15 resultados para undergraduate mathematics students

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In this action research study, I investigated the careless errors made by my seventh-grade mathematics students on their homework and tests. Beyond analyzing the types of careless errors and the frequency at which they were made, I also analyzed my students’ attitudes toward reviewing their work before they turn it in and self-reflection about the quality of work that they were producing. I found that many students did not know how to review their test before turning it in; no one had ever taught them how to do so. However, when students were given tools to help them with this task, they were able to make strides towards reducing the number of careless errors that they made and began to turn in high quality work that demonstrated their understanding of the content that had been taught. As a result of this research, I plan to teach my students how to go back over their homework and tests before turning them in. I also intend to continue to use the tools that I have produced to encourage students to self-reflect on the work that they have done. Assessment is such an important piece of educating my students and the careless errors made on these assessments needed to be addressed.


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In this action research study I examined the relationship between the teacher, the students and the types of motivation used in mathematics. I specifically studied the mathematic teachers at my school and my seventh grade mathematics students. Motivating middle school students is difficult and the types of motivation can be as numerous as the number of students studied. I discovered that the teachers used multiple motivating tactics from praise, to extra time spent with a student, to extra fun activities for the class. I also discovered that in many instances, the students’ perception of mathematics was predetermined or predetermined by parental perceptions of mathematics. The social environment of the student and a sense of belonging also plays a role in how motivated a student stays. As a result of this research, I plan to notify the mathematics teachers at my school of the most effective types of motivation so we can become a more effective mathematics department.


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In this action research study of my 5th grade mathematics class, I investigated the issue of homework and its relationship with students and parents. I made some interesting observations and discovered that the majority of students and parents felt that the math homework that was given was fairly easy, yet issues of incomplete assignments and failing homework quizzes were notorious for some individuals. Comments were also made to make homework even easier and have shortened assignments despite the already indicated ease of the work. As a result of this research, I plan to look more closely at the history and development of homework, as well as the psychological implications and “hereditary” issues involving homework, which I believe are passed from one generation of learners to the next. My intent is to continue to study this phenomenon in future school years, trying to develop methods of instilling successful, intrinsic motivational skills to aid students in their homework endeavors. Finally, I will take a close inventory of my own beliefs and understandings toward homework: What is the purpose of having students do work away from the classroom, and how can homework serve as a proactive service for all who are involved?


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In this action research study, where the subjects were my 6th grade mathematics students, I investigated the impact of direct vocabulary instruction on their communication and achievement. I strategically implemented the addition of vocabulary study into each lesson over a four-month time period. The students practiced using vocabulary in verbal discussions, review activities, and in mathematical problem explanations. I discovered that a majority of students improved their overall understanding of mathematical concepts based on an analysis of the data I collected. I also found that in general, students felt that knowing the definition of mathematical words was important and that it increased their achievement when they understood the words. In addition, students were more exact in their communication after receiving vocabulary instruction. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to implement vocabulary into daily lessons and keep vocabulary and communication as a focus of my 6th grade mathematics class.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 8th grade mathematics students, I investigated if learning different problem solving strategies helped students successfully solve problems. I also investigated if students’ knowledge of the topics involved in story problems had an impact on students’ success rates. I discovered that students were more successful after learning different problem solving strategies and when given problems with which they have experience. I also discovered that students put forth a greater effort when they approach the story problem like a game, instead of just being another math problem that they have to solve. An unexpected result was that the students’ degree of effort had a major impact on their success rate. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to focus on problem solving strategies in my classes. I also plan to improve my methods on getting students’ full effort in class.


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In this action research study of 55 sophomore and junior students in my Algebra II/Trigonometry classrooms, I investigated a reading strategy of learning mathematics. Students were given background information about reading and explored the benefits of reading for themselves. Next, students were taught to read their textbook, analyzing one section of the textbook at a time. Throughout the research project, students were given reading guides to fill out during class with whole class discussion following the reading time. I discovered that students are able to read a mathematics textbook with understanding and students who are gone for activities can learn independently. Teacher observations, student surveys, and student interviews provide quantitative evidence of increased student understanding and achievement. As a result of this research, I plan to continue utilizing the reading guides and incorporating reading as a method of learning mathematics within my classrooms.


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In this action research study of my classroom of fifth grade mathematics, I investigate the relationship between student understanding of precise mathematics vocabulary and student achievement in mathematics. Specifically, I focused on students’ understanding of written mathematics problems and on their ability to use precise mathematical language in their written solutions of critical thinking problems. I discovered that students are resistant to change; they prefer to do what comes naturally to them. Since they have not been previously taught to use precise mathematical language in their communication about math, they have great difficulty in adapting to this new requirement. However, with teaching modeling and ample opportunities to use the language of mathematics, students’ understanding and use of specific mathematical vocabulary is increased.


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The purpose of this study is to determine if students solve math problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division consistently and whether students transfer these skills to other mathematical situations and solutions. In this action research study, a classroom of 6th grade mathematics students was used to investigate how students solve word problems and how they determine which mathematical approach to use to solve a problem. It was discovered that many of the students read and re-read a question before they try to find an answer. Most students will check their answer to determine if it is correct and makes sense. Most students agree that mastering basic math facts is very important for problem solving and prefer mathematics that does not focus on problem solving. As a result of this research, it will be emphasized to the building principal and staff the need for a unified and focused curriculum with a scope and sequence for delivery that is consistently followed. The importance of managing basic math skills and making sure each student is challenged to be a mathematical thinker will be stressed.


