4 resultados para Midgut ultrastructure

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The interface between stages of Eimeria funduli and hepatocytes of the experimentally infected killifish Fundulus similis was studied ultrastructurally. Parasitophorous vacuoles (PV's) in which meronts, macrogamonts, and microgamonts developed were lined by an inner, smooth membrane and an outer, ribosome-studded membrane. The outer membrane bordered on the cytoplasm of the host cell, whereas the inner one limited the PV. The origins of these membranes have not been determined with certainty, but images were observed in which both membranes appeared to be continuous with the outer nuclear membrane of the host cell. Furthermore, the outer PV membrane was continuous with membranes of rough endoplasmic reticulum in the host cell. For stages which were rapidly growing or differentiating, the inner membrane blebbed into the PV. Blebbing ceased and ribosomes detached from the outer membrane after maturation of the meront or fertilization of the macrogamont. Blebbing appears to be a mechanism by which nutrients transfer from the host to the parasite. During sporogony, the inner PV membrane acquired a thin layer of electron dense material, but otherwise membranes lining the PV remained intact. The two PV membranes, probably together with dense material of parasitic origin lining the inner membrane, appear to serve as the oocyst wall enclosing the sporocysts until they are released in the intermediate host.


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A virus, tentatively identified as reo-like, occurred concurrently with experimentally-induced Baculovirus penaei (BP) infection in cultured white shrimp larvae Penaeus vannamei. Each shrimp with a reo-like viral infection also had a BP infection, but not all BP-infected shrimp had a reo-like infection. Both viruses occurred in the same tissues and occasionally withln the same cell. The reolike virus developed in epithelial cells of the anterior midgut and in reserve- and fibrillar-cells of the hepatopancreas. The paraspherical and non-enveloped reo-like virions (ca. 50 nm diam.) occurred as unordered aggregates in the cell cytoplasm. Their etiology has not been determined. Reo-like virions may have been introduced along with the BP virus, or, were latent and only manifested due to stress induced by the more pathogenic BP virus.


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The aseptate gregarine Paraophloidina scolecoides n. sp. (Eugregarinorida: Lecudinidae) heavily infected the midgut of cultured larval and postlarval specimens of Penaeus vannamei from a commercial 'seed-production' facility in Texas, USA. It is morphologically similar to P. korotneffi and P. vibiliae, but it can be distinguished from them and from other members of the genus by having gamonts associated exclusively by lateral syzygy. Shrimp acquired the infection at the facility; nauplii did not show any evidence of infection, but protozoea, mysis, and postlarval shrimp had a prevalence and intensity of infection ranging from 56 to 80 % and 10 to >50 parasites, respectively. Infected shrimp removed from the facility to aquaria at another location lost their gamont infection within 7 days When voided from the gut, the gregarine disintegrated in seawater. Results suggest that P. vannamei is an accidental host, although a survey of representative members of the invertebrate fauna from the environment associated with the facility failed to discover other hosts. No link was established between infection and either the broodstock or the water or detritus from the nursery or broodstock tanks.


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A strain of a colorless, filamentous bacterium (tentatively identified as Leucothrix mucor) heavily infests the brine shrimp, Artemia salina. Its ultrastructure, unlike that of some other strains, does not reveal a distinct middle layer between its outer cell wall layer and cytoplasmic membrane, irregular blebs extending from the cell layers, or an external sheath. An entire infestation, represented as a mat of the bacterium with associated debris and microorganisms, sloughs from the shrimp when exposed to a variety of treatments. Primarily because most effective treatments are toxic to the shrimp, 100 ppm terramycin provides the treatment of choice.