39 resultados para Music in theaters.


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This dissertation is an ethnomusicological study of contemporary musical practices of the Christian Lisu in Nujiang Prefecture in northwest Yunnan on the China-Myanmar border. Among all the changes that the Nujiang Lisu have experienced since the twentieth century, the spread of Protestant Christianity throughout Nujiang’s mountainous villages has existed for the longest time and had one of the greatest effects. Combining historical investigation and ethnographic description, this study uses the lens of music to examine the impact of this social change on the Lisu living in this impoverished frontier region. The Lisu characteristics have never been vital in the music written by the Christian Lisu in Nujiang. Compared with the practices described in other ethnomusicological writings on Christian music around the world that I have read, this absence of incorporation of indigenous musical elements is unusual. There are probably many other cases similar to that of the Lisu, but few ethnomusicologists have paid attention to them. I aim to elucidate this particular scenario of Lisu Christian music in relation to three social and cultural forces: the missionary legacy of conventions; the government’s identification of the Lisu as a minority nationality and its national policies toward them since the 1950s; and the transnational religious exchange between the Christian Lisu in China and Myanmar since the late 1980s. My examination focuses on two genres which the Lisu use to express their Christian beliefs today: ddoqmuq mutgguat, derived from American northern urban gospel songs, the basis of the Lisu choral singing; and mutgguat ssat, influenced by the Christian pop of the Burmese Lisu, with instrumental accompaniment and daibbit dance and preferred by the young people. Besides studying these two genres in the religious context, I also juxtapose them with other musical traditions in the overall Nujiang music soundscape and look at their role in local social interactions such as those between sacred and secular, and majority and minority. This dissertation demonstrates that the collective performances of shared repertoires have not only created a sense of affinity for the Nujiang Christian Lisu but also have reinforced the formation of Lisu transnational religious networks.


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I believe that the purpose of expanding the oboe’s repertoire is to not only create original compositions, but to also utilize technical advancements in order to achieve access to a wider range of repertoire through the art of transcription. This paper examines the various paths to achieving such expansion, including utilizing unique performer skills, use of auxiliary instruments, advancements in the instrument itself and musical developments that challenge the perception of the oboe’s solo role in a particular era of music history. The oboe need not be relegated to the confines of a compositionally limited stereotype. The goal of my “extended-range” dissertation project is to expand the “range” of programmable repertoire, with a focus on music in both the 19th and 21st-centuries, while simultaneously expanding the technical capabilities and expectations of the modern oboe—in part by exploiting the new possibilities of the recently invented low-A extension key.


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The beauty and artistry of the variation form were fully developed and represented in the nineteenth century. The treasures of nineteenth century piano variations are a significant part of the total piano repertoire. The main goal of this dissertation is to show how various composers of the nineteenth century used the variation form to project their imagination and coloring of a simple melody. They used many different techniques to vary melodies and create their own music. Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 12 in A-flat Major Op. 26 breaks with the conventional sonata design by using variation form instead of sonata-allegro form for the first movement, and having no movement in sonata-allegro form. Chopin's Variations Brillantes on "Je Vends des scapulaires" Op. 12 and Henri Herz's Variations on 'Non piu mesta" from "La Cenerentola" shows how they applied their art to composing variations on opera themes. Mendelssohn's Variations Serieuses Op. 54 was a reaction against the salon music in the 19" century. Schubert applies the variation form to his Impromptus in B-flat D. 935 No. 3. Schurnann's Symphonic Etudes represents a perfect example of the arts of variation, using counterpoint, and special coloring; and Faure's Theme and Variations Op. 73 represents one of the most outstanding nineteenth-century works in variation form. As a traditionalist in the nineteenth century, Brahms favored the variations over other classic forms. I have performed three of his most important sets of variations: including Variations on a theme by Schumann Op. 9, Variations on a Theme by Handel Op. 24, and Variations for two pianos on a Theme by Haydn Op. 56b. The variations listed above were divided into three recitals. These variations represent a very important part of the piano music of the nineteenth century. By discovering, preparing, and performing these wonderful works, I have grown, both as a pianist and as a musician.


