4 resultados para fresh water fish
em DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln
ABSTRACT Riparian buffer zones are important sites of biodiversity, sediment trapping, pollutant removal, and hydrologic regulation that have significant implications for both people and wildlife. Urbanization’s influence on and need for adequate water quality increases the need for careful planning in regards to riparian areas. Wildlife are key components in the ecosystem functions of riparian zones and require consideration in peri-urban planning as well. This study reviews relevant literature to determine the recommended minimum riparian buffer width for maintaining water quality and habitat along Stevens Creek in Lincoln, Nebraska. Only sources that listed a specific purpose related to water quality and habitat for their buffer width recommendations were considered. The study found that the baseline buffer width recommended for Stevens Creek that would be adequate for both water quality maintenance and basic habitat is 50 ft (15 m) per side. This number may be modified based on other factors such as slope, soil particle size, adjacent land use, the presence of certain wildlife communities, stream size, and stream order.
ABSTRACT Nebraska has a veritable wealth of groundwater. The High Plains Aquifer underlies most of the state, and within its sand and gravel deposits, many interconnected aquifers provide fresh water for a variety of uses. One of the most spectacular examples of this resource is the artesian well. Beaver Crossing, Nebraska was once home to one of the most prolific artesian systems in the state before its demise. Founded in the 1880’s, Beaver Crossing soon became known for its many artesian wells, that provided leisure activities and supported profitable business ventures such as small farming, ice production and aquiculture. Eventually these wells would dry up and the town of Beaver Crossing would never see the level of commerce and activity that it saw during its early years. I decided to research this subject because I lived in Beaver Crossing for twelve years. While I lived there I heard stories about the artesian wells, the nationally recognized lily pond, and the large public pool fed by underground water that was plentiful around town. I was interested in knowing what happened to the water, the wells, the pool and businesses. . . And, in the wake of their disappearance, what happened to the town. To research this topic I looked at accounts of the history of Seward County and Beaver Crossing. I also studied the basic geology underlying the Great Plains, as well as local geology and issues pertaining to groundwater levels, such as rainfall amounts, drought and irrigation. As irrigation became a factor in rural Nebraska and through several documented droughts, groundwater levels all over the state declined. At the same time the artesian system in Beaver Crossing all but disappeared.
Fresh-water diatoms are present in coal, and tonsteins (altered volcanic ash) are interbedded with the coal, in the Miocene Venado Formation on the southwest margin of the Limon Basin, in Provincia Alajuela, northern Costa Rica. The Venado Formation is composed of more than 300 m of mudstone, siltstone, sandstone, limestone, volcaniclastics, and coal beds. The coal beds are of unknown lateral extent and mainly occur in the middle part of the formation. The Pataste coal bed occurs near the middle of the formation and is divided into three parts by two tonstein layers. The abundance of biogenic opaline material (diatoms) in the coal is believed to be a direct response to an influx of silica from volcanic tuffs that Later altered to the tonsteins. Diatoms are a useful microscopic tool for identifying the depositional environments of the Pataste coal deposit. The diatoms identified include Aulacosira ambigua, Pinnularia sp., Eunotia spp., and Achnanthes exigua, among others. The abundance of Aulacosira arnbigua suggests that an open-water lacustrine environment was present locally. Achnanthes exigua and the remaining diatom species are benthic forms that lived in shallow fresh-water to slightly acidic swamp environments. The different types of diatoms found in the coal indicate that swamp environments were intermixed with lacustrine environments during the formation of the peat deposit or that the coal records environmental changes through time.
In January 1973, large numbers of Mugil cephalus (striped mullet), weighing approximately 250 gm each, died in two freshwater localities in tidewater bayous of Jackson County, Mississippi. Fish identified as Mugil curema, M. cephalus, Megalops atlantica, Dormitator maculatus, and Fundulus grandis were found dead in other low saline estuarine areas. Fish-kills during cold periods are less commonly encountered in Mississippi than in Texas or Florida. This particular incident is attributed to conditions of stress for fishes incompletely acclimated to the encountered low temperatures. The most deleterious stress was the low saline water which probably allowed a breakdown in the fishes' ion-osmoregulatory mechanisms. Striped mullet and other euryhaline fishes in salinities greater than 6 ppt survived, as did freshwater centrarchids and ictalurids in areas with dying mullet. Other stresses thought to contribute to the weakening of striped mullet in Paige Bayou during the period of rapidly decreasing temperatures include starvation and high levels of pesticide residues. In examined fish, the alimentary tracts were devoid of food, the gall bladders were distended and leaking bile, the livers contained excess lipid material and were often stained throughout with bile pigments, and the levels of DDT metabolites and endrin residues in the liver were higher than in control fish. Stress caused by low levels of dissolved oxygen, toxic substances in the water, or disease was discounted as a cause of death.