11 resultados para Anthonomus grandis Insecta

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Oocysts of Eimeria funduli were studied by transmission electron microscopy in naturally-infected livers of the Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis. Tissues were cryo-processed because membranous structures in the oocyst appear to hinder routine fixation and embedment. The oocyst wall (about 25 nm thick) was adjacent to the host cell and consisted of an outer membrane that limited the host cell cytoplasm and an inner membrane separated from the outer membrane by a narrow space. In some specimens, dense material was applied to the inner face of the inner membrane. Individual sporocysts were surrounded by a membranous "veil" (about 25 nm thick) that consisted of two unit membranes. Sporopodia, projections of the sporocyst wall, supported the veil. The sporocyst wall (130-150 nm thick) consisted of two layers, a thin electron-lucent outer layer (about 10 nm thick) and a thick electron dense inner layer (about 130 nm thick). Depending on the plane of section, the inner layer had transverse striations with periods of 3 to 4 nm or 12 to 15 nm. A narrow fissure, broadest at the anterior pole of the sporocyst, extended about one-third the length of the sporocyst wall. The posterior pole of the sporocyst was characterized by a bulbous swelling. Although this swelling resembled a Stieda body in light microscopic preparations, ultrastructurally, the swelling was a knoblike thickening in the sporocyst wall and did not plug a gap in this wall


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Epizootics of Eimeria funduli involved estuarine killifishes (Fundulus grandis, F. pulvereus, F. similis, and F. heteroclitus) in Mississippi, Alabama, and Virginia. All of more than 500 specimens examined of F. grandis from Mississippi during 1977 through 1979 had infections, regardless of age, sex, or season collected. Oocysts occurred primarily in the liver and pancreas, replacing up to 85% of both those organs. Infrequent sites of infection were fatty tissue of the body cavity, ovary, intestine, and caudal peduncle. Living fish did not discharge oocysts. Eimeria funduli is the first known eimerian to require a second host. To complete the life cycle, an infective stage in the grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio had to be eaten. In 6-mo-old killifish reared in the laboratory at 24 C, young schizonts were first observed in hepatic and pancreatic cells 5 days post feeding, followed by first generation merozoites by day 10, differentiation of sexual stages during days 15 to 20, fertilization between days 19 and 26, sporoblasts from days 25 to 30, and sporozoites about day 60. Unique sporopodia developed on sporocysts by day 35 when still unsporulated. Temperatures of 7 to 10 C irreversibly halted schizogony. Both schizogony and sporogony progressed slower as age of host increased. When infective shrimp in doses ranging from 1 to 10% of a fish's body weight were eaten, the level of intensity of resulting infections did not differ significantly. Pathogenesis followed a specific sequence, with the host response apparently unable to contend with extensive infections as seen typically in nature and in our experiments. Premunition was indicated. When administered Monensin® orally, infected fish exhibited a reduction in oocysts by 50 to 70% within 20 days as compared with untreated fish. Furthermore, infected killifish maintained exclusively on a diet of TetraMin® for 3 mo completely lost their infections.


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Six sympatric species of Haliotrema Johnston and Tiegs, 1922 are described from ostraciid fishes in Guadeloupe, West Indies. All have a basic cone-shaped cirrus, but characteristics of that and other terminal genitalia plus those of anchors can differentiate them: H. guadeloupensis sp. n. from Lactophrys triqueter (typehost) and L. bicaudalis; H. torridum sp. n. from L. triqueter (type-host) and Acanthostracion polygonius; H. glandulosum sp. n. from L. triqueter (type-host) and L. bicaudalis; H. minutum sp. n. from A. polygonius; H. lactophrys (MacCallum, 1915) comb. n. from A. polygonius and A. quadricornis which is transferred from the genus Ancyrocephalus Creplin, 1839; and H. kritskyi nom. nov. from A. polygonius. The latter has been given a replacement name for Parahaliotrema brevis. Mizelle and Kritsky, 1969 which would become a junior homonym because it, H. affinis (Mizelle and Kritsky, 1969) comb. n., H. cornutus (M. and K.) comb. n., H. grandis (M. and K.) comb. n., H. pacificus (M. and K.) comb. n., and H. zebrasoma (M. and K.) comb. n. are all transferred from the genus Parahaliotrema Mizelle and Price, 1964. We follow others in considering that genus to be a junior synonym of Haliotrema. We also determined that at least Ancyrocephalus parupenei Yamaguti, 1968 and A. pauu Yamaguti, 1968 do not belong in Ancyrocephalus. However, investigation of H. australe Johnston and Tiegs, 1922 and other species should precede transferring those species to another genus.


