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Degeneration of tendon tissue is a common cause of tendon dysfunction with the symptoms of repeated episodes of pain and palpable increase of tendon thickness. Tendon mechanical properties are directly related to its physiological composition and the structural organization of the interior collagen fibers which could be altered by tendon degeneration due to overuse or injury. Thus, measuring mechanical properties of tendon tissue may represent a quantitative measurement of pain, reduced function, and tissue health. Ultrasound elasticity imaging has been developed in the last two decades and has proved to be a promising tool for tissue elasticity imaging. To date, however, well established protocols of tendinopathy elasticity imaging for diagnosing tendon degeneration in early stages or late stages do not exist. This thesis describes the re-creation of one dynamic ultrasound elasticity imaging method and the development of an ultrasound transient shear wave elasticity imaging platform for tendon and other musculoskeletal tissue imaging. An experimental mechanical stage with proper supporting systems and accurate translating stages was designed and made. A variety of high-quality tissue-mimicking phantoms were made to simulate homogeneous and heterogeneous soft tissues as well as tendon tissues. A series of data acquisition and data processing programs were developed to collect the displacement data from the phantom and calculate the shear modulus and Young’s modulus of the target. The imaging platform was found to be capable of conducting comparative measurements of the elastic parameters of the phantoms and quantitatively mapping elasticity onto ultrasound B-Mode images. This suggests the system has great potential for not only benefiting individuals with tendinopathy with an earlier detection, intervention and better rehabilitation, but also for providing a medical tool for quantification of musculoskeletal tissue dysfunction in other regions of the body such as the shoulder, elbow and knee.
Composites are engineered materials that take advantage of the particular properties of each of its two or more constituents. They are designed to be stronger, lighter and to last longer which can lead to the creation of safer protection gear, more fuel efficient transportation methods and more affordable materials, among other examples. This thesis proposes a numerical and analytical verification of an in-house developed multiscale model for predicting the mechanical behavior of composite materials with various configurations subjected to impact loading. This verification is done by comparing the results obtained with analytical and numerical solutions with the results found when using the model. The model takes into account the heterogeneity of the materials that can only be noticed at smaller length scales, based on the fundamental structural properties of each of the composite’s constituents. This model can potentially reduce or eliminate the need of costly and time consuming experiments that are necessary for material characterization since it relies strictly upon the fundamental structural properties of each of the composite’s constituents. The results from simulations using the multiscale model were compared against results from direct simulations using over-killed meshes, which considered all heterogeneities explicitly in the global scale, indicating that the model is an accurate and fast tool to model composites under impact loads. Advisor: David H. Allen
Nearly all biologic tissues exhibit viscoelastic behavior. This behavior is characterized by hysteresis in the response of the material to load or strain. This information can be utilized in extrapolation of life expectancy of vascular implant materials including native tissues and synthetic materials. This behavior is exhibited in many engineering materials as well such as the polymers PTFE, polyamide, polyethylene, etc. While procedures have been developed for evaluating the engineering polymers the techniques for biologic tissues are not as mature. There are multiple reasons for this. A major one is a cultural divide between the medical and engineering communities. Biomedical engineers are beginning to fill that void. A digitally controlled drivetrain designed to evaluate both elastic and viscoelastic characteristics of biologic tissues has been developed. The initial impetus for the development of this device was to evaluate the potential for human umbilical tissue to serve as a vascular graft material. The consequence is that the load frame is configured for membrane type specimens with rectangular dimensions of no more than 25mm per side. The designed load capacity of the drivetrain is to impose an axial load of 40N on the specimen. This drivetrain is capable of assessing the viscoelastic response of the specimens by four different test modes: stress relaxation, creep, harmonic induced oscillations, and controlled strain rate tests. The fluorocarbon PTFE has mechanical properties commensurate with vascular tissue. In fact, it has been used for vascular grafts in patients who have been victims of various traumas. Hardware and software validation of the device was accomplished by testing PTFE and comparing the results to properties that have been published by both researchers and manufacturers.