4 resultados para Attitudes towards mathematics

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This action research study of my 8th grade classroom investigated the use of mathematical communication, through oral homework presentations and written journals entries, and its impact on conceptual understanding of mathematics. This change in expectation and its impact on students’ attitudes towards mathematics was also investigated. Challenging my students to communicate mathematics both orally and in writing deepened the students’ understanding of the mathematics. Levels of understanding deepened when a variety of instructional methods were presented and discussed where students could comprehend the ideas that best suited their learning styles. Increased understanding occurred through probing questions causing students to reflect on their learning and reevaluate their reasoning. This transpired when students were expected to write more than one draft to math journals. By making students aware of their understanding through communicating orally and in writing, students realized that true understanding did not come from mere homework completion, but from evaluating and assessing their own and other’s ideas and reasoning. I discovered that when students were challenged to communicate their reasoning both orally and in writing, students enjoyed math more and thought math was more fun. As a result of this research, I will continue to require students to communicate their thinking and reasoning both orally and in writing.


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In this action research study of my fifth grade high-ability mathematics class, I investigated student attitudes of mathematics and their confidence in mathematics. Student achievement was compared to two different confidence scales to identify a relationship between confidence and achievement. Six boys and eleven girls gave their consent to the study. I discovered there seems to be a connection between confidence and achievement and that boys are generally more confident than girls. Most students liked math and were comfortable sharing answers and methods of solving problems with other students. As a result of this study I plan to use my survey and interview questions at the beginning of the school year with my new class in order to assess their attitudes and confidence in math. I can use this information to identify potential struggles and better plan for student instruction.


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In this action research study of two classrooms of 7th grade mathematics, I investigated how requiring written explanations of problem solving would affect students ability to problem solve, their ability to write good explanations, and how it would affect their attitudes toward mathematics and problem solving. I studied a regular 7th grade mathematics class and a lower ability 7th grade class to see if there would be any difference in what was gained by each group or any group. I discovered that there were no large gains made in the short time period of my action research. Some gains were made in ability to problem solve by my lower ability students over the 7 weeks that they did a weekly problem solving assignment. Some individual students felt that the writing had helped them in their problem solving because they needed to think and write each step. As a result of this research I plan to continue implementing writing in my classroom over the entire school year requiring a little more from students each time we problem solve and write.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 8th grade mathematics, I investigated the inclusion of cooperative learning groups. Data was collected to see how cooperative learning groups affected oral and written communication, math scores, and attitudes toward mathematics. On the one hand, I discovered that many students enjoyed the opportunity to work within a group. On the other hand, there continues to be a handful of students who would rather work alone. The benefits outweigh the demands. Overall, students benefitted from the inclusion of cooperative learning groups. Oral explanations of solutions and methods improved during the study. Written expression also improved over this time period. As a result of this research, I plan to continue with the incorporation of cooperative learning groups in the middle school math classroom.