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The performance of devotional music in India has been an active, sonic conduit where spiritual identities are shaped and forged, and both history and mythology lived out and remembered daily. For the followers of Sikhism, congregational hymn singing has been the vehicle through which text, melody and ritual act as repositories of memory, elevating memory to a place where historical and social events can be reenacted and memorialized on levels of spiritual significance. This dissertation investigates the musical process of Shabad Kirtan, Sikh hymn singing, in a Sikh musical service as a powerful vehicle to forge a sense of identification between individual and the group. As an intimate part of Sikh life from birth to death, the repertoire of Shabad Kirtan draws from a rich mosaic of classical and folk genres as well as performance styles, acting as a musical and cognitive archive. Through a detailed analysis of the Asa Di Var service, Shabad Kirtan is explored as a phenomenological experience where time, place and occasion interact as a meaningful unit through which the congregation creates and recreates themselves, invoking deep memories and emotional experiences. Supported by explanatory tables, diagrams and musical transcriptions, the sonic movements of the service show how the Divine Word as Shabad is not only embodied through the Guru Granth Sahib, but also encountered through the human enactment of the service, aurally, viscerally and phenomenologically.


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The cultivation of violin repertoire and its ultimate dominance of the late Nineteenth-Century orchestral library are best examined through the analysis and study of the works of Joseph Joachim (1831-1907), Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), and Robert Schumann (1810-1856). Each of these men, in their own right, made significant contributions to the development of violin repertoire during the latter half of the Nineteenth Century. Yet their achievements were also the result of a collaborative effort and shared influence, the absence of which would have yielded a diminutive musical landscape, especially in the concerti of Brahms and Joachim. This dissertation explores Joachim’s technical dexterity and its influence on Brahms and Schumann, and further studies the vital role Brahms and Schumann played in forming Joachim as both composer and editor. The pieces examined in this dissertation evidence the significant influence each of these composers shared. Three chamber compositions stand as guideposts in the analysis and establish a stylistic foundation to collaborative efforts among Joachim, Brahms, and Schumann. The preliminary recital focuses on these chamber pieces which illustrate the individual style of each composer, featuring Joachim’s Romance, Op. 2, written between 1848 and 1852, Schumann’s Second Sonata, Op. 121, written in 1851, and Brahms’ Second Sonata, Op. 100, written in 1886. A second performance includes the enigmatic F-A-E Sonata of Brahms, Schumann, and Albert Deitrich, Schumann’s pupil, as well as Joachim’s Second Concerto. A collaborative effort, the F-A-E Sonata represents Brahms’ and Schumann’s efforts to write with Joachim’s unbridled style and technique in mind. An even greater musical offering, Joachim’s Second Concerto, a gift to Brahms in 1860, has been called the “Holy Grail” of concertos, and is considered the preeminent display of Joachim’s creative genius by incorporating demanding technical challenges and Hungarian-like overtones. The third and final program features Brahms’ Concerto in D Major. A fitting response to Joachim’s gift 17 years later, Brahms’ Concerto was written for Joachim at the height of his career, bearing the performer’s stylistic elements throughout. The recital also includes various Hungarian Dances by Brahms. While the Dances were not original to Brahms, they further illustrate the underlying idiom of Hungarian folk music in both Brahms’ and Joachim’s art.


