4 resultados para Tilting and cotilting modules
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Topics include: Free groups and presentations; Automorphism groups; Semidirect products; Classification of groups of small order; Normal series: composition, derived, and solvable series; Algebraic field extensions, splitting fields, algebraic closures; Separable algebraic extensions, the Primitive Element Theorem; Inseparability, purely inseparable extensions; Finite fields; Cyclotomic field extensions; Galois theory; Norm and trace maps of an algebraic field extension; Solvability by radicals, Galois' theorem; Transcendence degree; Rings and modules: Examples and basic properties; Exact sequences, split short exact sequences; Free modules, projective modules; Localization of (commutative) rings and modules; The prime spectrum of a ring; Nakayama's lemma; Basic category theory; The Hom functors; Tensor products, adjointness; Left/right Noetherian and Artinian modules; Composition series, the Jordan-Holder Theorem; Semisimple rings; The Artin-Wedderburn Theorem; The Density Theorem; The Jacobson radical; Artinian rings; von Neumann regular rings; Wedderburn's theorem on finite division rings; Group representations, character theory; Integral ring extensions; Burnside's paqb Theorem; Injective modules.
This paper addresses the problem of survivable lightpath provisioning in wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) mesh networks, taking into consideration optical-layer protection and some realistic optical signal quality constraints. The investigated networks use sparsely placed optical–electrical–optical (O/E/O) modules for regeneration and wavelength conversion. Given a fixed network topology with a number of sparsely placed O/E/O modules and a set of connection requests, a pair of link-disjoint lightpaths is established for each connection. Due to physical impairments and wavelength continuity, both the working and protection lightpaths need to be regenerated at some intermediate nodes to overcome signal quality degradation and wavelength contention. In the present paper, resource-efficient provisioning solutions are achieved with the objective of maximizing resource sharing. The authors propose a resource-sharing scheme that supports three kinds of resource-sharing scenarios, including a conventional wavelength-link sharing scenario, which shares wavelength links between protection lightpaths, and two new scenarios, which share O/E/O modules between protection lightpaths and between working and protection lightpaths. An integer linear programming (ILP)-based solution approach is used to find optimal solutions. The authors also propose a local optimization heuristic approach and a tabu search heuristic approach to solve this problem for real-world, large mesh networks. Numerical results show that our solution approaches work well under a variety of network settings and achieves a high level of resource-sharing rates (over 60% for O/E/O modules and over 30% for wavelength links), which translate into great savings in network costs.
Let (R,m) be a local complete intersection, that is, a local ring whose m-adic completion is the quotient of a complete regular local ring by a regular sequence. Let M and N be finitely generated R-modules. This dissertation concerns the vanishing of Tor(M, N) and Ext(M, N). In this context, M satisfies Serre's condition (S_{n}) if and only if M is an nth syzygy. The complexity of M is the least nonnegative integer r such that the nth Betti number of M is bounded by a polynomial of degree r-1 for all sufficiently large n. We use this notion of Serre's condition and complexity to study the vanishing of Tor_{i}(M, N). In particular, building on results of C. Huneke, D. Jorgensen and R. Wiegand [32], and H. Dao [21], we obtain new results showing that good depth properties on the R-modules M, N and MtensorN force the vanishing of Tor_{i}(M, N) for all i>0. We give examples showing that our results are sharp. We also show that if R is a one-dimensional domain and M and MtensorHom(M,R) are torsion-free, then M is free if and only if M has complexity at most one. If R is a hypersurface and Ext^{i}(M, N) has finite length for all i>>0, then the Herbrand difference [18] is defined as length(Ext^{2n}(M, N))-(Ext^{2n-1}(M, N)) for some (equivalently, every) sufficiently large integer n. In joint work with Hailong Dao, we generalize and study the Herbrand difference. Using the Grothendieck group of finitely generated R-modules, we also examined the number of consecutive vanishing of Ext^{i}(M, N) needed to ensure that Ext^{i}(M, N) = 0 for all i>>0. Our results recover and improve on most of the known bounds in the literature, especially when R has dimension two.
Topics covered are: Cohen Macaulay modules, zero-dimensional rings, one-dimensional rings, hypersurfaces of finite Cohen-Macaulay type, complete and henselian rings, Krull-Remak-Schmidt, Canonical modules and duality, AR sequences and quivers, two-dimensional rings, ascent and descent of finite Cohen Macaulay type, bounded Cohen Macaulay type.