13 resultados para Philipp I, der Grossmütige, landgrave of Hesse, 1504-1567.

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Setting:White-tailed deer represent the first wildlife reservoir of Mycobacterium bovis in the United States. The behavior of does with nursing fawns provides several potential mechanisms for disease transmission. Little information exists concerning transmission between doe and fawn, specifically transmammary transmission. Objective: Determine if fawns can become infected by ingestion of milk replacer containing M. bovis, thus simulating transmission from doe to fawn through contaminated milk. Design: Seventeen, 21-day-old white-tailed deer fawns were inoculated orally with 2x108 CFU (high dose, n=5), 2.5 x 105 to 2.5 x 106 CFU (medium dose, n=5), and 1x104 CFU (low dose, n=5) of M. bovis in milk replacer. Dosages were divided equally and fed daily over a 5-day period. Positive control fawns (n=2) received 1x105 CFU of M. bovis instilled in the tonsillar crypts. Fawns were euthanized and examined 35-115 days after inoculation and various tissues collected for bacteriologic and microscopic analysis. Results: All fawns in the tonsillar, high oral and medium oral dose groups developed generalized tuberculosis involving numerous organs and tissues by 35-84 days after inoculation. Three of five fawns in the low-dose oral group had tuberculous lesions in the mandibular lymph node, and one of five had lesions in the medial retropharyngeal lymph node when examined 115 days after inoculation. Conclusion: White-tailed deer fawns can become infected through oral exposure to M. bovis. Therefore, the potential exists for fawns to acquire M. bovis while nursing tuberculous does.


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Cucullanus palmeri n. sp. is described from the shortnose batfish, Ogcocephalus nasutus, in the Gulf of Mexico. This species is anatomically most similar to Cucullanus gendrei but differs from it in having a shorter esophagus and longer tail. Males differ in having a smaller gubernaculum and a different arrangement of a lateral caudal papilla. Cucullanus palmeri is readily distinguished from Cucullanus lophii, also from a lophiform fish host, in that the deirids and excretory pore are not posterior to the posterior end of the esophagus like in C. lophii.


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The interface between stages of Eimeria funduli and hepatocytes of the experimentally infected killifish Fundulus similis was studied ultrastructurally. Parasitophorous vacuoles (PV's) in which meronts, macrogamonts, and microgamonts developed were lined by an inner, smooth membrane and an outer, ribosome-studded membrane. The outer membrane bordered on the cytoplasm of the host cell, whereas the inner one limited the PV. The origins of these membranes have not been determined with certainty, but images were observed in which both membranes appeared to be continuous with the outer nuclear membrane of the host cell. Furthermore, the outer PV membrane was continuous with membranes of rough endoplasmic reticulum in the host cell. For stages which were rapidly growing or differentiating, the inner membrane blebbed into the PV. Blebbing ceased and ribosomes detached from the outer membrane after maturation of the meront or fertilization of the macrogamont. Blebbing appears to be a mechanism by which nutrients transfer from the host to the parasite. During sporogony, the inner PV membrane acquired a thin layer of electron dense material, but otherwise membranes lining the PV remained intact. The two PV membranes, probably together with dense material of parasitic origin lining the inner membrane, appear to serve as the oocyst wall enclosing the sporocysts until they are released in the intermediate host.


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As an undergraduate sociology major, the only thing I learned about Oklahoman Laud Humphreys's classic, Tearoom Trade (1970) was how it violated standards of informed consent in social science research. As Galliher, Brekhus, and Keys recount in their biography, Laud Humphreys: Prophet of Homosexuality and Sociology, sociology graduate student Laud Humphreys needed to supplement his (quite likely, participant) observational research of men who had sex in public bathrooms (i.e., tearooms) in St. Louis in the mid-1960s with a formal questionnaire. Knowing that these men would never agree if they knew they were selected because of their participation in highly stigmatized and criminal behavior, Humphreys recorded their license plates, got their home addresses, and interviewed them as part of a "community health survey." Herein lies the deception and the major source of the controversy. What I didn't fully appreciate when I was a student, however, and what the authors so deftly illuminate is the importance of this work not only for debates around ethical issues of social science research, but more importantly, perhaps, for the study of sexuality, deviance, and urban life.