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In the late nineteenth century, French composers such as Camille Saint- Saens, Cesar Franck, and Claude Debussy worked to elevate instrumental music in late-Romantic period France, creating symphonies, concertos, and chamber ensembles, including duo sonatas. These composers and followers like, Ernest Chausson and Guillaume Lekeu were all influenced by a particular violinist to whom they dedicated their compositions. The primary violinist who inspired these composers was Eugene Ysaye (1858-1931), a brilliant performer and composer. His freedom of expression motivated many prominent French composers to dedicate major works to him. For example, Debussy dedicated his string quartet to Ysaye, who established the Ysaye Quartet and premiered Debussy's composition. In 1886, Franck completed his sonata for violin and piano which he also dedicated to Ysaye. Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962), one of the most talented violinists of his era, had a relationship withYsaye that was quite special. They respected, supported, and befriended each other. To Ysaye, Kreisler dedicated his Recitativo and Scherzo. To Kreisler, Ysaye dedicated one ofhis celebrated Sonatas for Solo Violin. Pablo de Sarasate (1844-1908) was a magnificent Spanish violinist of the late nineteenth century, and his music and performances influenced many composers, especially Saint-Saens, who included Spanish gypsy fragments in his works. These motifs may found in his Havanaise, Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso and Violin Concerto No.3 which were dedicated to Sarasate. My goal for this dissertation project has been to find and present, in three recitals, works by French composers and also works by the violinists who inspired them. As a violinist, I have endeavored to understand the influence of the various violinists on these French composers and how that knowledge can inform my approach to performing these works. In my first recital, with pianist Soo Young Jung, I performed works by Saint-Saens, Ysaye and Sarasate. With pianist Sun Ha Yoon, I performed works by Ysaye, Debussy, Kreisler and Franck in my second recital. My third recital, again with pianist Sun Ha Yoon, featured works by Ysaye, Chausson, and Lekeu. All recitals were recorded and performed at the University ofMaryland, College Park.


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This performance project focused on English viola literature written in the first half of the twentieth century. During this time, numerous English composers were influenced by Lionel Tertis' unprecedented approach to the viola as a virtuosic and solo instrument. In addition to being an inspiration to composers of whom he was not in direct contact, Tertis' innovative vision for the viola led to numerous collaborations with prominent English composers of his generation. Ralph Vaughan Williams, Arnold Bax, York Bowen, Frank Bridge, Benjamin Britten, and Rebecca Clarke -his own protégé - composed some of the most important works for viola thus directly shaping the impression of the instrument as we know it today. Tertis' artistry as a performing violist was unmatched at the beginning of the twentieth century. He had a unique approach to the instrument which focused on concept of sound, tone color, concentrated listening, continuous vibrato, discreet portamento, and expressive interpretation. His convincing musical and technical ideas led him to write a treatise about how to achieve a beautiful tone. His passion for teaching and concern for the viola's posterity greatly enhanced the development of the viola. Tertis transcribed, edited, and premiered many works during his career. The music that Lionel Tertis influenced can be seen as a microcosm for a musical resurgence in England during the first half of the twentieth-century. The catalyst for this was artistic influences in the form of nationalism, folk music, romanticism, modernism, and impressionism, among others. Before this, England was widely referred to as ''the land without music" but in a very real sense, .Lionel Tertis was one of the pioneers who, through his artistry of the viola, led the way to the renaissance of music in England in the twentieth century.


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Paul Hindemith has made numerous contributions to the viola, both as a composer and performer. As a composer, he has written 7 sonatas for the viola, as well as a number of chamber and orchestral works which feature the viola as a solo instrument. As a violist, Hindemith was one of the only virtuoso soloists of his lifetime, and premiered virtually all of his solo compositions. Many of his pieces remain an integral part of the viola repertoire; Der Schwanendreher is one of the three major Twentieth-Century concertos for the viola. While some of his pieces are well-known, there are many others which are not performed with much frequency, due in part to the sheer output of this prolific composer. In this dissertation project, I performed Hindemith's compositions for the viola as a solo instrument. Consideration was given to exclusively performing his 4 solo sonatas and 3 sonatas for viola and piano. His only viola duet, his only non-sonata written for viola and piano, and 2 of his viola concertos (Der Schwanendreher and Trauermusik) were included in this dissertation project to provide contrast and supplement the three recital programs. Through this dissertation project I have been able to gain a deeper understanding of the complex language of Hindemith and interpret his music in an approach that is accessible to both the performer and the audience. All performances took place in the Gildenhom Recital Hall and Ulrich Recital Hall at the University of Maryland. All collaborations with piano were performed with Eliza Ching. The Duett for Viola and Violoncello was performed with Daniel Shomper, and the assisting musicians performing in the Trauermusik were Joel Ciaccio, Daniel Sender, Daniel Shomper, Cassandra Stephenson and Dana Weiderhold.


