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The City of Denton is situated 35 miles north of north-central Texas. This area is within one of the major N-S corridors for migratory birds. It is also far enough south so that winters are generally mild and open. The average rainfall of 30 inches sustains good stands of pecan and several species of oak, which serve as excellent roost sites for blackbirds. For the past several years, summering flocks of blackbirds have chosen Denton as a roosting site. Interviews with oldtimers here indicate that flocks of birds have always been around. It is only in recent years that their numbers seem much greater and the resulting mess deeper. They also say that "in the old days" if flocks appeared and started creating a problem, they were simply shot with little fuss resulting. This method is not generally acceptable today.
Effective communication is the soul of any institution. New opportunities are presented by Information and Communication Technology (ICTS). Library managers must adopt a more critical and communication plan that will enhance their skills and allow for further training, as well as allowing stakeholders to have input into decision-making.
Several theories have been advanced to estimate effective thermal conductivities of particulate mixtures, but most theories have focused on the dilute case. A method is proposed to estimate the effective thermal conductivity coefficient of mixtures of arbitrary concentration. Earlier the authors developed a theory to determine the expected contact area between different species. This theory is employed to determine the Kapitza resistance of the heterogeneous mixture and forms part of an overall theory to estimate the effective thermal conductivity. Results are compared with other theoretical estimates and with experiments.