3 resultados para Arabidopsis -- Molecular aspects

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The surge of interest in graphene, as epitomized by the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010, is attributed to its extraordinary properties. Graphene is ultrathin, mechanically tough, and has amendable surface chemistry. These features make graphene and graphene based nanostructure an ideal candidate for the use of molecular mass manipulation. The controllable and programmable molecular mass manipulation is crucial in enabling future graphene based applications, however is challenging to achieve. This dissertation studies several aspects in molecular mass manipulation including mass transportation, patterning and storage. For molecular mass transportation, two methods based on carbon nanoscroll are demonstrated to be effective. They are torsional buckling instability assisted transportation and surface energy induced radial shrinkage. To achieve a more controllable transportation, a fundamental law of direction transport of molecular mass by straining basal graphene is studied. For molecular mass patterning, we reveal a barrier effect of line defects in graphene, which can enable molecular confining and patterning in a domain of desirable geometry. Such a strategy makes controllable patterning feasible for various types of molecules. For molecular mass storage, we propose a novel partially hydrogenated bilayer graphene structure which has large capacity for mass uptake. Also the mass release can be achieved by simply stretching the structure. Therefore the mass uptake and release is reversible. This kind of structure is crucial in enabling hydrogen fuel based technology. Lastly, spontaneous nanofluidic channel formation enabled by patterned hydrogenation is studied. This novel strategy enables programmable channel formation with pre-defined complex geometry.


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The fruit is one of the most complex and important structures produced by flowering plants, and understanding the development and maturation process of fruits in different angiosperm species with diverse fruit structures is of immense interest. In the work presented here, molecular genetics and genomic analysis are used to explore the processes that form the fruit in two species: The model organism Arabidopsis and the diploid strawberry Fragaria vesca. One important basic question concerns the molecular genetic basis of fruit patterning. A long-standing model of Arabidopsis fruit (the gynoecium) patterning holds that auxin produced at the apex diffuses downward, forming a gradient that provides apical-basal positional information to specify different tissue types along the gynoecium’s length. The proposed gradient, however, has never been observed and the model appears inconsistent with a number of observations. I present a new, alternative model, wherein auxin acts to establish the adaxial-abaxial domains of the carpel primordia, which then ensures proper development of the final gynoecium. A second project utilizes genomics to identify genes that regulate fruit color by analyzing the genome sequences of Fragaria vesca, a species of wild strawberry. Shared and distinct SNPs among three F. vesca accessions were identified, providing a foundation for locating candidate mutations underlying phenotypic variations among different F. vesca accessions. Through systematic analysis of relevant SNP variants, a candidate SNP in FveMYB10 was identified that may underlie the fruit color in the yellow-fruited accessions, which was subsequently confirmed by functional assays. Our lab has previously generated extensive RNA-sequencing data that depict genome-scale gene expression profiles in F. vesca fruit and flower tissues at different developmental stages. To enhance the accessibility of this dataset, the web-based eFP software was adapted for this dataset, allowing visualization of gene expression in any tissues by user-initiated queries. Together, this thesis work proposes a well-supported new model of fruit patterning in Arabidopsis and provides further resources for F. vesca, including genome-wide variant lists and the ability to visualize gene expression. This work will facilitate future work linking traits of economic importance to specific genes and gaining novel insights into fruit patterning and development.


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Ethylene is an essential plant hormone involved in nearly all stages of plant growth and development. EIN2 (ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2) is a master positive regulator in the ethylene signaling pathway, consisting of an N-terminal domain and a C-terminal domain. The EIN2 N-terminal domain localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane and shows sequence similarity to Nramp metal ion transporters. The cytosolic C-terminal domain is unique to plants and signals downstream. There have been several major gaps in our knowledge of EIN2 function. It was unknown how the ethylene signal gets relayed from the known upstream component CTR1 (CONSTITUTIVE RESPONSE1) a Ser/Thr kinase at the ER, to EIN2. How the ethylene signal was transduced from EIN2 to the next downstream component transcription factor EIN3 (ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3) in the nucleus was also unknown. The N-terminal domain of EIN2 shows homology to Nramp metal ion transporters and whether EIN2 can also function as a metal transporter has been a question plaguing the ethylene field for almost two decades. Here, EIN2 was found to interact with the CTR1 protein kinase, leading to the discovery that CTR1 phosphorylates the C-terminal domain of EIN2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Using tags at the termini of EIN2, it was deduced that in the presence of ethylene, the EIN2 C-terminal domain is cleaved and translocates into the nucleus, where it could somehow activate downstream ethylene responses. The EIN2 C-terminal domain interacts with nuclear proteins, RTE3 and EER5, which are components of the TREX-2 mRNA export complex, although the role of these interactions remains unclear. The EIN2 N-terminal domain was found to be capable of divalent metal transport when expressed in E. coli and S. cerevisiae leading to the hypothesis that metal transport plays a role in ethylene signaling. This hypothesis was tested using a novel missense allele, ein2 G36E, substituting a highly conserved residue that is required for metal transport in Nramp proteins. This G36E substitution did not disrupt metal ion transport of EIN2, but the ethylene insensitive phenotype of this mutant indicates that the EIN2 N-terminal domain is important for positively regulating the C-terminal domain. The defect of the ein2 G36E mutant does not prevent proper expression or subcellular localization, but might affect protein modifications. The ein2 G36E allele is partially dominant, mostly likely displaying haploinsufficiency. Overexpression of the EIN2 N-terminal domain in the ein2 G36E mutant did not rescue ethylene insensitivity, suggesting the N-terminal domain functions in cis to regulate the C-terminal domain. These findings advance our knowledge of EIN2, which is critical to understanding ethylene signaling.