5 resultados para Land, water and environmental law

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Steel slag is a byproduct of iron and steel production by the metallurgical industries. Annually, 21 million tons of steel slag is produced in the United States. Most of the slag is landfilled, which represents a significant economic loss and a waste of valuable land space. Steel slag has great potential for the construction of highway embankments; however, its use has been limited due to its high swelling potential and alkalinity. The swelling potential of steel slags may lead to deterioration of the structural stability of highways, and high alkalinity poses an environmental challenge as it affects the leaching behavior of trace metals. This study seeks a methodology that promotes the use of steel slag in highway embankments by minimizing these two main disadvantages. Accelerated swelling tests were conducted to evaluate the swelling behavior of pure steel slag and water treatment residual (WTR) treated steel slag, where WTR is an alum-rich by-product of drinking water treatment plants. Sequential batch tests and column leach tests, as well as two different numerical analyses, UMDSurf and WiscLEACH, were carried out to check the environmental suitability of the methods. Tests were conducted to study the effect of a common borrow fill material that encapsulated the slag in the embankment and the effects of two subgrade soils on the chemical properties of slag leachate. The results indicated that an increase in WTR content in the steel slag-WTR mixtures yields a decrease in pH and most of the leached metal concentrations, except aluminum. The change in the levels of pH, after passing through encapsulation and subgrade, depends on the natural pHs of materials.


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High-ranking Chinese military officials are often quoted in international media as stating that China cannot afford to lose even an inch of Chinese territory, as this territory has been passed down from Chinese ancestors. Such statements are not new in Chinese politics, but recently this narrative has made an important transition. While previously limited to disputes over land borders, such rhetoric is now routinely applied to disputes involving islands and maritime borders. China is increasingly oriented toward its maritime borders and seems unwilling to compromise on delimitation disputes, a transition mirrored by many states across the globe. In a similar vein, scholarship has found that territorial disputes are particularly intractable and volatile when compared with other types of disputes, and a large body of research has grappled with producing systematic knowledge of territorial conflict. Yet in this wide body of literature, an important question has remained largely unanswered - how do states determine which geographical areas will be included in their territorial and maritime claims? In other words, if nations are willing to fight and die for an inch of national territory, how do governments draw the boundaries of the nation? This dissertation uses in-depth case studies of some of the most prominent territorial and maritime disputes in East Asia to argue that domestic political processes play a dominant and previously under-explored role in both shaping claims and determining the nature of territorial and maritime disputes. China and Taiwan are particularly well suited for this type of investigation, as they are separate claimants in multiple disputes, yet they both draw upon the same historical record when establishing and justifying their claims. Leveraging fieldwork in Taiwan, China, and the US, this dissertation includes in-depth case studies of China’s and Taiwan’s respective claims in both the South China Sea and East China Sea disputes. Evidence from this dissertation indicates that officials in both China and Taiwan have struggled with how to reconcile history and international law when establishing their claims, and that this struggle has introduced ambiguity into China's and Taiwan's claims. Amid this process, domestic political dynamics have played a dominant role in shaping the options available and the potential for claims to change in the future. In Taiwan’s democratic system, where national identity is highly contested through party politics, opinions vary along a broad spectrum as to the proper borders of the nation, and there is considerable evidence that Taiwan’s claims may change in the near future. In contrast, within China’s single-party authoritarian political system, where nationalism is source of regime legitimacy, views on the proper interpretation of China’s boundaries do vary, but along a much more narrow range. In the dissertation’s final chapter, additional cases, such as South Korea’s position on Dokdo and Indonesia’s approach to the defense of Natuna are used as points of comparison to further clarify theoretical findings.


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Over the past 15 years, the number of international development projects aimed at combating global poverty has increased significantly. Within the water and sanitation sector however, and despite heightened global attention and an increase in the number of infrastructure projects, over 800 million people remain without access to appropriate water and sanitation facilities. The majority of donor aid in the water supply and sanitation sector of developing countries is delivered through standalone projects. The quality of projects at the design and preparation stage is a critical determinant in meeting project objectives. The quality of projects at early stage of design, widely referred to as quality at entry (QAE), however remains unquantified and largely subjective. This research argues that water and sanitation infrastructure projects in the developing world tend to be designed in the absence of a specific set of actions that ensure high QAE, and consequently have relatively high rates of failure. This research analyzes 32 cases of water and sanitation infrastructure projects implemented with partial or full World Bank financing globally from 2000 – 2010. The research uses categorical data analysis, regression analysis and descriptive analysis to examine perceived linkages between project QAE and project development outcomes and determines which upstream project design factors are likely to impact the QAE of international development projects in water supply and sanitation. The research proposes a number of specific design stage actions that can be incorporated into the formal review process of water and sanitation projects financed by the World Bank or other international development partners.


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Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) is one of the most researched synthetic polymers due to the complex behavior which arises from the interplay of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic sites on the polymer chain. PEO in ethanol forms an opaque gel-like mixture with a partially crystalline structure. Addition of a small amount of water disrupts the gel: 5 wt % PEO in ethanol becomes a transparent solution with the addition of 4 vol % water. The phase behavior of PEO in mixed solvents have been studied using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). PEO solutions (5 wt % PEO) which contain 4 vol % - 10 vol % (and higher) water behave as an athermal polymer solution and the phase behavior changes from UCST to LCST rapidly as the fraction of water is increased. 2 wt % PEO in water and 10 wt % PEO in ethanol/ water mixtures are examined to assess the role of hydration. The observed phase behavior is consistent with a hydration layer forming upon the addition of water as the system shifts from UCST to LCST behavior. At the molecular level, two or three water molecules can hydrate one PEO monomer (water molecules form a sheath around the PEO macromolecule) which is consistent with the suppression of crystallization and change in the mentioned phase behavior as observed by SANS. The clustering effect of aqueous PEO solution (M.W of PEO = 90,000 g/mol) is monitored as an excess scattering intensity at low-Q. Clustering intensity at Q = 0.004 Å^-1 is used for evaluating the clustering effect. The clustering intensity is proportional to the inverse temperature and levels off when the temperature is less than 50 ˚C. When the temperature is increased over 50 ˚C, the clustering intensity starts decreasing. The clustering of PEO is monitored in ethanol/ water mixtures. The clustering intensity increases as the fraction of water is increased. Based on the solvation intensity behavior, we confirmed that the ethanol/ water mixtures obey a random solvent mixing rule, whereby solvent mixtures are better at solvating the polymer that any of the two solvents. The solution behavior of PEO in ethanol was investigated in the presence of salt (CaCl2) using SANS. Binding of Ca2+ ions to the PEO oxygens transforms the neutral polymer to a weakly charged polyelectrolyte. We observed that the PEO/ethanol solution is better solvated at higher salt concentration due to the electrostatic repulsion of weakly charged monomers. The association of the Ca2+ ions with the PEO oxygen atoms transforms the neutral polymer to a weakly charged polyelectrolyte and gives rise to repulsive interactions between the PEO/Ca2+ complexes. Addition of salt disrupts the gel, which is consistent with better solvation as the salt concentration is increased. Moreover, SANS shows that the phase behavior of PEO/ethanol changes from UCST to LCST as the salt concentration is increased.