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There are many bassoon competitions around the world- and one of the most famous is the Gillet competition, sponsored by the International Double Reed Society. In 1981, it was established as an annual event, the "Femand Gillet Bassoon Competition"- a title expanded in 2000 to the "Femand Gillet-Hugo Fox Bassoon Competition." My goal was to explore the history of the competition, the availability of the repertoire selected for each competition, and the difficulties performing each piece. Through this journey, I was able to discover the variety of material chosen and how it was used, the quality, value, and the importance of the repertoire in each competition. For example, Ferdinand David's Concertino op.12, the style of the piece provides romantic, operatic type lyricism, a flashy presto section and finale, makes it as a standard romantic piece in the bassoon repertoire; Otmar Nussio's Variations on an Air by Pergolesi, contains a slow theme and few diverse variations, which provides a contemporary style music with the traditional music form and descriptive quality. The result of learning this repertoire proves that different styles of music in the competition demonstrate the artistry of the bassoon repertoire and music history in relationship of the development of the instrument. My first dissertation recital featured: Concerto for Bassoon, K. 191 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Concertino by Marcel Bitsch; Metamorphoses by Leslie Bassett; and Sonatine by Alexandre Tansman. My second recital featured: Concerto in E minor, RV 484 by Antonio Vivaldi; On the Summer Map of Stars by Gordon Kerry; Concertino Opus12 by Ferdinand David; Elegie by Jacques Hetu; and Interferences by Roger Boutry. My third recital featured: Cello Suite No.2 in D minor, BWV1008 by Johann Sebastian Bach; Combinaciones: Sonatina para Fagot y Piano by Salvador Ranieri; Andante e Rondo Ungarese Opus 35 by Carl Maria von Weber; and Variations on an Air by Pergolesi for Bassoon and Piano by Otmar Nussio.


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Variation, or the re-working of existing musical material, has consistently attracted the attention of composers and performers throughout the history of Western music. In three recorded recitals at the University of Maryland School of Music, this dissertation project explores a diverse range of expressive possibilities for violin in seven types of variation form in Austro-German works for violin from the 17th through the 20th centuries. The first program, consisting of Baroque Period works, performed on period instrument, includes the divisions on “John come kiss me now” from The Division Violin by Thomas Baltzar (1631 – 1663), constant bass variations in Sonate Unarum Fidium by Johann Heinrich von Schmelzer (1623 – 1680), arbitrary variation in Sonata for Violin and Continuo in E Major, Op. 1, No. 12 “Roger” by George Friedrich Händel (1685 – 1759), and French Double style, melodic-outline variation in Partita for Unaccompanied Violin in B Minor by Johan Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750). Theme and Variations, a popular Classical Period format, is represented by the Sonata for Piano and Violin in G Major K. 379 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791) and Sonata for Violin and Piano in A Major, Op. 47 No. 9 the “Kreutzer” by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827). Fantasy for Piano and Violin in C Major D. 934 by Franz Schubert (1797 – 1828) represents the 19th century fantasia variation. In these pieces, the piano and violin parts are densely interwoven, having equal importance. Many 20th century composers incorporated diverse types of variations in their works and are represented in the third recital program comprising: serial variation in the Phantasy for Violin and Piano Op.47 of Arnold Schoenberg (1874 – 1951); a strict form of melodic-outline variation in Sonate für Violine allein, Op. 31, No. 2 of Paul Hindemith (1895 – 1963); ostinato variation in Johan Halvorsen’s (1864 – 1935) Passacaglia for Violin and Viola, after G. F. Handel’s Passacaglia from the Harpsichord Suite No. 7 in G Minor. Pianist Audrey Andrist, harpsichordist Sooyoung Jung, and violist Dong-Wook Kim assisted in these performances.


