4 resultados para experimental modeling

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Twin-screw extrusion is used to compound fillers into a polymer matrix in order to improve the properties of the final product. The resultant properties of the composite are determined by the operating conditions used during extrusion processing. Changes in the operating conditions affect the physics of the melt flow, inducing unique composite properties. In the following work, the Residence Stress Distribution methodology has been applied to model both the stress behavior and the property response of a twin-screw compounding process as a function of the operating conditions. The compounding of a pigment into a polymer melt has been investigated to determine the effect of stress on the degree of mixing, which will affect the properties of the composite. In addition, the pharmaceutical properties resulting from the compounding of an active pharmaceutical ingredient are modeled as a function of the operating conditions, indicating the physical behavior inducing the property responses.


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Experimental and analytical studies were conducted to explore thermo-acoustic coupling during the onset of combustion instability in various air-breathing combustor configurations. These include a laboratory-scale 200-kW dump combustor and a 100-kW augmentor featuring a v-gutter flame holder. They were used to simulate main combustion chambers and afterburners in aero engines, respectively. The three primary themes of this work includes: 1) modeling heat release fluctuations for stability analysis, 2) conducting active combustion control with alternative fuels, and 3) demonstrating practical active control for augmentor instability suppression. The phenomenon of combustion instabilities remains an unsolved problem in propulsion engines, mainly because of the difficulty in predicting the fluctuating component of heat release without extensive testing. A hybrid model was developed to describe both the temporal and spatial variations in dynamic heat release, using a separation of variables approach that requires only a limited amount of experimental data. The use of sinusoidal basis functions further reduced the amount of data required. When the mean heat release behavior is known, the only experimental data needed for detailed stability analysis is one instantaneous picture of heat release at the peak pressure phase. This model was successfully tested in the dump combustor experiments, reproducing the correct sign of the overall Rayleigh index as well as the remarkably accurate spatial distribution pattern of fluctuating heat release. Active combustion control was explored for fuel-flexible combustor operation using twelve different jet fuels including bio-synthetic and Fischer-Tropsch types. Analysis done using an actuated spray combustion model revealed that the combustion response times of these fuels were similar. Combined with experimental spray characterizations, this suggested that controller performance should remain effective with various alternative fuels. Active control experiments validated this analysis while demonstrating 50-70\% reduction in the peak spectral amplitude. A new model augmentor was built and tested for combustion dynamics using schlieren and chemiluminescence techniques. Novel active control techniques including pulsed air injection were implemented and the results were compared with the pulsed fuel injection approach. The pulsed injection of secondary air worked just as effectively for suppressing the augmentor instability, setting up the possibility of more efficient actuation strategy.


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This dissertation presents work done in the design, modeling, and fabrication of magnetically actuated microrobot legs. Novel fabrication processes for manufacturing multi-material compliant mechanisms have been used to fabricate effective legged robots at both the meso and micro scales, where the meso scale refers to the transition between macro and micro scales. This work discusses the development of a novel mesoscale manufacturing process, Laser Cut Elastomer Refill (LaCER), for prototyping millimeter-scale multi-material compliant mechanisms with elastomer hinges. Additionally discussed is an extension of previous work on the development of a microscale manufacturing process for fabricating micrometer-sale multi-material compliant mechanisms with elastomer hinges, with the added contribution of a method for incorporating magnetic materials for mechanism actuation using externally applied fields. As both of the fabrication processes outlined make significant use of highly compliant elastomer hinges, a fast, accurate modeling method for these hinges was desired for mechanism characterization and design. An analytical model was developed for this purpose, making use of the pseudo rigid-body (PRB) model and extending its utility to hinges with significant stretch component, such as those fabricated from elastomer materials. This model includes 3 springs with stiffnesses relating to material stiffness and hinge geometry, with additional correction factors for aspects particular to common multi-material hinge geometry. This model has been verified against a finite element analysis model (FEA), which in turn was matched to experimental data on mesoscale hinges manufactured using LaCER. These modeling methods have additionally been verified against experimental data from microscale hinges manufactured using the Si/elastomer/magnetics MEMS process. The development of several mechanisms is also discussed: including a mesoscale LaCER-fabricated hexapedal millirobot capable of walking at 2.4 body lengths per second; prototyped mesoscale LaCER-fabricated underactuated legs with asymmetrical features for improved performance; 1 centimeter cubed LaCER-fabricated magnetically-actuated hexapods which use the best-performing underactuated leg design to locomote at up to 10.6 body lengths per second; five microfabricated magnetically actuated single-hinge mechanisms; a 14-hinge, 11-link microfabricated gripper mechanism; a microfabricated robot leg mechansim demonstrated clearing a step height of 100 micrometers; and a 4 mm x 4 mm x 5 mm, 25 mg microfabricated magnetically-actuated hexapod, demonstrated walking at up to 2.25 body lengths per second.


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Renewable energy technologies have long-term economic and environmental advantages over fossil fuels, and solar power is the most abundant renewable resource, supplying 120 PW over earth’s surface. In recent years the cost of photovoltaic modules has reached grid parity in many areas of the world, including much of the USA. A combination of economic and environmental factors has encouraged the adoption of solar technology and led to an annual growth rate in photovoltaic capacity of 76% in the US between 2010 and 2014. Despite the enormous growth of the solar energy industry, commercial unit efficiencies are still far below their theoretical limits. A push for thinner cells may reduce device cost and could potentially increase device performance. Fabricating thinner cells reduces bulk recombination, but at the cost of absorbing less light. This tradeoff generally benefits thinner devices due to reduced recombination. The effect continues up to a maximum efficiency where the benefit of reduced recombination is overwhelmed by the suppressed absorption. Light trapping allows the solar cell to circumvent this limitation and realize further performance gains (as well as continue cost reduction) from decreasing the device thickness. This thesis presents several advances in experimental characterization, theoretical modeling, and device applications for light trapping in thin-film solar cells. We begin by introducing light trapping strategies and discuss theoretical limits of light trapping in solar cells. This is followed by an overview of the equipment developed for light trapping characterization. Next we discuss our recent work measuring internal light scattering and a new model of scattering to predict the effects of dielectric nanoparticle back scatterers on thin-film device absorption. The new model is extended and generalized to arbitrary stacks of stratified media containing scattering structures. Finally, we investigate an application of these techniques using polymer dispersed liquid crystals to produce switchable solar windows. We show that these devices have the potential for self-powering.