2 resultados para Weltmer instutute of suggestive therapeutics, Nevada, Mo.
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Epizootics of Eimeria funduli involved estuarine killifishes (Fundulus grandis, F. pulvereus, F. similis, and F. heteroclitus) in Mississippi, Alabama, and Virginia. All of more than 500 specimens examined of F. grandis from Mississippi during 1977 through 1979 had infections, regardless of age, sex, or season collected. Oocysts occurred primarily in the liver and pancreas, replacing up to 85% of both those organs. Infrequent sites of infection were fatty tissue of the body cavity, ovary, intestine, and caudal peduncle. Living fish did not discharge oocysts. Eimeria funduli is the first known eimerian to require a second host. To complete the life cycle, an infective stage in the grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio had to be eaten. In 6-mo-old killifish reared in the laboratory at 24 C, young schizonts were first observed in hepatic and pancreatic cells 5 days post feeding, followed by first generation merozoites by day 10, differentiation of sexual stages during days 15 to 20, fertilization between days 19 and 26, sporoblasts from days 25 to 30, and sporozoites about day 60. Unique sporopodia developed on sporocysts by day 35 when still unsporulated. Temperatures of 7 to 10 C irreversibly halted schizogony. Both schizogony and sporogony progressed slower as age of host increased. When infective shrimp in doses ranging from 1 to 10% of a fish's body weight were eaten, the level of intensity of resulting infections did not differ significantly. Pathogenesis followed a specific sequence, with the host response apparently unable to contend with extensive infections as seen typically in nature and in our experiments. Premunition was indicated. When administered Monensin® orally, infected fish exhibited a reduction in oocysts by 50 to 70% within 20 days as compared with untreated fish. Furthermore, infected killifish maintained exclusively on a diet of TetraMin® for 3 mo completely lost their infections.
The yellow-billed magpie is a little smaller than the American or black-billed magpie, but the difference in size is very slight. The birds look exactly alike, except one has a black beak and the other has a yellow bill and a bit of yellow skin back of the eye.There are concentrated populations in the Los Banos area, Gustine area, and along the course of the Merced River comprising about 19,100 acres. They are occasionally seen in other areas of the County, but only infrequently observed in the southwestern portion of the County. The heaviest populations are in walnut orchards, dairy farms, almond orchards, turkey ranches and areas adjacent to river bottoms.The yellow-billed magpie may represent a dying ancient race. Since scientific interest has been directed toward its habits and distribution, its range has become more restricted. There are reports that 50 or 60 years ago it was common in many places close to the Coast, where the observer would now look for it in vain. It inhabits only the interior of California west of the Sierra Nevada, chiefly in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. It haunts stock ranches, because food to its liking is usually plentiful in such places. When cattle and sheep are butchered the refuse attracts magpies. They gather about any dead animal. They feed on grasshoppers, worms and grubs, and of course always look for a reasonable supply of eggs.