4 resultados para physiological specialization
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Artificial selection for starvation resistance provided insight into the relationships between evolved physiological and life history trait responses following exposure to biologically induced stress. Investigations of alterations to body composition, metabolic rate, movement, and life history traits including development time, female egg production, and longevity in response to brief periods of starvation were conducted on genetically based starvation-resistant and control lines of Drosophila melanogaster. Analysis of the starvation-resistant lines indicated increased energy storage with increased triglyceride deposition and conversion of carbohydrates to lipid, as identified by respiratory quotient values. Correlations between reductions in metabolic rates and movement in the starvation-resistant lines, suggested the presence of an evolved physiological response resulting in energy conservation. Investigations of life history traits in the starvation-resistant lines indicated no significant differences in development time or reproduction between the selected and control lines. Measurements of longevity, however, indicated a significant reduction in starvation-resistant D. melanogaster lifespan. These results suggested that elevated lipid concentrations, similar to that observed with obesity, were correlated with premature mortality. Exposure of the starvation-resistant and control lines to diets supplemented with glucose, palmitic acid, and a 2:1 mixture of casein to albumin were used to investigate alterations in body composition, movement, and life history traits. Results obtained from this study indicated that increased sugar in the diet led to increased carbohydrate, glycogen, total sugar, trehalose, and triglyceride concentrations, while increased fat and protein in the diet resulted in increased soluble protein, carbohydrate, glycogen, total sugar, and trehalose concentrations. Examination of life history trait responses indicated reduced fecundity in females exposed to increased glucose concentrations. Increased supplementations of palmitic acid was consistently correlated with an overall reduction in lifespan in both the starvation-resistant and control Drosophila lines, while measurements of movement indicated increased female activity levels in flies exposed to diets supplemented with fat and protein. Analyses of the physiological and life history trait responses to starvation and dietary supplementation on Drosophila melanogaster used in the present study has implications for investigating the mechanisms underlying the development and persistence of human obesity and associated metabolic disorders.
Candida albicans is a common opportunistic, dimorphic human fungal pathogen. One of its virulence factors is the morphological switch between yeasts and hyphal or pseudohyphal forms, which can invade tissues and cause damage. Our studies focus on factors regulating pseudohyphae and epigenetic modifications of C. albicans. Regulating factors of pseudohyphae are aromatic alcohols and high phosphate. At low concentrations, exogenous aromatic alcohols induced pseudohyphae, as did high phosphate. For addressing the pathways involved in inducing pseudohyphae by aromatic alcohols or high phosphate, we used mutants defective in cAMP dependent PKA pathway (efg1/efg1), MAP kinase pathway (cph1/cph1), or both (cph1/cph1/efg1/efg1). These mutants failed to produce either hyphae or pseudohyphae in the presence of aromatic alcohols; but high phosphate still stimulated pseudohyphae. Gcn4, a transcription activator of more than 500 amino acid related genes, is turned-on in response to amino acid starvation. The accumulation of aromatic alcohols sends nitrogen starvation signals, which inhibit eIF2B, which in turn derepresses Gcn4p. High phosphate also induces pseudohyphae by derepressing Gcn4p, although the pathways involved are still unknown. In sum, aromatic alcohols and high phosphate induce pseudohyphae by derepressing Gcn4. In this study we found a novel posttranslational histone modification in C. albicans, which is biotinylation. Western blot and Mass spectrometry techniques were used to find that Histones H2B and H4 were biotinylated at every condition tested such as yeast vs. hyphae, aerobic growth vs. anaerobic growth, rich medium vs. defined medium. In C. albicans lysines K8, K11 in histone H4 and lysines K17, K18, K31 in histone H2B are biotin attachment sites as found using mass spectrometry. Biotin was also found to enhance the germ tube formation of C. albicans. Germ tube formation assays with biotin-starved cells as inoculum showed low percent of germ tubes (1-5%). Addition of biotin to the media showed 100% germ tubes. Biotinylation of histones were not detected from biotin-starved cells. Appendix-A details work related to Farnesol quantification assays in several strains of C.albicans and Ceratocystis ulmi, and growth studies of class E VPS strains of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Adviser: Kenneth W. Nickerson
As with many organisms across the globe, Cicindela nevadica lincolniana is threatened with extinction. Understanding ecological factors that contribute to extinction vulnerability and what methods aid in the recovery of those species is essential in developing successful conservation programs. Here we examine behavioral mechanisms for niche partitioning along with improving techniques for captive rearing protocol and increasing public awareness about the conservation of this local insect. Ovipositional selectivity was examined for Cicindela nevadica lincolniana, Cicindela circumpicta, Cicindela togata, Cicindela punctulata, and Cicindela fulgida. Models reflect that these species of co-occurring tiger beetles select different ranges of salinity in which to oviposit thereby reducing the potential for interspecific competition. In a second study, thermoregulatory niche partitioning was examined for the same complex of tiger beetle species. Time spent in the sun, on different substrates, and engaging in various behaviors associated with thermoregulation were significantly different during different parts of the day and between species. I continued along a previous line of study to develop a viable captive rearing program. So far fourteen adult Cicindela nevadica lincolniana have been successfully reared in captivity. Overwintering mortality has been determined as a key factor in the mortality of this species in captivity. Finally, I examined the potential for using the visual arts to promote the conservation of Cicindela nevadica lincolniana and associated saline wetlands. The results from surveys conducted at the exhibit suggest that art exhibits can have a strong positive impact on members of the community.
Using auto-ethnographic methods, supplementing by current race theories, along with interviews from other scholars, I regard academentia as a form of professionalism most readily communicable to academics of color seeking advance. It can also infect those whose embrace of blackness (widely defined across cultures) is the least tolerant of the racial designs of white cultural practices. Where in the interest of students and colleagues, such academics challenge the whiteness criteria defining academic success, most of their peers adhere to the racial standards of professionalism.