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The dissertation comprises two parts: (a) a musical edition and (b) a performance given on 3 July, 2008 of Philippe Rogier’s Missa Inclita stirps Jesse. The dissertation explores some of the editorial decisions required, how the demands of performers and musicologists differ, and whether they can be reconciled in one single edition. The commentary explains the preparation and realization of the edition. A video recording of the concert performance is attached to the dissertation. The Mass: The Missa Inclita stirps Jesse was published in Madrid in 1598 in a collection entitled Missae Sex. The mass setting is for four voices, except the Agnus Dei, which is for five, and is based on musical material in the motet Inclita stirps Jesse by Jacobus Clemens non Papa (c. 1510-15 – c.1556-6). Rogier’s choice and use of musical material from the motet (published in 1549) are discussed in the dissertation. The Edition: The edition is made from a microfilm copy of the Missae Sex held in the Biblioteca del Conservatorio de Musica “Giuseppe Verdi” in Milan. The Missae Sex was originally dedicated to King Philip II of Spain (1527-1598, reg. 1556-1598), whom Rogier had served as chorister and then maestro de capilla. Both Rogier and King Philip died before the volume was ready for publication. One of Rogier’s pupils, Géry de Ghersem, prepared the volume, which was printed in 1598, dedicated to King Philip III. The Performance: The mass was performed at a concert of Spanish Renaissance music in St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Washington, DC, on 3 July 2008, sung by the ensemble Orpheus directed by Philip Cave as part of the Chorworks summer workshop entitled Kings and Conquistadors: Music of Old and New Spain.


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English language song (both British and American) is influenced by a variety of cultures, races, and musical forms and has produced a broad range of song repertoire. Like songs in all countries and throughout history, these songs can be classified into three categories: imitative songs, experimental songs, and songs of individuality. Music experimentation, necessary and welcome as it is, can hardly command broad international attention. Thus, the songs of this dissertation performance project are chosen from the first and third categories: imitative songs and individual songs in the composer's own unique style. This project concentrates its exploration on twentieth-century solo songs written in English. Although twentieth-century British & American composers also produced solos and chamber music in other languages, this dissertation focuses upon their English repertoire. This performance project consists of three programs: one British repertoire and two American. The first program titled An Evening of British Song examines twentieth-century British song written by Roger Quilter, Peter Warlock, William Walton, Benjamin Britten, Thomas F. Dunhill, Ivor Gurney, and Frank Bridge. It was presented on December 12, 2001, in Homer Ulrich Recital Hall with the collaborative pianist Meriel Owen. The second program titled An Evening of American Song I comprises music written by Dominick Argento, Samuel Barber, Ned Rorem, Leonard Bernstein, and Lee Hoiby. It was presented on October 23, 2002, in Joseph & Alma Gildenhorn Recital Hall with the collaborative pianist R. Timothy McReynolds. The third program titled An Evening of American Song II written by John Duke, John Corigliano, Charles Ives, Richard Hundley, Lori Laitman, Frederick Loewe, George Gershwin, and Jerome Kern was presented on December 18, 2003, again in Joseph & Alma Gildenhorn Recital Hall with the collaborative pianist R. Timothy McReynolds and the flutist Jessica Dunnavant. Each of these three dissertation recitals occurred at the University of Maryland in College Park and was recorded. These CD recordings are held by the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library at the University of Maryland.


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This Dissertation Project comprises recordings of Argentine art songs. The discs are approximately 40-60 minutes in length and consist of songs from the traditional art-song repertoire for voice and piano. This project is particularly appropriate because of the very limited number of recordings of Argentine songs, which are notable both not only for their high quality but for their accessibility of performance for voice teachers, students, and professional singers alike. Art songs in the Spanish language are a welcome resource, and the poetry included in this project is of an outstanding quality. Some of the poets set to music are Gabriela Mistral (a poet laureate of Chile and the first Latin American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature), Pablo Neruda (also a Nobel laureate), Luis Cernuda, and Leon Benar6s. The lyrics of some songs are based on traditional sources, and the melodies and rhythms of all are representative of South American-indigenous and European­ immigrant cultures. The composers represented here will be familiar to some listeners but more than likely unfamiliar to most. Yet Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983) is considered to be the greatest of all Argentine composers. Alberto Williams (1862-1952) is known as the father of the Nationalist School of composition in Argentina, and Carlos Lopez Buchardo (1881-1963) is a most influential composer and pedagogue after whom the national Conservatory of Music in Buenos Aries is named. Two composers who remain relatively unknown outside of South America, Abraham Jurafsky (1906- 1993) and Julio Perceval (1903-1963) are also represented in this project. A complete compact disc is devoted to the works of Carlos Guastavino. Known as the "Argentine Schubert", Guastavino has over 250 songs to his credit. Chiefly a composer for piano and voice, his recent death (October 2000) makes a recording of his works especially appropriate. This project also includes a written component, a supportive dissertation briefly describing the history of the Argentine art song and the lives and influences of the composers and poets represented in the studio recordings. The CD recordings are held in the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library at the University of Maryland.


