3 resultados para liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS)

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The work outlined in this dissertation will allow biochemists and cellular biologists to characterize polyubiquitin chains involved in their cellular environment by following a facile mass spectrometric based workflow. The characterization of polyubiquitin chains has been of interest since their discovery in 1984. The profound effects of ubiquitination on the movement and processing of cellular proteins depend exclusively on the structures of mono and polyubiquitin modifications anchored or unanchored on the protein within the cellular environment. However, structure-function studies have been hindered by the difficulty in identifying complex chain structures due to limited instrument capabilities of the past. Genetic mutations or reiterative immunoprecipitations have been used previously to characterize the polyubiquitin chains, but their tedium makes it difficult to study a broad ubiquitinome. Top-down and middle-out mass spectral based proteomic studies have been reported for polyubiquitin and have had success in characterizing parts of the chain, but no method to date has been successful at differentiating all theoretical ubiquitin chain isomers (ubiquitin chain lengths from dimer to tetramer alone have 1340 possible isomers). The workflow presented here can identify chain length, topology and linkages present using a chromatographic-time-scale compatible, LC-MS/MS based workflow. To accomplish this feat, the strategy had to exploit the most recent advances in top-down mass spectrometry. This included the most advanced electron transfer dissociation (ETD) activation and sensitivity for large masses from the orbitrap Fusion Lumos. The spectral interpretation had to be done manually with the aid of a graphical interface to assign mass shifts because of a lack of software capable to interpret fragmentation across isopeptide linkages. However, the method outlined can be applied to any mass spectral based system granted it results in extensive fragmentation across the polyubiquitin chain; making this method adaptable to future advances in the field.


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Exosomes released by myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) are 30 nm in diameter extracellular vesicles that have been shown to carry biologically active proteins as well as ubiquitin molecules. Ubiquitin is known to have many functions, including involvement in the formation of exosomes, although the exact role is highly contested. In the study reported here, the proteome and ubiquitome of MDSC exosomes has been investigated by bottom-up proteomics techniques. This report identifies more than 1000 proteins contained in the MDSC exosome cargo and 489 sites of ubiquitination in more than 300 ubiquitinated proteins based on recognition of glycinylglycine tagged peptides without antibody enrichment. This has allowed extensive chemical and biological characterization of the ubiquitinated cohort compared to that of the entire protein cargo to support hypotheses on the role of ubiquitin in exosomes.


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The burden of chronic diseases such as cancer is increasing in low and middle income countries around the globe. Nepal, one of the world’s poorest countries, is no exception to this trend, with lung cancer as the leading causes of cancer deaths. Despite this, limited data is available on the environmental and behavioral risk factors that contribute to the lung cancer etiology in Nepal. The objectives of this dissertation are to: 1) investigate the ethnic differences in consumption of local tobacco products and their role in lung cancer risk in Nepal; 2) evaluate urinary metabolite of 1,3-butadiene as a biomarker of exposure to combustion related household air pollution (CRHAP); 3) investigate the association between CRHAP exposure and lung cancer risk using urinary metabolite of 1,3-butadiene as a biomarker of exposure; 4) investigate the association between CRHAP exposure and lung cancer risk using questionnaire based measure of exposure. Lung cancer cases (n=606) and frequency matched controls (N=606) were recruited from B.P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital. We obtained biological samples and information on lifestyles including cooking habits and type of fuels used. We used liquid chromatograph tandem mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS) to quantify urinary metabolites of 1,3-butadiene in urine samples. We employed a combination of logistic and linear regression models to detect any exposure-disease associations while controlling for known confounding variables. Overall, we found that ethnic groups in Nepal use different tobacco products that have different differing cancer potency -we observed the highest odds ratios for the traditional tobacco products. The biomarker analysis showed strong evidence that monohydroxybutyl mercapturic acid is associated with biomass fuel use among participants. However, we did not find significant association between urinary MHMBA and lung cancer risk. When we used questionnaire based measure of exposure to household air pollution, we observed significant, dose-response associations between CRHAP exposure and lung cancer risk, particularly among never-smokers. Our results show that important role of local tobacco products in lung cancer risk in Nepal. Furthermore, we demonstrate that CRHAP exposure is a risk factor for lung cancer risk, independent of tobacco smoking.