4 resultados para high-stakes assessment

em DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln


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The transport of anthropogenic and natural contaminants to public-supply wells was evaluated in a part of the High Plains aquifer near York, Nebraska, as part of the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment Program. The aquifer in the Eastern High Plains regional study area is composed of Quaternary alluvial deposits typical of the High Plains aquifer in eastern Nebraska and Kansas, is an important water source for agricultural irrigation and public water supply, and is susceptible and vulnerable to contamination. A six-layer, steady-state ground-water flow model of the High Plains aquifer near York, Nebraska, was constructed and calibrated to average conditions for the time period from 1997 to 2001. The calibrated model and advective particle-tracking simulations were used to compute areas contributing recharge and travel times from recharge areas to selected public-supply wells. Model results indicate recharge from agricultural irrigation return flow and precipitation (about 89 percent of inflow) provides most of the ground-water inflow, whereas the majority of ground-water discharge is to pumping wells (about 78 percent of outflow). Particle-tracking results indicate areas contributing recharge to public-supply wells extend northwest because of the natural ground-water gradient from the northwest to the southeast across the study area. Particle-tracking simulations indicate most ground-water travel times from areas contributing recharge range from 20 to more than 100 years but that some ground water, especially that in the lower confined unit, originates at the upgradient model boundary instead of at the water table in the study area and has travel times of thousands of years.


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Rabies is an important zoonotic disease in Texas and thousands of people each year either request or require rabies prophylaxis because they have ‘high risk’ jobs or are exposed to the disease. After experiencing difficulty in receiving rabies prophylaxis from physicians, we conducted a survey of Texas medical providers to assess their knowledge of rabies vaccine procedures and their experience with rabies vaccines. Most providers in Texas (>95% of 297) rarely saw patients for rabies prophylaxis; therefore, providers have minimal, if any, experience with the procedures of acquiring and administering the vaccine. Providers varied greatly in their responses to our questions of where to acquire the vaccine, how and where to administer the vaccine, and where to acquire information about the vaccine. State and local health departments should target medical clinics and physician associations as outlets to disseminate information regarding rabies, rabies prophylaxis, and treatment.


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Sweet sorghum, a botanical variety of sorghum is a potential source of bioenergy because high sugar levels accumulate in its stalks. The objectives of this study were to explore the global diversity of sweet sorghum germplasm, and map the genomic regions that are associated with bioenergy traits. In assessing diversity, 142 sweet sorghum accessions were evaluated with three marker types (SSR, SRAP, and morphological markers) to determine the degree of relatedness among the accessions. The traits measured (anthesis date [AD], plant height [PH], biomass yield [BY], and moisture content [MC]) were all significantly different (P<0.05) among accessions. Morphological marker clustered the accessions into five groups based on PH, MC and AD. The three traits accounted for 92.5% of the variation. There were four and five groups based on SRAP and SSR data respectively classifying accessions mainly on their origin or breeding history. The observed difference between SSR and SRAP based clusters could be attributed to the difference in marker type. SSRs amplify any region of the genome whereas SRAP amplify the open reading frames and promoter regions. Comparing the three marker-type clusters, the markers complimented each other in grouping accessions and would be valuable in assisting breeders to select appropriate lines for crossing. In evaluating QTLs that are associated with bioenergy traits, 165 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were planted at four environments in Nebraska. A genetic linkage map constructed spanned a length of 1541.3 cM, and generated 18 linkage groups that aligned to the 10 sorghum chromosomes. Fourteen QTLs (6 for brix, 3 for BY, 2 each for AD and MC, and 1 for PH) were mapped. QTLs for the traits that were significantly correlated, colocalized in two clusters on linkage group Sbi01b. Both parents contributed beneficial alleles for most of traits measured, supporting the transgressive segregation in this population. Additional work is needed on exploiting the usefulness of chromosome 1 in breeding sorghum for bioenergy.


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In 1966, when the annual damage survey was initiated, Dr. C. R. Weaver, Statistician at the Ohio Agriculture Research and Development Center, Wooster, Ohio, drew up a sampling plan, balancing costs against desired precision. The plan included three combinations of fields to be sampled and stations per field for high damage areas, three combinations for moderate damage areas, and two combinations for light damage areas. Alternatives for the high damage area included (1) 497 fields with two stations per field (± .48), (2) 775 fields with two stations per field (± .26), and (3) 235 fields with ten stations per field (— .68). For the moderate damage areas, the alternatives were (1) 441 fields with three stations per field (± .26), (2) 155 fields with three stations per field (± .50), and (3) 235 fields with ten stations per field (± .32). The light dam¬age area alternatives were (1) 297 fields with three stations per field (- .26), and (2) 81 fields with three stations per field (± .50). The original survey in 1966 sampled eight counties in three regions. In 1967, 14 counties in the same three regions were sampled. Two new counties were added to one region and two new regions with two counties each (treated as one region for sampling purposes) were added to the 1968 survey. The 1968 survey was of sufficient size to be representative of the corn damage picture in Ohio and Southeast Michigan. The 1969 survey was identical to the 1968 survey.