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Nearly all biologic tissues exhibit viscoelastic behavior. This behavior is characterized by hysteresis in the response of the material to load or strain. This information can be utilized in extrapolation of life expectancy of vascular implant materials including native tissues and synthetic materials. This behavior is exhibited in many engineering materials as well such as the polymers PTFE, polyamide, polyethylene, etc. While procedures have been developed for evaluating the engineering polymers the techniques for biologic tissues are not as mature. There are multiple reasons for this. A major one is a cultural divide between the medical and engineering communities. Biomedical engineers are beginning to fill that void. A digitally controlled drivetrain designed to evaluate both elastic and viscoelastic characteristics of biologic tissues has been developed. The initial impetus for the development of this device was to evaluate the potential for human umbilical tissue to serve as a vascular graft material. The consequence is that the load frame is configured for membrane type specimens with rectangular dimensions of no more than 25mm per side. The designed load capacity of the drivetrain is to impose an axial load of 40N on the specimen. This drivetrain is capable of assessing the viscoelastic response of the specimens by four different test modes: stress relaxation, creep, harmonic induced oscillations, and controlled strain rate tests. The fluorocarbon PTFE has mechanical properties commensurate with vascular tissue. In fact, it has been used for vascular grafts in patients who have been victims of various traumas. Hardware and software validation of the device was accomplished by testing PTFE and comparing the results to properties that have been published by both researchers and manufacturers.
Increased railroad traffic volumes, speeds, and axle loads have created a need to better measure track quality. Previous research has indicated that the vertical track deflection provides a meaningful indicator of track integrity. The measured deflection can be related to the bending stresses in the rail as well as characterize the mechanical response of the track. This investigation summarizes the simulation, analysis and development of a measurement system at the University of Nebraska (UNL) to measure vertical track deflection in real-time from a car moving at revenue speeds. The UNL system operates continuously over long distances and in revenue service. Using a camera and two line lasers, the system establishes three points of the rail shape beneath the loaded wheels and over a distance of 10 ft. The resulting rail shape can then be related to the actual bending stress in the rail and estimate the track support through beam theory. Finite element simulations are used to characterize the track response as related to the UNL measurement system. The results of field tests using bondable resistance strain gages illustrate the system’s capability of approximating the actual rail bending stresses under load.
Characterization of the polygenic and polymorphic features of the Steller sea lion major histocompatibility complex (MHC) provides an ideal window for evaluating immunologic vigor of the population and identifying emergence of new genotypes that reflect ecosystem pressures. MHC genotyping can be used to measure the potential immunologic vigor of a population. However, since ecosystem-induced changes to MHC genotype can be slow to emerge, measurement of differential expression of these genes can potentially provide real-time evidence of immunologic perturbations. MHC DRB genes were cloned and sequenced using peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes derived from 10 Steller sea lions from Southeast Alaska, Prince William Sound, and the Aleutian Islands. Nine unique DRB gene sequences were represented in each of 10 animals. MHC DRB gene expression was measured in a subset of six sea lions. Although DRB in genomic DNA was identical in all individuals, relative levels of expressed DRB mRNA was highly variable. Selective suppression of MHC DRB genes could be indicative of geographically disparate environmental pressures, thereby serving as an immediate and sensitive indicator of population and ecosystem health.