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Paranoplocephala etholeni n. sp, parasitizing the meadow vole Microtus pennsylvanicus in Alaska and Wisconsin, USA. is described Paranaplocephala etholeni is morphologically most closely related to the Nearctic Paranoplocephala ondatrae (Rausch, 1948). Available data suggest that P. etholeni is a host-specific, locally rare species that may have a wide but sporadic geographical distribution in North America. The finding of P. ondatrae-like cestodes in Microtus spp. suggests that this poorly known species may actually be a parasite of voles rather than muskrat (type host). A tabular synopsis of all the known species of Paranoplocephala s. I. in the Holarctic region with their main morphological features is presented.


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This study redescribes Andrya sciuri Rausch, 1947 (Anoplocephalidae) from the northern flying squirrel, Glaucomys sabrinus (Shaw), in North America, to redefine the morphology and generic position of this poorly known cestode. Andrya sciuri is shown to belong unambiguously to the genus Paranoplocephala Lühe, 1910 sensu Haukisalmi and Wickström (2005). Paranoplocephala sciuri is compared with four species that resemble it morphologically, and features that can be used in its identification are presented. It is suggested that P. sciuri has speciated through a shift from arvicoline rodents (voles and lemmings) to G. sabrinus.


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Scholars have investigated witness to distant suffering (WTDS) almost entirely in visual media. This study examines it in print. This form of reporting will be examined in two publications of the religious left as contrasted with the New York Times. The thesis is that, more than any technology, WTDS consists of the journalist’s moral commitment and narrative skills and the audience’s analytical resources and trust. In the religious journals, liberation theology provides the moral commitment, the writers and editors the narrative skills and trust and the special vision of the newly empowered poor the analytical foundation. In bearing witness to those who have suffered state or guerilla terrorism in El Salvador and Nicaragua during the 1980s, we will investigate a distinction between “worthy” and “unworthy victims.” This last issue has a special ethical and political significance. Media witnessing to the suffering of strangers can help them become known, and so “worthy.” It can help them, and their plight and cause, become better recognized. This is the power of the media.


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Wetland ecology is a relatively new field that developed from an initial interest in a few direct benefits that wetlands provide to society. Consequently, much early scientific work was stimulated by economic returns from specific wetland services, such as production of peat and provision of habitat for economically valuable wildlife (e.g., waterfowl and furbearers). Over time, societal interest in wetlands broadened, and these unique habitats are now valued for many additional services, including some that bear non market value. Common examples include carbon sequestration, flood reduction, water purification, and aesthetics. The increased recognition of the importance of wetlands has generated a diversity of job opportunities in wetland ecology and management. Despite the increased knowledge base and enhanced job market, I am not aware of any institutions that offer specialty degrees in this new discipline. Indeed, relatively few institutions offer specific wetland ecology classes, with Arnold G. van der Valk and a few of his peers at other universities being notable exceptions.


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Objective—To investigate the infection of calves with Mycobacterium bovis through oral exposure and transmission of M bovis from experimentally infected white-tailed deer to uninfected cattle through indirect contact. Animals—24 11-month-old, white-tailed deer and 28 6-month-old, crossbred calves. Procedure—In the oral exposure experiment, doses of 4.3 X 106 CFUs (high dose) or 5 X 103 CFUs (low dose) of M bovis were each administered orally to 4 calves; as positive controls, 2 calves received M bovis (1.7 X 105 CFUs) via tonsillar instillation. Calves were euthanatized and examined 133 days after exposure. Deer-to-cattle transmission was assessed in 2 phases (involving 9 uninfected calves and 12 deer each); deer were inoculated with 4 X 105 CFUs (phase I) or 7 X 105 CFUs (phase II) of M Bovis. Calves and deer exchanged pens (phase I; 90 days’ duration) or calves received uneaten feed from deer pens (phase II; 140 days’ duration) daily. At completion, animals were euthanatized and tissues were collected for bacteriologic culture and histologic examination. Results—In the low- and high-dose groups, 3 of 4 calves and 1 of 4 calves developed tuberculosis, respectively. In phases I and II, 9 of 9 calves and 4 of 9 calves developed tuberculosis, respectively. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Results indicated that experimentally infected deer can transmit M bovis to cattle through sharing of feed. In areas where tuberculosis is endemic in free-ranging white-tailed deer, management practices to prevent access of wildlife to feed intended for livestock should be implemented.


