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Table of Contents: Rebuilding after Hurricane Ike, page 3 Texas and Louisiana refuges were severely damaged in mid-September. A Crane Species Rebounding, page 5 At a Mississippi refuge, the world’s longest-running crane reintroduction program is succeeding. Focus on. . . Refuge System Wetlands, pages 8-13 The Refuge System manages wetlands to enhance their value for migratory waterfowl and shorebirds, threatened and endangered species and a myriad of native fish, wildlife, and plants. Fluttering Close to Extinction, page 17. Antioch Dunes Refuge is out to save the Lange’s metalmark butterfly.


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Table of Contents: Searching for Japanese MIAs in Alaska – page 3 Japanese and Americans look for burial sites on Attu Island in Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. The Job of a Lifetime – pages 6-7 Meet a 90-year old volunteer and a 31-year old tractor driver. Crocs Come Back – page 27 American crocodiles are threatened but no longer endangered.


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Ravaged by Nature, page 3 Hurricanes Katrina and Rita left millions of dollars of damage in their wake. Focus on…Comprehensive Conservation Planning, pages 10-14 What does it take to draft a first-rate CCP? How does a refuge reach out and communicate with partners and community? Baby Switch in High Places, page 21 Refuge biologists in California successfully swap a fertile for an infertile egg and the condor parents are none the wiser. Invasive Plant Mapping, page 9 Volunteers using state-of-the-arttechnology are helping to map and control invasive plants.


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Table of Contents: Prairie Science Class Celebrates Anniversary, page 16 Program integrates environmental education into routine public school curriculum. Focus on Hunting, page 8-15 While the National Wildlife Refuge System has been shaped by a variety of public concerns, hunters were among the early, substantive voices. Texas Brochures Turned Some Heads, page 17 South Texas Refuge series of brochures are notable for their beauty and more. Forty Years for the Wilderness Act, Page 18 National Wilderness Preservation System protects more than 105.7 million acres, including more than 20 million acres on 65 refuges.


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