9 resultados para Swine Diseases
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From the very beginning of Nebraska's agricultural development its farmers have recognized that the production of swine must of necessity accompany the growing of corn. The latter, one of the state's most important staples, cannot be marketed in a more economical manner than after having been transformed into pork, bacon, and lard. As a result the state has for many years maintained a rather dense swine population mainly divided into large herds kept on relatively small areas of land. This density of population, as well as certain practices in management and selective breeding, has brought about conditions favorable for the propagation of a number of microbic or parasitic diseases which, in a costly manner, force themselves to our attention. The various factors which affect the incidence of swine diseases are numerous and in a given situtation may be so intricately interwoven as to baffle the observer. This extension circular discusses these factors and how to prevent the spread throughout the swine population.
Anthrax is not commonly considered so important a menace to swine as it is to other forms of live stock, in which the disease is apt to declare itself with terrifying severity. In comparison with the marked mortality frequently observed in cattle, the tangible losses caused by anthrax in swine seem negligible. As recent as 25 years ago, there still were observers who sincerely doubted the occurrence of the disease in hogs and this opinion found some support in the many reported failures to induce the infection in that animal species by artificial methods.
Interest in the epidemiology of emerging diseases of humans and livestock as they relate to wildlife has increased greatly over the past several decades. Many factors, most anthropogenic, have facilitated the emergence of diseases from wildlife. Some livestock diseases have ‘‘spilled over’’ to wildlife and then ‘‘spilled back’’ to livestock. When a population is exposed to an infectious agent, depending on an interaction of factors involving the host, agent, and environment, the population may be resistant to infection or may become a dead-end host, a spillover host, or a maintenance host. Each exposure is unique; the same species of host and agent may respond differently in different situations. Management actions that affect the environment and behavior of a potential host animal may allow the emergence of a new or as yet undetected disease. There are many barriers in preventing, detecting, monitoring and managing wildlife diseases. These may include political and legal hurdles, lack of knowledge about many diseases of wildlife, the absence of basic data on wildlife populations, difficulties with surveillance, and logistical constraints. Increasing interaction between wildlife and humans or domestic animals may lead to disease emergence and require innovative methods and strategies for disease surveillance and management in wildlife.
The objective of this study was to investigate the role of GnRH on the preimplantation development of mouse embryos in vitro. GnRH-I, GnRH-II, and GnRH agonists: Des-Gly, Des-Trp and histrelin did not improve embryo development. However, treatment with the specific GnRH antagonist SB-75 blocked embryo development at morula stage. The inhibition of embryo development by SB-75 could be rescued by the addition of histrelin. To determine which intracellular signaling cascade is involved following binding of GnRH to the GnRHR, embryos were cultured in the presence of specific PKC (GFX) or PKA (SQ22536) inhibitors. The PKC inhibitor blocked embryo development at a similar stage as SB-75, whereas SQ22536 had an inhibitory effect, diminishing blastocyst formation and hatched rates. There are evidences that GnRH has an essential autocrine effect on mouse embryonic development via GnRHR, probably by activating PKC signaling cascade while the inhibition of the GnRH signaling does not activate apoptotic mechanisms involving caspase-3. In another experiment, development in vitro of embryos from Chinese Meishan (M) and occidental white crossbred (WC) females were investigated after improving the vitrification protocol for pig embryos. Efficient cryopreservation of zona pellucida-intact porcine embryos and studies of the difference among breeds could greatly impact the swine industry. The percentage of embryos surviving 24 h after cryopreservation without lysis or degeneration was higher for M (72%) than WC (44%). However, in vitro development of embryos that survived cryopreservation was not different between M and WC at the expanded (64%) or hatched (22%) blastocyst stages. Developmental rates were significantly higher for control embryos than frozen embryos from both breeds at expanded blastocyst stage, but not at hatched blastocyst stage. Rates of expanded blastocyst formation did not differ between M and WC control embryos (98 and 95%, respectively). With a new procedure to warm vitrified pig embryos, the survival rates may be improved. The optimal stages to vitrify pig embryos using the microdroplet method ranges from late compact morula to early expanded blastocyst. The results suggest that M embryos have a higher capacity to survive the vitrification process than WC embryos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a importância do GnRH no desenvolvimento embrionário precoce em camundongos. GnRH-I, GnRH-II e os GnRH agonistas: Des-Gly, Des-Trp e histrelina não incrementaram o desenvolvimento embrionário. Entretanto, o tratamento com SB-75, um antagonista específico do GnRH, bloqueou o desenvolvimento embrionário no estádio de mórula. A inibição do desenvolvimento embrionário pelo SB-75 pôde ser revertida com a adição de histrelina. Para determinar a cascata do sinal intracelular desencadeada pela ligação do GnRH com o seu receptor, embriões foram cultivados na presença de inibidores específicos da PKC (GFX) e da PKA (SQ22536). O inibidor da PKC bloqueou o desenvolvimento embrionário em estádio similar ao bloqueio mediado pelo SB- 75, enquanto o SQ22536 teve efeito inibitório diminuindo a formação de blastocisto e taxas de eclosão. Os resultados sugerem que o GnRH tem um efeito autócrino essencial no desenvolvimento embrionário através do GnRHR, provavelmente, ativando a cascata da PKC. Por outro lado, a inibição do sinal do GnRH não ativa mecanismos apoptóticos que involvam caspase-3. Em outro experimento, foi investigado o desenvolvimento in vitro de embriões da raça Meishan (M) e branco cruzado (WC) após vitrificação pelo método microgota. O desenvolvimento de protocolos eficientes para criopreservação de embriões suínos com a zona pelúcida intacta e a avaliação das diferenças entre raças pode ter um significativo impacto na suinocultura. A percentagem de embriões que sobreviveram à criopreservação depois de 24 h foi maior na M (72%) do que na WC (44%). No entanto, o desenvolvimento in vitro dos embriões que sobreviveram à criopreservação não foi diferente entre M e WC nos estádios de blastocisto expandido (64%) ou eclodido (22%). Os índices de desenvolvimento foram significativamente mais altos para os embriões controle do que para os embriões vitrificados nas duas raças no estádio de blastocisto expandido, porém não foram diferentes para o estádio de blastocisto eclodido. A formação de blastocisto expandido não diferiu entre os embriões controle M e WC (98 e 95%, respectivamente). Com o novo procedimento (“hot warm”) para descongelar embriões vitrificados pelo método de microgota, pode-se aumentar dos índices de sobrevivência. Os melhores estádios embrionários para a vitrificação de embriões suínos variam de mórula compacta tardia até blastocisto expandido inicial. Os resultados sugerem que embriões M têm mais capacidade de sobreviver ao processo de vitrificação do que embriões WC.
