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The occurrence of a species of Echinococcus (Rudolphi, 1801) on St Lawrence Island was noted by the writers in early 1950. Recognition of its unusual host relationships led to an investigation of the ecology of this cestode, E. sibiricensis Rausch & Schiller, 1954. It is the purpose of this paper to report the results of this work, with emphasis on alveolar hydatid disease in man, of which this cestode is the etiologic agent.
Bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) was discovered in northern Michigan white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in 1994, and has been known to exist in Michigan cattle herds since 1998. Despite efforts to eradicate the disease in cattle, infection and re-infection of farms continues to occur, suggesting transmission among cattle, deer, or other wildlife reservoirs. The goals of this study were to document wildlife activity on farms and evaluate the possible role wildlife play in the ecology of bovine tuberculosis (TB) in Michigan. Visual observations were conducted on farms in a 5-county area of northern Michigan to document direct wildlife-cattle interactions (i.e., <5 m between individuals) and indirect interactions (e.g., wildlife visitations to food stores and areas accessible to cattle). Observations were conducted primarily during evening and early morning hours between January and August, 2002, and on a 24-hour schedule between January and August, 2003. Total observation time accumulated through the duration of the study was 1,780 hours. Results indicated that direct interaction between deer and cattle was a rare event; no direct interactions were observed during the first year, and only one direct interaction was observed during the second year. However, through the duration of the study 21 direct interactions were documented between cattle and turkey, and 11 direct interactions were documented between cattle and mammals other than deer. In total, 273 indirect interactions by deer, 112 indirect interactions by turkeys, and 248 indirect interactions by mammals other than deer were observed during the 2 field seasons combined. These data supported the hypothesis that indirect interactions among wildlife and cattle are a potential mechanism for the transmission of TB in Michigan. If direct interactions were important mechanisms of TB transmission to cattle in northern Michigan, my data suggested that feral cats were the species of most concern, even though there were more observations between turkey and cattle. Unlike cats, which can become infected with and transmit TB, there is no evidence for such pathogenesis in turkey.
Studying the sociobiology and behavioral ecology of cetaceans is particularly challenging due in large part to the aquatic environment in which they live. Nevertheless, many of the obstacles traditionally associated with data gathering on tree-ranging whales, dolphins and porpoises are rapidly being overcome, and are now far less formidable. During the past several decades, marine mammal scientists equipped with innovative research methods and new technologies have taken field-based behavioral studies to a new level of sophistication. In some cases, as is true for bottlenose dolphins, killer whales, sperm whales and humpback whales, modern research paradigms in the marine environment are comparable to present-day studies of terrestrial mammal social systems. Cetacean Society stands testament to the relatively recent advances in marine mammal science, and to those scientists, past and present, whose diligence has been instrumental in shaping the discipline.
The importance to the biotic community of various species of lemmings in arctic and subarctic regions has long been recognized, but there is little known about the ecology of these mammals. of the two species that occur on the Arctic Slope of Alaska, namely, the collared lemming, Dicrostonyx groenlandicus rubricatus (Richardson), and the brown lemming, Lemmus trimucronatus alascensis Merriam, during the spring of 1949 the writer had the good fortune to observe a cyclic decline in the population of the brown lemming on the Arctic Coast of Alaska. Observations were made during the peak density preceding this decline and were continued for more than a year subsequent to it. It is the purpose of this paper to present the results of these studies.
Crop depredation by red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) causes serious economic losses to agricultural crops each year in both Canada and the United States. The concentration of vulnerable, monocultural crops, particularly corn, during periods when large flocks of blackbirds congregate in roosting areas prior to migration has invariably led to heavy feeding pressure (Stone et al., 1972; Wiens and Dyer, 1975; Tyler et al., 1978). Efforts to reduce damage levels by mechanical and chemical dispersal agents have been largely unsuccessful, at least in terms of a long-term solution to the problem. Recently, the lethal control of blackbird populations using surfactants has been proposed. However, the potential repercussions of the removal of substantial numbers of birds from northern breeding areas are virtually unknown (Robertson et al., 1978). Much of the research dealing with the feeding ecology of red-winged blackbirds has been limited to fall and winter periods when large aggregations of birds are actively involved in crop depredation (Goddad, 1969; Williams, 1976; Dolbeer et al., 1978) or pose a potential health hazard (Monroe and Cronholm, 1976). However, what is not known is the degree to which the removal of deleterious weed seed and insect pests cited in several studies (Bird and Smith, 1964; Mott et al., 1972; Robertson et al., 1978) might be of potential value to agriculture. The issue of whether the benefits derived from redwing foraging compensate for the negative aspects associated with crop depredation and health hazards remains largely unresolved. The present study attempted to evaluate the pest status of this species using diet information derived from food habits analysis conducted during the residency of red- winged blackbirds in a northern breeding area. By determining how the feeding ecology of red-winged blackbirds varies on a seasonal basis, among different breeding habitats and between sexes, we hoped to determine more realistically which segments of the population might be responsible for the greatest benefits or detriments and, thereby, more accurately evaluate the economic impact of the species as a whole. To achieve this aim, the study provides an accurate description of the common insects and weed pests utilized by redwings. By determining the relative proportions of those items known to be detrimental, we hoped to illustrate, at least qualitatively, the degree to which redwing foraging is comprised of both beneficial and harmful components.