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Localities are documented for the milliped Abacion texense (Loomis, 1837) (Callipodida: Abacionidae) whose distribution forms both the northern and southern ordinal limits in the Western Hemisphere. The westernmost component of Abacion Rafinesque, 1820, A. texense is the only milliped species whose range spans the Mississippi and Pecos rivers and the Rio Grande. Distribution extremes are in Hennepin County (Co.), Minnesota, in the north; Terrell and Potter cos., Texas, in the west; Alcorn Co., Mississippi, in the east; and southwestern Tamaulipas, Mexico, in the south. Occurrences are projected for southeastern South Dakota, northwestern Alabama, and the southwestern periphery of Tennessee. The type series of A. texense consists solely of the male holotype, so a neotype will be needed if this individual is ever lost, because no paratypes were officially designated.


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The National Collection of Arachnids, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (México City) houses 476 chilopod samples, of which 197 are determined to genus and/or species. These are documented here and represent several new state records. Topotypes of eight species of centipedes described by R. V. Chamberlin also documented. Resumen. La Colección Nacional de Arácnidos, del Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Ciudad de México), resguarda 476 muestras de quilópodos, de los que 197 están determinadas a nivel de género y/o especie. Algunas de estas muestras corresponden a nuevos registros estatales. Se documentan los topotipos de ocho especies de ciempiés descritos por R. V. Chamberlin.


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Twenty eight species of Temnocerus Thunberg, 1815 are recognized from Central America (Mexico to Panama) with eight previously described species and 20 new species as follows: T. abdominalis (Voss), T. chiapensis n. sp., T. chiriquensis (Sharp), T. confertus (Sharp), T. cyaneus n. sp., T. ellus n. sp., T. giganteus n. sp., T. guatemalenus (Sharp), T. guerrerensis n. sp., T. herediensis n. sp., T. mexicanus n. sp., T. michoacensis n. sp., T. minutus n. sp., T. niger n. sp., T. oaxacensis n. sp., T. obrieni, n. sp., T. oculatus (Sharp), T. potosi n. sp., T. pseudaeratus n. sp., T. pueblensis n. sp., T. pusillus (Sharp), T. regularis (Sharp), T. rostralis n. sp., T. rugosus n. sp., T. salvensis n. sp., T. tamaulipensis n. sp., T. thesaurus (Sharp) and T. yucatensis n. sp. Rhynchites debilis Sharp is placed in synonymy with Temnocerus guatemalenus (Sharp) and Pselaphorhynchites lindae Hamilton is placed in synonymy with Temnocerus regularis (Sharp). A key to species based on external characters and male genitalia is provided as well as digital images, aedeagus drawings, and map distributions.


