7 resultados para Bears.

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We estimated demographic parameters and harvest risks for polar bears (Ursus maritimus) inhabiting the Gulf of Boothia, Nunavut, from 1976 to 2000. We computed survival and abundance from capture–recapture and recovery data (630 marks) using a Burnham joint live–dead model implemented in program MARK. Annual mean total survival (including harvest) was 0.889 ± 0.179 ( x ± 1 SE) for cubs, 0.883 ± 0.087 for subadults (ages 1–4), 0.919 ± 0.044 for adult females, and 0.917 ± 0.041 for adult males. Abundance in the last 3 yr of study was 1,592 ± 361 bears. Mean size of newborn litters was 1.648 ± 0.098 cubs. By age 7, 0.97 ± 0.30 of available females were producing litters. Harvest averaged 38.4 ± 4.2 bears/year in the last 5 yr of study; however, the 2002–2007 kill averaged 56.4 bears/yr. We used a harvested Population Viability Analysis (PVA) to examine impacts of increasing rates of harvest. We estimated the current population growth rate, λH, to be 1.025 ± 0.032. Although this suggests the population is growing, progressive environmental changes may require more frequent population inventory studies to maintain the same levels of harvest risk.


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Black bears (Ursus americanus) forage selectively in natural environments. To determine if bears also forage selectively for anthropogenic resources we analyzed data on vehicles broken into by bears from Yosemite National Park, California. We classified vehicles into 9 categories based on their make and model and collected data on use (2001–2007) and availability (2004–2005). From 2001 to 2007 bears broke into 908 vehicles at the following rates: minivan (26.0%), sport–utility vehicle (22.5%), small car (17.1%), sedan (13.7%), truck (11.9%), van (4.2%), sports car (1.7%), coupe (1.7%), and station wagon (1.4%). Only use of minivans (29%) during 2004–2005 was significantly higher than expected (7%). We discuss several competing hypotheses about why bears selected minivans.


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Ten black bears, Ursus americanus Pallas, and three brown bears, U. arctos Linnaeus, were inoculated with rabies virus from naturally infected foxes in Alaska. The bears were more resistant than canine species, requiring at least 1,000 MLD50 of virus for infection. Low titres or negative results were obtained in salivary glands titrated in mice. Clinical course of the disease, post mortem findings, and microscopic lesions are described. Microscopic lesions were more· severe in brown bears, in which the inflammatory response was distinguished by the presence of numerous eosinophils in the perivascular infiltrate and among cells diffusely infiltrating the parenchyma. In both species, inclusion bodies were found only in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. Rabies is discounted as a factor in unprovoked attacks by bears on man at high latitudes. The epizootiology of rabies in a region where bears are numerous is discussed, with the conclusion that rabid foxes usually do not excrete sufficient quantities of virus in the saliva to infect bears. German title: Tollwut bei experimentell infizierten Bären, Ursus spp., mit epizootiologischen Anmerkungen German abtract: Zehn Schwarzbären, Ursus americanus Pallas, und drei Braunbären, U. arctos Linnaeus, wurden mit einem von Füchsen in Alaska isolierten Feldstamm des Tollwutvirus infiziert. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen erkennen, daß Bären eine größere Resistenz gegenüber Tollwutinfektion aufweisen als hundeartige Karnivoren, und zwar konnten sie nicht mit weniger als 1000 MLD50 des Tollwutvirus infiziert werden. Das Virus war selten nachweisbar in den Speicheldrüsen der tollwuterkrankten Bären. Klinik und Pathologie der Tollwut bei Bären wurden kurz beschrieben. Die im Gehirn vorkommenden entzündlichen Veränderungen waren bei Braunbären besonders schwer und unterschieden sich durch die Häufigkeit der eosinophilen Leukozyten in den perivasculären und Gewebs-Infiltraten. Bei beiden Arten wurden Einschlußkörperchen nur in den Purkinje-Zellen beobachtet. Die Epizootiologie der Tollwut auf der Alaska-Halbinsel, wo Bären häufig vorkommen, wurde besprochen. Die Ergebnisse deuten an, daß Füchse wenig Virus mit dem Speichel ausscheiden, und selten soviel, daß es für die Infektion von Bären ausreicht. French title: La rage expérimentale chez les ours, Ursus spp., avec observations épizootiologiques French abstract: Dix ours noirs, Ursus americanus Pallas, et trois ours bruns, U. arctos Linnaeus, ont été inoculés avec de virus rabique provenant des renards infectés naturellement dans l'Alaska. Les ours Ont été plus résistants au virus que des espèces canines, et pour produire l'infection chez les ours, au moins 1000 MLD50 ont été requis. La titration des glandes salivaires chez des souris a données des titres peu éléves ou des résultats négatifs. La course clinique de la maladie, les observations des autopsies, et les lésions microscopiques sont decrites. Les lésions microscopiques les plus sévères ont été observées chez les ours bruns, dans lesquels la réponse inflammatoire a été distinguée par la présence de nombreux éosinophiles dans l'infiltration périvasculaire et parmi les cellules infiltrées diffusément dans Ie parenchyme. Chez les deux espèces des ours, des corps d'inclusion ont été trouvés seulement dans les cellules de Purkinje du cervelet. On a discuté l'épizootiologie de la rage dans une région où des ours sont nombreux, avec la conclusion qu'il y a dans la salive des renards rabiques une quantité de virus insuffisante pour infecter les ours. é ó í á ú Spanish title: Rabia en osos, Ursus spp., infectados experimentalmente, con anotaciones epizootológicas Spanish abstract: Diez osos negros, Ursus americanus Pallas, y tres osos pardos, U. arctos Linea, se infectaron con una estirpe campal de virus rábico aislada de zorros en Alasca. Los resultados de la experiencia permiten reconocer que los osos presentan una resistencia mayor frente a la infección rábica que los carnívoros cánidos, pues no se pudieron infectar con menos de 1.000 DML50 de virus rábico. El virus era muy raras veces identificable en las glándulas salivales de los osos enfermos de rabia. Se describen sucintamente la clínica y patología de la rabia en los osos. Las modificaciones inflamatorias en el cerebro eran muy graves en el oso pardo y se distinguían por la frecuencia de los leucocitos eosinófilos en los infiltrados perivasculares e hísticos. En ambas especies solo se hallaron corpúsculos de inclusión en las células de Purkinje. Se discute la epizootología de la rabia en la península de Alasca, donde es frecuente Ia presencia de osos. Los resultados señalan que los zorros eliminan poco virus con la saliva y casi nunca en cantidad tal que fuese suficiente para infectar los osos.


