physiology


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Fluctuations in nutrient availability profoundly impact gene expression. Previous work revealed postrecruitment regulation of RNA polymerase II (Pol II) during starvation and recovery in Caenorhabditis elegans, suggesting that promoter-proximal pausing promotes rapid response to feeding. To test this hypothesis, we measured Pol II elongation genome wide by two complementary approaches and analyzed elongation in conjunction with Pol II binding and expression. We confirmed bona fide pausing during starvation and also discovered Pol II docking. Pausing occurs at active stress-response genes that become downregulated in response to feeding. In contrast, "docked" Pol II accumulates without initiating upstream of inactive growth genes that become rapidly upregulated upon feeding. Beyond differences in function and expression, these two sets of genes have different core promoter motifs, suggesting alternative transcriptional machinery. Our work suggests that growth and stress genes are both regulated postrecruitment during starvation but at initiation and elongation, respectively, coordinating gene expression with nutrient availability.


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Existing theories explain why operons are advantageous in prokaryotes, but their occurrence in metazoans is an enigma. Nematode operon genes, typically consisting of growth genes, are significantly upregulated during recovery from growth-arrested states. This expression pattern is anticorrelated to nonoperon genes, consistent with a competition for transcriptional resources. We find that transcriptional resources are initially limiting during recovery and that recovering animals are highly sensitive to any additional decrease in transcriptional resources. We provide evidence that operons become advantageous because, by clustering growth genes into operons, fewer promoters compete for the limited transcriptional machinery, effectively increasing the concentration of transcriptional resources and accelerating recovery. Mathematical modeling reveals how a moderate increase in transcriptional resources can substantially enhance transcription rate and recovery. This design principle occurs in different nematodes and the chordate C. intestinalis. As transition from arrest to rapid growth is shared by many metazoans, operons could have evolved to facilitate these processes.


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Genes can maintain spatiotemporal expression patterns by long-range interactions between cis-acting elements. The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene (CFTR) is expressed primarily in epithelial cells. An element located within a DNase I-hypersensitive site (DHS) 10 kb into the first intron was previously shown to augment CFTR promoter activity in a tissue-specific manner. Here, we reveal the mechanism by which this element influences CFTR transcription. We employed a high-resolution method of mapping DHS using tiled microarrays to accurately locate the intron 1 DHS. Transfection of promoter-reporter constructs demonstrated that the element displays classical tissue-specific enhancer properties and can independently recruit factors necessary for transcription initiation. In vitro DNase I footprinting analysis identified a protected region that corresponds to a conserved, predicted binding site for hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 (HNF1). We demonstrate by electromobility shift assays (EMSA) and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) that HNF1 binds to this element both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, using chromosome conformation capture (3C) analysis, we show that this element interacts with the CFTR promoter in CFTR-expressing cells. These data provide the first insight into the three- dimensional (3D) structure of the CFTR locus and confirm the contribution of intronic cis-acting elements to the regulation of CFTR gene expression.


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One aspect of the function of the beta-arrestins is to serve as scaffold or adapter molecules coupling G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) to signal transduction pathways distinct from traditional second messenger pathways. Here we report the identification of Dishevelled 1 and Dishevelled 2 (Dvl1 and Dvl2) as beta-arrestin1 (betaarr1) interacting proteins. Dvl proteins participate as key intermediates in signal transmission from the seven membrane-spanning Frizzled receptors leading to inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta), stabilization of beta-catenin, and activation of the lymphoid enhancer factor (LEF) transcription factor. We find that phosphorylation of Dvl strongly enhances its interaction with betaarr1, suggesting that regulation of Dvl phosphorylation and subsequent interaction with betaarr1 may play a key role in the activation of the LEF transcription pathway. Because coexpression of the Dvl kinases, CK1epsilon and PAR-1, with Dvl synergistically activates LEF reporter gene activity, we reasoned that coexpression of betaarr1 with Dvl might also affect LEF-dependent gene activation. Interestingly, whereas betaarr1 or Dvl alone leads to low-level stimulation of LEF (2- to 5-fold), coexpression of betaarr1 with either Dvl1 or Dvl2 leads to a synergistic activation of LEF (up to 16-fold). Additional experiments with LiCl as an inhibitor of GSK-3beta kinase activity indicate that the step affected by betaarr1 is upstream of GSK-3beta and most likely at the level of Dvl. These results identify betaarr1 as a regulator of Dvl-dependent LEF transcription and suggest that betaarr1 might serve as an adapter molecule that can couple Frizzled receptors and perhaps other GPCRs to these important transcription pathways.


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DNaseI footprinting is an established assay for identifying transcription factor (TF)-DNA interactions with single base pair resolution. High-throughput DNase-seq assays have recently been used to detect in vivo DNase footprints across the genome. Multiple computational approaches have been developed to identify DNase-seq footprints as predictors of TF binding. However, recent studies have pointed to a substantial cleavage bias of DNase and its negative impact on predictive performance of footprinting. To assess the potential for using DNase-seq to identify individual binding sites, we performed DNase-seq on deproteinized genomic DNA and determined sequence cleavage bias. This allowed us to build bias corrected and TF-specific footprint models. The predictive performance of these models demonstrated that predicted footprints corresponded to high-confidence TF-DNA interactions. DNase-seq footprints were absent under a fraction of ChIP-seq peaks, which we show to be indicative of weaker binding, indirect TF-DNA interactions or possible ChIP artifacts. The modeling approach was also able to detect variation in the consensus motifs that TFs bind to. Finally, cell type specific footprints were detected within DNase hypersensitive sites that are present in multiple cell types, further supporting that footprints can identify changes in TF binding that are not detectable using other strategies.