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In January 1973, large numbers of Mugil cephalus (striped mullet), weighing approximately 250 gm each, died in two freshwater localities in tidewater bayous of Jackson County, Mississippi. Fish identified as Mugil curema, M. cephalus, Megalops atlantica, Dormitator maculatus, and Fundulus grandis were found dead in other low saline estuarine areas. Fish-kills during cold periods are less commonly encountered in Mississippi than in Texas or Florida. This particular incident is attributed to conditions of stress for fishes incompletely acclimated to the encountered low temperatures. The most deleterious stress was the low saline water which probably allowed a breakdown in the fishes' ion-osmoregulatory mechanisms. Striped mullet and other euryhaline fishes in salinities greater than 6 ppt survived, as did freshwater centrarchids and ictalurids in areas with dying mullet. Other stresses thought to contribute to the weakening of striped mullet in Paige Bayou during the period of rapidly decreasing temperatures include starvation and high levels of pesticide residues. In examined fish, the alimentary tracts were devoid of food, the gall bladders were distended and leaking bile, the livers contained excess lipid material and were often stained throughout with bile pigments, and the levels of DDT metabolites and endrin residues in the liver were higher than in control fish. Stress caused by low levels of dissolved oxygen, toxic substances in the water, or disease was discounted as a cause of death.


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The Neotropical genus Coprophanaeus Olsoufieff (1924), as classified here, comprises 38 species distributed among three subgenera (Megaphanaeus Olsoufieff, Metallophanaeus Olsoufieff, and Coprophanaeus s. str. ) and eight species groups. Keys presented help to identify supraspecific and species taxa, all of which are illustrated and diagnosed. Lectotypes are designated for Phanaeus ignecinctus Felsche and Phanaeus ohausi Felsche. Coprophanaeus corythus (Harold), formerly regarded as a subspecies of C. telamon (Erichson), assumes species status. Coprophanaeus magnoi Arnaud, described as a subspecies of C. milon (Blanchard), is raised to species status. New taxonomic interpretations result in 10 new subjective synonymies (junior synonym listed first): Phanaeus machadoi Pereira and d’Andretta = Coprophanaeus saphirinus (Perty); Phanaeus costatus Olsoufieff = Coprophanaeus cyanescens (Olsoufieff); Phanaeus worontzowi Pessôa and Lane = Coprophanaeus cyanescens (Olsoufieff); Coprophanaeus kohlmanni Arnaud = Coprophanaeus morenoi Arnaud; Coprophanaeus pluto nogueirai Arnaud = Coprophanaeus pluto (Harold); Coprophanaeus edmondsi Arnaud = Coprophanaeus conocephalus (Olsoufieff); Coprophanaeus uhleri Malý and Pokorný = Coprophanaeus chiriquensis (Olsoufieff); Coprophanaeus henryi Malý and Pokorný = Coprophanaeus gilli Arnaud; Phanaeus perseus Harold = Coprophanaeus corythus (Harold); Coprophanaeus telamon nevinsoni Arnaud and Gámez = Coprophanaeus corythus; and Coprophanaeus florenti Arnaud = Coprophanaeus ohausi (Felsche). The status of the following names remains unresolved: Phanaeus strandi Balthasar; Coprophanaeus rigoutorum Arnaud; C. terrali Arnaud; C. lichyi Arnaud; C. lecromi Arnaud; C. larseni Arnaud; and C. vazdemeloi Arnaud.