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Using the isolation of Mycobacterium bovis as the reference standard, this study evaluated the sensitivity, specificity and kappa statistic of gross pathology (abattoir postmortem inspection), histopathology, and parallel or series combinations of the two for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in 430 elk and red deer. Two histopathology interpretations were evaluated: histopathology I, where the presence of lesions compatible with tuberculosis was considered positive, and histopathology II, where lesions compatible with tuberculosis or a select group of additional possible diagnoses were considered positive. In the 73 animals from which M. bovis was isolated, gross lesions of tuberculosis were most often in the lung (48), the retropharyngeal lymph nodes (36), the mesenteric lymph nodes (35), and the mediastinal lymph nodes (16). Other mycobacterial isolates included: 11 M. paratuberculosis, 11 M. avium, and 28 rapidly growing species or M. terrae complex. The sensitivity estimates of gross pathology and histopathology I were 93% (95% confidence limits [CL] 84,97%) and 88% [CL 77,94%], respectively, and the specificity of both was 89% [CL 85,92%]). The sensitivity and specificity of histopathology II were 89% (CL 79,95%) and 77% (CL 72,81%), respectively. The highest sensitivity estimates (93- 95% [CL 84,98%]) were obtained by interpreting gross pathology and histopathology in parallel (where an animal had to be positive on at least one of the two, to be classified as combination positive). The highest specificity estimates (94-95% [CL 91-97%]) were generated when the two tests were interpreted in series (an animal had to be positive on both tests to be classified as combination positive). The presence of gross or microscopic lesions showed moderate to good agreement with the isolation of M. bovis (Kappa = 65-69%). The results show that post-mortem inspection, histopathology and culture do not necessarily recognize the same infected animals and that the spectra of animals identified by the tests overlaps.


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Most authors struggle to pick a title that adequately conveys all of the material covered in a book. When I first saw Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R, I expected a review of spatial statistical models and their applications in packages (libraries) from the CRAN site of R. The authors’ title is not misleading, but I was very pleasantly surprised by how deep the word “applied” is here. The first half of the book essentially covers how R handles spatial data. To some statisticians this may be boring. Do you want, or need, to know the difference between S3 and S4 classes, how spatial objects in R are organized, and how various methods work on the spatial objects? A few years ago I would have said “no,” especially to the “want” part. Just let me slap my EXCEL spreadsheet into R and run some spatial functions on it. Unfortunately, the world is not so simple, and ultimately we want to minimize effort to get all of our spatial analyses accomplished. The first half of this book certainly convinced me that some extra effort in organizing my data into certain spatial class structures makes the analysis easier and less subject to mistakes. I also admit that I found it very interesting and I learned a lot.


