3 resultados para Algebra, homological

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Topics include: Free groups and presentations; Automorphism groups; Semidirect products; Classification of groups of small order; Normal series: composition, derived, and solvable series; Algebraic field extensions, splitting fields, algebraic closures; Separable algebraic extensions, the Primitive Element Theorem; Inseparability, purely inseparable extensions; Finite fields; Cyclotomic field extensions; Galois theory; Norm and trace maps of an algebraic field extension; Solvability by radicals, Galois' theorem; Transcendence degree; Rings and modules: Examples and basic properties; Exact sequences, split short exact sequences; Free modules, projective modules; Localization of (commutative) rings and modules; The prime spectrum of a ring; Nakayama's lemma; Basic category theory; The Hom functors; Tensor products, adjointness; Left/right Noetherian and Artinian modules; Composition series, the Jordan-Holder Theorem; Semisimple rings; The Artin-Wedderburn Theorem; The Density Theorem; The Jacobson radical; Artinian rings; von Neumann regular rings; Wedderburn's theorem on finite division rings; Group representations, character theory; Integral ring extensions; Burnside's paqb Theorem; Injective modules.


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Topics include: Rings, ideals, algebraic sets and affine varieties, modules, localizations, tensor products, intersection multiplicities, primary decomposition, the Nullstellensatz


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This course was an overview of what are known as the “Homological Conjectures,” in particular, the Zero Divisor Conjecture, the Rigidity Conjecture, the Intersection Conjectures, Bass’ Conjecture, the Superheight Conjecture, the Direct Summand Conjecture, the Monomial Conjecture, the Syzygy Conjecture, and the big and small Cohen Macaulay Conjectures. Many of these are shown to imply others. This document contains notes for a course taught by Tom Marley during the 2009 spring semester at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The notes loosely follow the treatment given in Chapters 8 and 9 of Cohen-Macaulay Rings, by W. Bruns and J. Herzog, although many other sources, including articles and monographs by Peskine, Szpiro, Hochster, Huneke, Grith, Evans, Lyubeznik, and Roberts (to name a few), were used. Special thanks to Laura Lynch for putting these notes into LaTeX.