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A comprehensive revision of the Subfamily Parandrinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Hawaiian, Australasian, Oriental, and Japanese regions is presented. Seven (7) new genera are described: Komiyandra, Melanesiandra, Papuandra, Storeyandra, Hawaiiandra, Caledonandra, and Malukandra. All known, indigenous species from these regions are assigned to new genera resulting in the following new combinations: Komiyandra janus (Bates, 1875), K. shibatai (Hayashi, 1963), K. formosana (Miwa and Mitono, 1939), K. lanyuana (Hayashi, 1981), Melanesiandra striatifrons (Fairmaire, 1879), M. solomonensis (Arigony, 1983), Caledonandra austrocaledonica (Montrouzier, 1861), C. passandroides (Thomson, 1867), Hawaiiandra puncticeps (Sharp, 1878), Malukandra heterostyla (Lameere, 1902), Storeyandra frenchi (Blackburn, 1895), and Papuandra araucariae (Gressitt, 1959). Thirty-one (31) new species are described: Komiyandra javana, K. nayani, K. ohbayashii, K. luzonica, K. philippinensis, K. mindanao, K. mehli, K. vivesi, K. lombokia, K. sulawesiana, K. irianjayana, K. menieri, K. sangihe, K. mindoro, K. niisatoi, K. drumonti, K. cabigasi, K. koni, K. johkii, K. poggii, K. uenoi, Melanesiandra bougainvillensis, M. birai, Papuandra gressitti, P. weigeli, P. queenslandensis, P. norfolkensis, P. rothschildi, P. oberthueri, Malukandra jayawijayana and M. hornabrooki. A lectotype is designated for Parandra janus Bates, 1875. Komiyandra janus (Bates, 1875) is excluded from nearly all previously reported locations, even one location given in the original description, and is now only known from Sulawesi. A paralectotype of Parandra janus Bates, 1875, is designated as a paratype for Komiyandra menieri, new species. Komiyandra formosana is excluded from the Japanese (Ryukyu Is.) fauna. Parandra vitiensis Nonfried, 1894, is again placed in synonymy with P. striatifrons Fairmaire (now Melanesiandra striatifrons). A neotype is designated for Parandra austrocaledonica Montrouzier, 1861. A lectotype is designated for Parandra janus Bates, 1875. The lectotype of Parandra gabonica Thomson, 1858, designated by Quentin and Villiers (1975) is considered invalid. Papuandra araucariae (Gressitt, 1959) is excluded from the fauna of Norfolk Island. The African species Stenandra kolbei (Lameere, 1903) is reported for the first time from Asia (N. Vietnam). Keys are presented to separate worldwide genera of Parandrini and all species within the study regions. Illustrations are provided for all species including many special characters to differentiate genera and species.


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The study of a collection of cestodes assigned to the genus Diplogonoporus Lönnberg, 1892 disclosed but two species, D. balaenopterae Lönnberg, 1892, and D. tetrapterus (von Siebold, 1848) (provis.). These cestodes occur characteristically in marine mammals but occasionally are found in terrestrial hosts; D. balaenopterae is recorded for the first time from the domestic dog, and it is concluded that D. grandis (Blanchard, 1894), from man, is conspecific with D. balaenopterae. The latter species is recorded for the first time from the humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski). The relatively small D. tetrapterus, a common parasite of the Steller sea lion, Eumetopias jubata (Schreber), is reported for the first time from the sea otter, Enhydra lutris Linnaeus, and from the domestic mink, Mustela vison Schreber. Descriptions of representative specimens are presented, and the taxonomic status of other species assigned to Diplogonoporus is discussed. Although the diplogonadic organization of these cestodes is somewhat variable, it is nevertheless constant and serves to characterize the genus Diplogonoporus. The process of asexual reproduction by means of transverse subdivision of primary segments is described. This ability and the diplogonadic structure of these cestodes are considered to be adaptations that increase the production of eggs and thereby the probability of reproductive success in the marine habitat.


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An updated checklist of the Cerambycidae of Costa Rica is presented. This new version includes 1,071 species and subspecies in 429 genera, 69 tribes, and six subfamilies. Of these, 181 are new country records and 136 species are known only from Costa Rica. In addition, provincial distribution data are provided for each species. The checklist supports a wealth of scientific literature in many other groups of flora and fauna indicating Costa Rica has high species richness of cerambycid beetles. Se presenta una lista actualizada de los Cerambycidae de Costa Rica. Esta nueva versión incluye 1.071 especies y subespecies en 429 géneros, 69 tribus, y seis subfamilias. De estas, 181 son nuevos registros para el país y 136 especies se conocen solamente de Costa Rica. Adicionalmente, para cada especie se incluyen datos sobre su presencia en las diferentes provincias. La lista concuerda con una gran cantidad de literatura científica en muchos otros grupos de flora y fauna que muestran que Costa Rica tiene una alta riqueza de especies.