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Despite an emerging understanding of the genetic alterations giving rise to various tumors, the mechanisms whereby most oncogenes are overexpressed remain unclear. Here we have utilized an integrated approach of genomewide regulatory element mapping via DNase-seq followed by conventional reporter assays and transcription factor binding site discovery to characterize the transcriptional regulation of the medulloblastoma oncogene Orthodenticle Homeobox 2 (OTX2). Through these studies we have revealed that OTX2 is differentially regulated in medulloblastoma at the level of chromatin accessibility, which is in part mediated by DNA methylation. In cell lines exhibiting chromatin accessibility of OTX2 regulatory regions, we found that autoregulation maintains OTX2 expression. Comparison of medulloblastoma regulatory elements with those of the developing brain reveals that these tumors engage a developmental regulatory program to drive OTX2 transcription. Finally, we have identified a transcriptional regulatory element mediating retinoid-induced OTX2 repression in these tumors. This work characterizes for the first time the mechanisms of OTX2 overexpression in medulloblastoma. Furthermore, this study establishes proof of principle for applying ENCODE datasets towards the characterization of upstream trans-acting factors mediating expression of individual genes.


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Mitotic genome instability can occur during the repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in DNA, which arise from endogenous and exogenous sources. Studying the mechanisms of DNA repair in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae has shown that Homologous Recombination (HR) is a vital repair mechanism for DSBs. HR can result in a crossover event, in which the broken molecule reciprocally exchanges information with a homologous repair template. The current model of double-strand break repair (DSBR) also allows for a tract of information to non-reciprocally transfer from the template molecule to the broken molecule. These “gene conversion” events can vary in size and can occur in conjunction with a crossover event or in isolation. The frequency and size of gene conversions in isolation and gene conversions associated with crossing over has been a source of debate due to the variation in systems used to detect gene conversions and the context in which the gene conversions are measured.

In Chapter 2, I use an unbiased system that measures the frequency and size of gene conversion events, as well as the association of gene conversion events with crossing over between homologs in diploid yeast. We show mitotic gene conversions occur at a rate of 1.3x10-6 per cell division, are either large (median 54.0kb) or small (median 6.4kb), and are associated with crossing over 43% of the time.

DSBs can arise from endogenous cellular processes such as replication and transcription. Two important RNA/DNA hybrids are involved in replication and transcription: R-loops, which form when an RNA transcript base pairs with the DNA template and displaces the non-template DNA strand, and ribonucleotides embedded into DNA (rNMPs), which arise when replicative polymerase errors insert ribonucleotide instead of deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates. RNaseH1 (encoded by RNH1) and RNaseH2 (whose catalytic subunit is encoded by RNH201) both recognize and degrade the RNA in within R-loops while RNaseH2 alone recognizes, nicks, and initiates removal of rNMPs embedded into DNA. Due to their redundant abilities to act on RNA:DNA hybrids, aberrant removal of rNMPs from DNA has been thought to lead to genome instability in an rnh201Δ background.

In Chapter 3, I characterize (1) non-selective genome-wide homologous recombination events and (2) crossing over on chromosome IV in mutants defective in RNaseH1, RNaseH2, or RNaseH1 and RNaseH2. Using a mutant DNA polymerase that incorporates 4-fold fewer rNMPs than wild type, I demonstrate that the primary recombinogenic lesion in the RNaseH2-defective genome is not rNMPs, but rather R-loops. This work suggests different in-vivo roles for RNaseH1 and RNaseH2 in resolving R-loops in yeast and is consistent with R-loops, not rNMPs, being the the likely source of pathology in Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome patients defective in RNaseH2.


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The genomes of many strains of baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, contain multiple repeats of the copper-binding protein Cup1. Cup1 is a member of the metallothionein family, and is found in a tandem array on chromosome VIII. In this thesis, I describe studies that characterized these tandem arrays and their mechanism of formation across diverse strains of yeast. I show that CUP1 arrays are an illuminating model system for observing recombination in eukaryotes, and describe insights derived from these observations.

In our first study, we analyzed 101 natural isolates of S. cerevisiae in order to examine the diversity of CUP1-containing repeats across different strains. We identified five distinct classes of repeats that contain CUP1. We also showed that some strains have only a single copy of CUP1. By comparing the sequences of all the strains, we were able to elucidate the mechanism of formation of the CUP1 tandem arrays, which involved unequal non-homologous recombination events starting from a strain that had only a single CUP1 gene. Our observation of CUP1 repeat formation allows more general insights about the formation of tandem repeats from single-copy genes in eukaryotes, which is one of the most important mechanisms by which organisms evolve.

In our second study, we delved deeper into our mechanistic investigations by measuring the relative rates of inter-homolog and intra-/inter-sister chromatid recombination in CUP1 tandem arrays. We used a diploid strain that is heterozygous both for insertion of a selectable marker (URA3) inside the tandem array, and also for markers at either end of the array. The intra-/inter-sister chromatid recombination rate turned out to be more than ten-fold greater than the inter-homolog rate. Moreover, we found that loss of the proteins Rad51 and Rad52, which are required for most inter-homolog recombination, did not greatly reduce recombination in the CUP1 tandem repeats. Additionally, we investigated the effects of elevated copper levels on the rate of each type of recombination at the CUP1 locus. Both types of recombination are increased at high concentrations of copper (as is known to be the case for CUP1 transcription). Furthermore, the inter-homolog recombination rate at the CUP1 locus is higher than the average over the genome during mitosis, but is lower than the average during meiosis.

The research described in Chapter 2 is published in 2014.