63 resultados para Internationalization implementation plan to Spain

em DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln


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In this action research study of my classroom of 5th grade mathematics, I investigated cooperative learning and how it is related to problem solving as well as written and oral communication. I discovered that cooperative learning has a positive impact on students’ abilities in problem solving and their overall impression of mathematics and group work. I also found that my students’ communication skills improved in oral explanations of their work. As a result of this research I plan to continue my implementation of cooperative learning in my classroom as a general method of teaching. I also plan to continue to use cooperative learning in working with my students to increase their achievement in problem solving and communication of mathematics.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 5th grade mathematics, I investigate the levels of math esteem in each student and as a classroom. The definition of esteem on which I am basing my research is the judgment or estimation of the self-assurance of a student in math. I discovered that several of the students entered my classroom with a middle to low level of esteem in math, and about a third of the class already exhibited a positive, high esteem in math. After implementation of the research, and interpreting the data, I believe almost all the students achieved higher math esteem by the end of the school year. The surveys and interviews I performed with the parents and students lead me to believe the four components of my research had an affect on this outcome. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to facilitate a high level of math esteem in each one of my students.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 7th and 8th grade mathematics, I investigated how math anxiety relates to the student work and behavior in the classroom, and how this can affect the student’s overall relationship to mathematics. I discovered that the harder the work, the more math anxiety was displayed. The harder I pushed students to think more deeply, the fewer responses to my questions I received. I noticed difference in the students’ body language and overall behavior. As a result of this research, I plan to help my students try to overcome the feeling of math anxiety and try to teach them different methods to use when they are feeling anxious. The methods that I plan to use hopefully will help the students when they are feeling anxiety and help the students to understand the math being taught and how to apply the math they learn to everyday life.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 5th grade mathematics students, I investigated their understanding of the mathematical operations by having them write problems to match given equations. I discovered that writing a story to match an equation does provide insight into a student’s understanding of mathematical concepts, however, reading comprehension is a factor in the understanding. Readers who struggle with comprehension do struggle with understanding and writing math story problems. The discussion that follows the writing of a math story problem and the solving of the written problems helps to strengthen the students’ mathematical abilities as well as their communication skills and confidence levels. Through my study, students learned that it was alright to make mistakes because the learning from those mistakes is what is important. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to have students write stories to match given equations as a source of information about student understanding. I will continue to give opportunities to revisit those written problems as a tool to increase students’ comprehension and communication skills, as well as their confidence.


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In this action research study of my classroom of seventh grade mathematics, I investigated the use of non-traditional activities to enhance mathematical connections. The types of nontraditional activities used were hands-on activities, written explanations, and oral communication that required students to apply a new mathematical concept to either prior knowledge or a realworld application. I discovered that the use of non-traditional activities helped me reach a variety of learners in my classroom. These activities also increased my students’ abilities to apply their mathematical knowledge to different applications. Having students explain their reasoning during non-traditional activities improved their communications skills, both orally and in writing. As a result of this research, I plan to incorporate more non-traditional activities into my curriculum. In doing so, I hope to continue to increase my students’ abilities to solve problems. I also plan to incorporate the use of written explanations of my students’ mathematical reasoning in order to continue to improve their communication of mathematics.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 8th and 9th grade Algebra I students, I investigated if there are any benefits for the students in my class to learn how to read, translate, use, and understand the mathematical language found daily in their math lessons. I discovered that daily use and practice of the mathematical language in both written and verbal form, by not only me but by my students as well, improved their understanding of the textbook instructions, increased their vocabulary and also increased their understanding of their math lessons. I also found that my students remembered the mathematical material better with constant use of mathematical language and terms. As a result of this research, I plan to continue stressing the use of mathematical language and vocabulary in my classroom and will try to develop new ways to help students to read, understand, and remember mathematical language they find daily in their textbooks.


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In this action research study of my 5th grade mathematics class, I investigated how students’ understanding of math vocabulary impacts their understanding of the curriculum. I discovered math vocabulary plays an important role in a student’s ability to understand daily lessons, complete homework, discuss ideas in groups, take tests and be successful on achievement tests. A student’s ability to understand the words around him (or her) in math class seem very related to his or her ability to solve word problems. Word problems are what our national assessments are all about. I also discovered that direct instruction and support of math vocabulary increased test scores and confidence in students as test takers. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to find ways to emphasize the vocabulary used in our current math curriculum. This process will start at the beginning of the year. I will continue to look for strategies that promote math vocabulary retention in my students. And finally, I will share my findings with my colleagues, so my research can be used as part of our School Improvement Goals.


