em Diposit Digital de la UB - Universidade de Barcelona


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Epitaxial and fully strained SrRuO3 thin films have been grown on SrTiO3(100). At initial stages the growth mode is three-dimensional- (3D-)like, leading to a finger-shaped structure aligned with the substrate steps and that eventually evolves into a 2D step-flow growth. We study the impact that the defect structure associated with this unique growth mode transition has on the electronic properties of the films. Detailed analysis of the transport properties of nanometric films reveals that microstructural disorder promotes a shortening of the carrier mean free path. Remarkably enough, at low temperatures, this results in a reinforcement of quantum corrections to the conductivity as predicted by recent models of disordered, strongly correlated electronic systems. This finding may provide a simple explanation for the commonly observed¿in conducting oxides-resistivity minima at low temperature. Simultaneously, the ferromagnetic transition occurring at about 140 K, becomes broader as film thickness decreases down to nanometric range. The relevance of these results for the understanding of the electronic properties of disordered electronic systems and for the technological applications of SrRuO3¿and other ferromagnetic and metallic oxides¿is stressed.


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Màster en Nanociència i Nanotecnologia curs 2006-2007. Directors: Francesca Peiró i Martínez and Jordi Arbiol i Cobos


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Different aspects of the structure-magnetism and morphology-magnetism correlation in the ultrathin limit are studied in epitaxial Fe films grown on MgO(001). In the initial stages of growth the presence of substrate steps, intrinsically higher than an Fe atomic layer, prevent the connection between Fe islands and hence the formation of large volume magnetic regions. This is proposed as an explanation to the superparamagnetic nature of ultrathin Fe films grown on MgO in addition to the usually considered islanded, or Vollmer-Weber, growth. Using this model, we explain the observed transition from superparamagnetism to ferromagnetism for Fe coverages above 3 monolayers (ML). However, even though ferromagnetism and magnetocrystalline anisotropy are observed for 4 ML, complete coverage of the MgO substrate by the Fe ultrathin films only occurs around 6 ML as determined by polar Kerr spectra and simulations that consider different coverage situations. In annealed 3.5 ML Fe films, shape or configurational anisotropy dominates the intrinsic magnetocrystalline anisotropy, due to an annealing induced continuous to islanded morphological transition. A small interface anisotropy in thicker films is observed, probably due to dislocations observed at the Fe¿MgO(001) interface.


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The magnetoresistance across interfaces in the itinerant ferromagnetic oxide SrRuO3 have been studied. To define appropriately the interfaces, epitaxial thin films have been grown on bicrystalline and laser-patterned SrTiO3 substrates. Comparison is made with results obtained on similar experiments using the double-exchange ferromagnetic oxide La2/3Sr1/3MnO3. It is found that in SrRuO3, interfaces induce a substantial negative magnetoresistance, although no traces of the low-field spin tunneling magnetoresistance are found. We discuss these results on the basis of the distinct degree of spin polarization in ruthenates and manganites and the different nature of the surface magnetic layer formed at interfaces.


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The transport and magnetotransport properties of the metallic and ferromagnetic SrRuO3 (SRO) and the metallic and paramagnetic LaNiO3 (LNO) epitaxial thin films have been investigated in fields up to 55 T at temperatures down to 1.8 K . At low temperatures both samples display a well-defined resistivity minimum. We argue that this behavior is due to the increasing relevance of quantum corrections to the conductivity (QCC) as temperature is lowered; this effect being particularly relevant in these oxides due to their short mean free path. However, it is not straightforward to discriminate between contributions of weak localization and renormalization of electron-electron interactions to the QCC through temperature dependence alone. We have taken advantage of the distinct effect of a magnetic field on both mechanisms to demonstrate that in ferromagnetic SRO the weak-localization contribution is suppressed by the large internal field leaving only renormalized electron-electron interactions, whereas in the nonmagnetic LNO thin films the weak-localization term is relevant.


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Exchange-biased Ni/FeF2 films have been investigated using vector coil vibrating-sample magnetometry as a function of the cooling field strength HFC . In films with epitaxial FeF2 , a loop bifurcation develops with increasing HFC as it divides into two sub-loops shifted oppositely from zero field by the same amount. The positively biased sub-loop grows in size with HFC until only a single positively shifted loop is found. Throughout this process, the negative and positive (sub)loop shifts maintain the same discrete value. This is in sharp contrast to films with twinned FeF2 where the exchange field gradually changes with increasing HFC . The transverse magnetization shows clear correlations with the longitudinal subloops. Interestingly, over 85% of the Ni reverses its magnetization by rotation, either in one step or through two successive rotations. These results are due to the single-crystal nature of the antiferromagnetic FeF2 , which breaks down into two opposite regions of large domains.