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The purpose of this dissertation project identifies contemporary solo saxophone literature, specifically sonatas between the years 1980 and 2010. The overwhelming majority of repertoire written during these thirty years consisted primarily of either multi-movement or through-composed character pieces. By limiting the selected repertoire to sonatas one can still investigate the breadth of the literature that has helped validate the saxophone in the realm of classical music in a format that has seemingly fallen out of favor with composers. The saxophone had developed a unique voice by the middle of the twentieth century in both Europe and in the United States. European composers such as Claude Debussy, Florent Schmidt, Jacques Ibert, Darius Milhaud, Alexander Glazounov, Erwin Schulhoff and Bernard Heiden recognized the potential and beauty of the instrument, while the saxophone had found quite a different niche in vaudeville, jazz, and military bands in the United States. If not for the dynamic performances by concert saxophonist such as Marcel Mule, Sigurd Rascher, Jean-Marie Londeix, Daniel Deffayet, Cecil Lesson, Larry Teal, Eugene Rousseau, Fredrick Hemke and Donald Sinta, the timbral possibilities and technical virtuosity of the saxophone would not have been discovered. The awe inspiring performances by these soloists led to the commissioning of a multitude of works by composers looking to expand the sonic possibilities of this relatively new instrument. Through the 1970's American composers such as Leslie Bassett, Paul Creston, Henry Brant, Robert Muczynski, and Karel Husa were writing significant works for the saxophone, while European composers such as IngolfDahl, Edison Denisov, Alfred Desenclos, Henri Tomasi and Marius Constant were each making their own contributions, all leading to a significant quantity of repertoire that met the quality demands set by the performers. The compositions chosen for this dissertation project were selected after numerous performance, pragmatic, programming and pedagogical considerations were taken into account. The three recitals occurred on: March 7, 2010, December 10, 2010 and May 1, 2011 in either the Gildenhorn Recital Hall or Lecture Hall 2100.


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Robert Bloom (1908-1994) was legendary in the education and performance world. Often hailed as one of the last performers of the Golden Era of classical music and a favorite of conductors ranging from Stokowski to Stravinsky to Shaw, Bloom was an orchestral oboist and English hornist, oboe soloist, chamber musician, teacher (Eastman, Yale, Hartt, Manhattan School of Music, Juilliard and Philadelphia's University of the Arts), composer, conductor, editor of masterworks of the 18th century, and, as a founding member of the Bach Aria group, a seminal influence in the post-WWII revival of Baroque music in America. In The Robert Bloom Collection and the Art of Robert Bloom CD and video archives, we see what his musical ideals were in 1)18th-century performance practices, 2) writing new music for the instrument and commissioning new works, and 3) and transcribing music for the oboe and English horn. As an oboist, I believe it is important that Bloom's teachings, historical performance practices and ideas for expanding repertoire are propagated. Therefore, the works chosen for this dissertation illustrated this legacy. My recitals included 1) some of Bloom's published 18th-century baroque elaborations (his term for ornamentation), as well Baroque works which I have elaborated, 2) works written by him and by other oboists/composers (Labate, Roseman) as well as a flute/oboe duo that I commissioned by Dr. Marcus Maroney and 3) transcriptions by both Bloom and myself (Bach, Donizetti, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Handel, Schumann and Telemann). In these three dissertation recitals, I hope to have illustrated some of Robert Bloom's lasting contributions and impact on the oboe world, and to have demonstrated the potential for carrying forward this legacy by studying his teaching and emulating his example.