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Trichinosis in the arctic regions of the world has received considerable attention during recent years, particularly since the work of Roth (1948) in Greenland. In Connell's (1949) review of arctic trichinosis some Alaskan and Canadian records were included but, until now, little has been known of the status of the disease in Alaska. Information available at the present time indicates that the incidence of trichinosis is high in circumpolar carnivores and that marine mammals have a definite place in its epizootiology. Present knowledge cannot explain the survival of trichinosis in marine mammal populations, but it is evident that they may serve as important sources of human infection. Up to the present time the following mammals from Alaska have been found to be infected: From the arctic coast-polar bear, Thalarctas maritimus; arctic fox, Alapex lagapus irmuitus; red fox, Vulpes fulva alascemis; white whale, Delphinapterus leucas; Eskimo dog. From south of the Brooks Range--brown and grizzly bears, Ursus spp.; wolf, Canis lupus ssp.; wolverine. Gula l. luscus. At the time of writing, nearly ail species of land carnivores in Alaska have been examined as well as many other mammalian species less likely to be infected, including various rodents, shrews, and others.


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Covers the physical attributes (physiography, climate and vegetation) of the Brooks Range, Alaska, as well as the Numamuit Eskimo people who lived there in the 1940s and before (including information about their livelihood, history, dwellings, clothing, food, transportation and hunting implements), and includes a list and description of the mammals that lived there (including shrews, grizzly bears, foxes, wolves, martens, ermines, weasels, minks, wolverines, otters, lynxes, hares, marmots, ground squirrels, red squirrels, lemmings, voles, beavers, porcupines, moose, caribou and sheep).


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It was the romanticists who tended to write poetry of “autobiography,” who inquired of themselves concerning themselves, and assumed that the world was interested in what they found. Nor was the habit of self-consciousness regarding the poetic office let drop by their successors. That the words poet and poetry were so often on Emerson’s lips would be evidence enough to students of literature, in its changing temper and shifting modes, of his probable localization in time. It is also evidence of his relation to certain European movements of thought to which he gave—comparatively late in their currency and much tempered —American expression. In his doctrine of the superiority and the aloofness of the poet, of the latter’s severance from others to whom he yet bears messages of light, in his self-sufficiency and his sovereignty, his belief in the intrinsic goodness of nature and of man, and his concern with poetic thought rather than poetic form, Emerson may be termed the American representative of ideas which already had had wide circulation in Europe. In great part they emanated from Rousseau, and some of them, especially the gospel of the rights and the supremacy of the individual, had metamorphosed the politics and the map of Europe as well as its literature.


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Outwitting Urban Beaver, by C. E. "Ki" Faulkner, Regional Director, Region 0, NADCA Bear Gets Attention in Southeast Chinese disease Threatens Rabbits Product Announcements: BEAR BE GONE™ -- a device designed to deter bears from foraging in trash cans. Booklet: "Using Guard Animals to Protect Livestock" Abstracts Published at the 3rd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society: A case study of black bear movements and survival after landfill closure in the central Adirondacks, by Ann M. Russell and S.L. Simek Ecology of coyotes in a sheep ranching environment, by Ben N. Sacks, J.C.C. Neale, M. Jaeger, and D. R. McCullough Design and analysis of carnivore scent-station surveys, by Glen Sargeant, Douglas H. Johnson, and William Berg Public attitudes toward wildlife damage management, by Robert H. Schmidt, M.W. Brunson, andD. Reiter Human dimensions of wildlife contraception, by Robert H. Schmidt and D. E. Mclvor Economic assessment of rabies control efforts in Texas, by Randy M. Smith Methyl salicylate: a naturally occurring avian repellent, by Shirley Wager-Page A brief historical perspective on wildlife contraception research, by Robert J. Warren Wildlife-caused losses to agriculture in 1994, by Alice P. Wywialowski