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Discusses the taxonomy and life histories of two North American species of Carneophallus" (=Microphallus) (Digenea: Microphallidae).
The pathogenesis of South American and North American myxoma viruses was examined in two species of North American lagomorphs, Sylvilagus nuttallii (mountain cottontail) and Sylvilagus audubonii (desert cottontail) both of which have been shown to have the potential to transmit the South American type of myxoma virus. Following infection with the South American strain (Lausanne, Lu), S. nuttallii developed both a local lesion and secondary lesions on the skin. They did not develop the classical myxomatosis seen in European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). The infection at the inoculation site did not resolve during the 20-day time course of the trial and contained transmissible virus titres at all times. In contrast, S. audubonii infected with Lu had very few signs of disseminated infection and partially controlled virus replication at the inoculation site. The prototype Californian strain of myxoma virus (MSW) was able to replicate at the inoculation site of both species but did not induce clinical signs of a disseminated infection. In S. audubonii, there was a rapid response to MSW characterized by a massive T lymphocyte infiltration of the inoculation site by day 5. MSW did not reach transmissible titres at the inoculation site in either species. This might explain why the Californian myxoma virus has not expanded its host-range in North America.
Karyotypes are defined for two nearctic species of marmots, Marmota olympus (2n = 40) and M. vancouverensis (2n = 42), and supplemental information is included on the karyotypes of M. flaviventris, M. monax ochracea, and M. marmota. The six North American species of Marmota (NF = 66) comprise a distinct group as compared with the middle Asian species (NF = 70) for which the karyotypes are known. Karyologic findings and zoogeographic evidence based upon the distribution of two nearctic species of host-specific cestodes indicate that M. broweri, in northern Alaska, is a pre-Würm relict. Its affinities appear to be with the North American caligata-group rather than with the northeastern Siberian M. camtschatica. The occurrence on M. broweri of the Asian flea, Oropsylla silantiewi, has not been explained. Some ecological and behavioral characteristics of M. broweri are briefly described and compared with those of other species. Family groups of M. broweri hibernate together in single winter dens that are plugged at the entrance; copulation takes place before the animals emerge from the winter den, near mid-May; face-glands are utilized in marking of territory. French abstract: Les auteurs définissent les caryotypes de deux espèces néarctiques de marmottes, Marmota olympus (2n=40) et M. vancouverensis (2n=42), et donnent des précisions sur les caryotypes de M. flaviventris, M. monax ochracea et M. marmota. Les six especes de Marmota (NF=66) d'Amérique du Nord forment un groupe distinct des espèces d'Asie centrale (NF=70) dont Ie caryotype est connu. Les données caryologiques et les preuves zoogéographiques basées sur la répartition de deux espèces néarctiques de cestodes spécifiques de I'hôte démontrent que M. broweri, dans l'Alaska septentrional, est une relicte du pré-Würm. Elle semble avoir plus d'affinités avec Ie groupe nord américain de caligata qu'avec M. camtschatica du nord de la Sibérie. La présence sur M. broweri de la puce asiatique, Oropsylla silantiewi, n'est pas expliquée. Quelques caractéristiques écologiques et éthologiques de M. broweri sont décrites brièvement et comparées avec celles d'autres espèces. Les groupes familiaux de M. broweri hibernent dans un meme terrier dont l'entrée est bouchée; la copulation à lieu avant que les animaux sortent de leur abri hivernal, it la mi-mai ; ils se servent de leurs glandes faciales pour marquer leur territoire.