Invasive feral swine (Sus scrofa) cause deleterious impacts to ecosystem processes and functioning throughout their worldwide distribution, including forested ecosystems in the United States. Unfortunately, many feral swine damage management programs are conducted in a piecemeal fashion, are not adequately funded, and lack clearly stated or realistic objectives. This review paper identifies damage caused by feral swine to forest resources and presents techniques used to prevent and control feral swine damage. Concluding points related to planning a feral swine damage management program are: (1) the value of using a variety of techniques in an integrated fashion cannot be overstated; (2) there is value in using indices for both feral swine populations and their damage pre and post management activities; (3) innovative technologies will increasing be of value in the pursuit of feral swine damage reduction; and (4) though not appropriate in every situation, there is value in involving the public in feral swine damage management decisions and activities.
Compatible with the biotic uniformity of northern regions, the occurrence of certain organisms which cause zoonotic diseases is general throughout the Arctic. In the past, most frequently affected by such diseases have been aboriginal peoples whose way of life involved encroachment upon naturally occurring parasite-host assemblages. Now, as changes take place in socioeconomic conditions in the Arctic, the importance of zoonotic diseases as a cause of morbidity may lessen among such peoples, but on the other hand, more nonaborigines may be affected. Although my remarks relate mainly to Alaska, again the biotic uniformity of the North seems to have its effect even with regard to man's activity, for similar changes are occurring throughout the arctic zone. Thus far, the natural environment has not been extensively disrupted at higher latitudes, and the arctic regions remain important for basic research in the natural history of zoonotic diseases. Because of the biotic peculiarities of these regions, conditions there especially favor the investigation of parasite-host relationships and the transmission of disease among the inhabitants. Significant benefit to the human population, in the temperate zone as well, can be expected to accrue from future studies in an undisturbed arctic wilderness.
The following treatment of parasites, diseases and conditions affecting mullet hopefully serves several functions. It acquaints someone involved in rearing mullets with problems he can face and topics he should investigate. We cannot go into extensive illustrative detail on every species or group, but do provide a listing of most parasites reported or known from mullet and some pertinent general information on them. Because of these enumerations, the paper should also act as a review for anyone interested in mullet parasites or the use of such parasites as indicators about a mullet's diet and migratory behavior. Unfortunately, limited space prohibits us from presenting all the references used. The paper also deals with the public health aspects of eating or selling mullet, whether the product is to be raw, cooked, salted or smoked.
Mass mortalities due to disease outbreaks have recently affected major taxa in the oceans. For closely monitored groups like corals and marine mammals, reports of the frequency of epidemics and the number of new diseases have increased recently. A dramatic global increase in the severity of coral bleaching in 1997-98 is coincident with high El Niño temperatures. Such climate-mediated, physiological stresses may compromise host resistance and increase frequency of opportunistic diseases. Where documented, new diseases typically have emerged through host or range shifts of known pathogens. Both climate and human activities may have also accelerated global transport of species, bringing together pathogens and previously unexposed host populations.
Certain fungi have been found frequently as saprophytes in areas containing large amounts of bird excreta. These fungi have the ability to survive, multiply, and cause disease once they have entered a host. Two of these are Crypto-coccus neoformans and Histoplasma capsulatum. Both may easily become airborne and be disseminated throughout an area by the prevailing winds. C. neo-formans is commonly isolated from the excreta of pigeon habitats, and in turn has been associated with clinical cases of cryptococcosis, while blackbird roosts, harboring H. capsulatum, have been responsible for several outbreaks of histoplasmosis. When either of these fungi have become established in nature, the sites may become foci for infection and epidemics may occur if the sites are disturbed. This has led to investigation of these organisms with respect to: 1) the frequency of isolation of H. capsulatum from the soil beneath blackbird roosts in a histoplasmosis endemic area; 2) the infectivity of undisturbed roosts positive for H. capsulatum; and 3) the effectiveness of chemical decontamination of areas containing C. neoformans or H. capsulatum.