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Insect pollination is an essential ecosystem service, and bees are the principal pollinators of wild and cultivated plants. Habitat management and enhancement are a proven way to encourage wild bee populations, providing them with food and nesting resources. I examined bee diversity and abundance in plots managed by The Nature Conservancy near Wood River, NE. The plots were seeded with 2 seed mixes at 2 seeding rates: high diversity mix at the recommended rate, high diversity mix double the recommended rate, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) conservation planting (CP) 25 mix at one-half the recommended rate, and NRCS CP25 mix at the recommended rate. I measured wild bee abundance and diversity, and established a database of wild bees associated with the plots. I also compared genus richness and abundance among the plots using and aerial net and blue vane traps to collect bees. Significant differences were not observed in genus richness and diversity among the plots; however, plot size and the ability of blue vane traps to draw bees from a long distance may have influenced my results. In 2008, 15 genera and 95 individual bees were collected using an aerial net and in 2009, 32 genera and 6,103 individual bees were collected using blue vane traps. I also studied the beneficial insects associated with native Nebraska flora. Seventeen species of native, perennial flora were established in 3 separate plots located in eastern Nebraska. I transplanted four plants of each species in randomized 0.61 m x 0.61 m squares of a 3.05 m x 9.14 m plot. Arthropods were sampled using a modified leaf blower/vacuum. Insects and other arthropods were identified to family and organized into groups of predators, parasites, pollinators, herbivores, and miscellaneous. Associations between plant species and families of beneficial arthropods (predators, parasites, and pollinators) were made. Pycnanthemum flexuosum Walter attracted significantly more beneficial arthropod families than 7 other species of plants tested. Dalea purpurea Vent and Liatris punctata Hook also attracted significantly fewer beneficial arthropod families than 4 other species of plants tested. In total, 31 predator, 11 parasitic, 4 pollinator, 31 herbivore, and 10 miscellaneous families of arthropods were recorded.


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Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a member of the genus Pestivirus, Family Flaviviridae. The virus can infect many species of animals of the order Artiodactyla. The BVDV genome encodes an auto protease, Npro, that degrades interferon regulatory factor-3 (IRF-3) reducing type I interferon (IFN-I) production from host cells. Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) is a member of the genus Pneumovirus, Family Paramyxoviridae. Concurrent infection with BVDV and BRSV causes more severe respiratory and enteric disease than infection with either virus alone. Our hypothesis was that Npro modulates the innate immune responses to BVDV infection and enhances replication of BVDV or BRSV co-infection. The noncytopathic BVDV2 viruses NY93/c N- Npro 18 EGFP (a mutant with modified Npro fused with enhanced green fluorescent protein), NY93 infectious clone (NY93/c), wild-type NY93-BVDV2 (NY93-wt), and BRSV were evaluated in this study. The objectives of this study were: (1) to characterize the replication kinetics and IFN-I induction in Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells following infection with each of the BVDV isolates, and (2) to characterize the influence of BVDV-mediated IFN-I antagonism on enhancement of BRSV replication in bovine turbinate (BT) cells. NY93/c N- Npro 18 EGFP replicated 0.4 – 1.6 TCID50 logs lower than NY93-wt in MDBK cells. NY93/c N- Npro 18 EGFP-infected MDBK cells synthesized IFN-I significantly higher than NY93/c- and NY93-wt-infected MDBK cells. BT cells co-infected with NY93/c N- Npro 18 EGFP/BRSV or NY93-wt/BRSV were evaluated to determine the effects of co-infection on BRSV replication and IFN-I induction in BT cells. BRSV RNA levels in NY93-wt/BRSV co-infected BT cells were 2.49, 2.79, and 2.89 copy number logs significantly greater than in NY93/c N- Npro 18 EGFP/BRSV co-infected BT cells on days 5, 7, and 9 post-infection, respectively. BVDV RNA levels in NY93/c N- Npro 18 EGFP-infected BT cells were 1.64 – 4.38 copy number logs lower than in NY93-wt-infected BT cells. NY93/c N- Npro 18 EGFP single and co-infected BT cells synthesized IFN-I significantly higher than NY93-wt single and co-infected BT cells. In summary, these findings suggest: (1) NY93/c N- Npro 18 EGFP BVDV2 induced higher levels of IFN-I than BVDV2-wt and may be useful as a safer, replicating BVDV vaccine, and (2) Enhancement of BRSV infection by BVDV co-infection is mediated by antagonism of IFN-I.