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In this action research study of my two high school geometry classrooms, I investigated the use of homework. By changing the focus on homework away from the answers to the process involved in getting the answers, I found that students felt more confident, utilized their class time better, and placed more effort on complex problems. Their questions also became more specific and more effective for finding gaps in their understanding. As a result of this research, I plan to change my strategy in the practice of homework. I will give students the answers on multi-step problems to allow them the opportunity to utilize problem solving and critical thinking skills to gain practice in autonomous learning.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 8th grade mathematics, I investigated how to better prepare these students for quizzes and how technology can be used in the classroom. I discovered that there are many different ways to challenge students and help them prepare for assessments. There are also many ways to use technology in the classroom if one has the opportunities to use some of the tools, such as Power Point and Algebra Tiles. As a result of this research, I plan to increase the scores on state standards while also allowing the students to enjoy technology during this process.


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In this action research study of my classroom of Algebra 2 students, I investigated the confidence levels and communication skills of these students. I discovered that students who have higher confidence levels are comfortable in their classroom situations. The students with increased levels of confidence also have more open communication with those they respect. As a result of this research, I plan to continue with the implementation of communication skills. I will also look to next school year as a place to start executing a plan to be more available and involved in the active learning process of my students.


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In this action research study of my sixth grade mathematics class, I investigated the influence a change in my questioning tactics would have on students’ ability to determine answer reasonability to mathematics problems. During the course of my research, students were asked to explain their problem solving and solutions. Students, amongst themselves, discussed solutions given by their peers and the reasonability of those solutions. They also completed daily questionnaires that inquired about my questioning practices, and 10 students were randomly chosen to be interviewed regarding their problem solving strategies. I discovered that by placing more emphasis on the process rather than the product, students became used to questioning problem solving strategies and explaining their reasoning. I plan to maintain this practice in the future while incorporating more visual and textual explanations to support verbal explanations.


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In this action research study of recent graduates from my district, I investigated their level of readiness for college-level mathematics courses. I discovered that the students have a wide variety of experiences in college. There are many factors that determine success in college mathematics courses. These factors include size of college, private or public, university or community college. Other factors include students’ choice of major, maturity level, and work ethic. As a result of this research, I plan to raise the individual expectations in my classroom. It is our duty as high school educators to prepare the students for a wide variety of experiences in college. We cannot control where the students attend college or what they study. High schools need to prepare the students for all possibilities and ensure that they have a solid knowledge of the baseline mathematics skills.


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A plan to identify the individual farm upon which hogs reaching markets are produced has been developed in connection with the efforts toward eradicating tuberculosis among farm animals. While primarily intended as a means of tracing back to determine sources of disease infection, the system of tattooing which is being developed has other significant possibilities. With the growing emphasis on quality products in the market, it is only fair that the producers of high quality commodities receive the premiums paid by processors and consumers. Health of farm animals is a quality factor. The producer of healthy hogs should be rewarded. Likewise, the producer of diseased hogs profits from knowledge that his animals are infected and can institute efforts to control that source fo loss. This 1928 extension circular covers what each letter of a tattoo stands for, where it is to be placed on an animal, and material used in tattooing.


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The increasing interest shown among the farmers thruout this state in the betterment of dairy stock, and the tendency to give more attention to dairying on the farms, is bringing to the Agricultural College a great many requests for plans and suggestions for dairy barn construction. It is impossible to give every one of these inquiries individual attention to the extent of drawing a detailed plan to suit the conditions in each case. It is hoped therefore, that the material contained in this bulletin will offer helpful suggestions and answer many questions in the minds of prospective dairy men and dairy barn builders relative to the arrangement and construction of barns.


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In this action research study of my 6th grade math classroom I investigated the effects of increased student discourse and cooperative learning on the students’ ability to explain and understand math concepts and problem solving, as well as its effects on their use of vocabulary and written explanations. I also investigated how it affected students’ attitudes. I discovered that increased student discourse and cooperative learning resulted in positive changes in students’ attitudes about their ability to explain and understand math, as well as their actual ability to explain and understand math concepts. Evidence in regard to use of vocabulary and written explanations generally showed little change, but this may have been related to insufficient data. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to use cooperative learning groups and increased student discourse as a teaching practice in all of my math classes. I also plan to include training on cooperative learning strategies as well as more emphasis on vocabulary and writing in my math classroom.