4 resultados para Marsh, Moira
em DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Right whales carry large populations of three ‘whale lice’ (Cyamus ovalis, Cyamus gracilis, Cyamus erraticus) that have no other hosts. We used sequence variation in the mitochondrial COI gene to ask (i) whether cyamid population structures might reveal associations among right whale individuals and subpopulations, (ii) whether the divergences of the three nominally conspecific cyamid species on North Atlantic, North Pacific, and southern right whales (Eubalaena glacialis, Eubalaena japonica, Eubalaena australis) might indicate their times of separation, and (iii) whether the shapes of cyamid gene trees might contain information about changes in the population sizes of right whales. We found high levels of nucleotide diversity but almost no population structure within oceans, indicating large effective population sizes and high rates of transfer between whales and subpopulations. North Atlantic and Southern Ocean populations of all three species are reciprocally monophyletic, and North Pacific C. erraticus is well separated from North Atlantic and southern C. erraticus. Mitochondrial clock calibrations suggest that these divergences occurred around 6 million years ago (Ma), and that the Eubalaena mitochondrial clock is very slow. North Pacific C. ovalis forms a clade inside the southern C. ovalis gene tree, implying that at least one right whale has crossed the equator in the Pacific Ocean within the last 1–2 million years (Myr). Low-frequency polymorphisms are more common than expected under neutrality for populations of constant size, but there is no obvious signal of rapid, interspecifically congruent expansion of the kind that would be expected if North Atlantic or southern right whales had experienced a prolonged population bottleneck within the last 0.5 Myr.
The badger (Taxidea taxus). because of its strong propensity for digging, is considered North America's fossorial carnivore, feeding mostly on ground squirrels, pocket gophers, and mice throughout much of the western and midwestern continent. Badger excavations, primarily in search of food, produce mounds and deep holes which can damage alfalfa and other crops and damage farm equipment and water systems. Depredations include poultry, waterfowl, and eggs. Overall, the badger is considered a relatively minor vertebrate pest. As a furbearer it is considered a renewable natural resource. Most local pest problems are currently reduced through leghold trapping and shooting. Habitat modification through continuous rodent control is effective and a long-lasting badger control method.
On behalf of the California Vertebrate Pest Committee, which sponsors these conferences, I wish to thank all of the speakers for their contribution to the program and the session chairmen who kept the meeting moving so smoothly. We would like to extend a special thanks to the speakers and participants who have come from other countries to share with us some of their knowledge concerning vertebrate pest problems and their solutions. Hopefully, the acquaintances made here and the exchange of information with our colleagues from distant places will be the beginning of long-lasting friendships and will foster better communications between those with mutual interests.
Research, Cooperation Pays Off for Fish Farmers -- Peter Butchko, District Supervisor, USDA-APHIS-WS, Mississippi and NADCA Vice-President, East Thoughts... Robert H. Giles, Jr., President, NADCA Book Review : The Wildlife Damage Inspection Handbook, by Stephen Vantassel with Tom Olander; Reviewed by Rex E. Marsh British Fox Hunting Ban Fails Passage Recent Coyote Research From Texas: Diets of Coyotes (Canis latrans) in the Edwards Plateau and Trans-Pecos regions of Texas, by J. Harris Glass, S.K. Canon, and D. Rollins Long-time NADCA Member Robert H. Schmidt Featured in Associated Press Article on Nuisance Animal Control Industry Research Continues in New Zealand and Australia on the Efficacy of Rabbit Calicivirus Disease as Rabbit Population Control Method Latest Rabies Trends Subject of Meeting of State and National Health Experts: Keeping Physicians and the Public Informed on Managing Deadly Disease Bogus Gizmos and Gadgets No Help With Homeowners' Wildlife Problems