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In this action research study of my teaching of sixth grade mathematics, I investigated the importance of showing work on daily assignments. I wanted to find out what happens when I ask students to show their work, specifically, whether it would improve students’ grades or not and whether I could help the students to understand the importance of showing their work. I discovered that students need to be shown the proper way to show their work, how to look at a problem and then how to show all of their steps to get to the answer. They need to be encouraged and be held accountable for showing their work when asked. Once they were able to show work, they could start to see the value in showing their work and they tended to show their work more often. Students became more confident in themselves as mathematics students and, in some cases, their grades improved. As a result of this research, I plan to teach and explain to my future classes about how showing their work can benefit them in a variety of ways. They will be able to use the knowledge that they gain in my classroom in their future math classes in middle and high school.


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In this action research study of a 9th grade Algebra classroom, I investigated the influence of having students present homework solutions and what effect it had on student learning and student confidence. Students were asked to present solutions to homework problems each day and were rated on how well they did. The students were also surveyed about their confidence and feelings about mathematics. Students were also observed for information about who they asked questions of when presented with a math problem they did not understand. In this classroom, two teachers were involved in instruction and this study examines what affect this had on student learning and who was asked for help. As a result of presentations, students’ confidence increased and students reacted positively to both the presentations and their own mathematical learning. The students felt the presentations were a benefit to the class and watching their peers solve mathematical equations helped them to better understand the mathematics.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 5th grade mathematics students, I investigated their understanding of the mathematical operations by having them write problems to match given equations. I discovered that writing a story to match an equation does provide insight into a student’s understanding of mathematical concepts, however, reading comprehension is a factor in the understanding. Readers who struggle with comprehension do struggle with understanding and writing math story problems. The discussion that follows the writing of a math story problem and the solving of the written problems helps to strengthen the students’ mathematical abilities as well as their communication skills and confidence levels. Through my study, students learned that it was alright to make mistakes because the learning from those mistakes is what is important. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to have students write stories to match given equations as a source of information about student understanding. I will continue to give opportunities to revisit those written problems as a tool to increase students’ comprehension and communication skills, as well as their confidence.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 8th grade mathematics students, I investigated whether cooperative learning would lead to a better understanding of the mathematical concepts and thus more success for the students. I used my three eighth grade classes with two using cooperative groups and the third not. I discovered that the students who wanted to work in cooperative groups were more successful than they had been. I also discovered that the grouping itself has a great effect on how the group works together. The wrong grouping of students can lead to disaster and many headaches for the teacher. Overall the two classes that used cooperative groups did better grade wise than the one class that was taught using the traditional way of not using cooperative groups. As a result of this research, I plan to continue using cooperative groups but will be more aware of the students who are grouped together.


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This study investigated the use of library catalogue in Niger Delta University library. The study employed descriptive research method and questionnaire as a research instrument to generate the data. The analysis revealed that 168 (51 percent) of the users were not aware of library catalogue, and 160 (54 percent) had never used the catalogue. The study also showed that 209 (71.7 percent) encountered difficulties in using the catalogue because of lack of proper education and, as a result, 202 (68.7 percent) of the users resolved to used browsing/reading through the shelves method to locate books. The analysis also revealed that 202 (68.7 percent) of users indicated that proper user education was a means to easy catalogue use in the library. Recommendations were made to improve effective catalogue use, including user education, regular orientation programme, and preparation of guidelines on use of the library catalogue.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 5th grade mathematics, I investigate how to improve students’ written explanations to and reasoning of math problems. For this, I look at journal writing, dialogue, and collaborative grouping and its effects on students’ conceptual understanding of the mathematics. In particular, I look at its effects on students’ written explanations to various math problems throughout the semester. Throughout the study students worked on math problems in cooperative groups and then shared their solutions with classmates. Along with this I focus on the dialogue that occurred during these interactions and whether and how it moved students to a deeper level of conceptual understanding. Students also wrote responses about their learning in a weekly math journal. The purpose of this journal is two-fold. One is to have students write out their ideas. Second, is for me to provide the students with feedback on their responses. My research reveals that the integration of collaborative grouping, journaling, and active dialogue between students and teacher helps students develop a deeper understanding of mathematics concepts as well as an increase in their confidence as problem solvers. The use of journaling, dialogue, and collaborative grouping reveals themselves as promising learning tasks that can be integrated in a mathematics curriculum that seeks to cultivate students’ thinking and reasoning.


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This action research study of my 8th grade classroom investigated the use of mathematical communication, through oral homework presentations and written journals entries, and its impact on conceptual understanding of mathematics. This change in expectation and its impact on students’ attitudes towards mathematics was also investigated. Challenging my students to communicate mathematics both orally and in writing deepened the students’ understanding of the mathematics. Levels of understanding deepened when a variety of instructional methods were presented and discussed where students could comprehend the ideas that best suited their learning styles. Increased understanding occurred through probing questions causing students to reflect on their learning and reevaluate their reasoning. This transpired when students were expected to write more than one draft to math journals. By making students aware of their understanding through communicating orally and in writing, students realized that true understanding did not come from mere homework completion, but from evaluating and assessing their own and other’s ideas and reasoning. I discovered that when students were challenged to communicate their reasoning both orally and in writing, students enjoyed math more and thought math was more fun. As a result of this research, I will continue to require students to communicate their thinking and reasoning both orally and in writing.