89 resultados para Herzog, Harold


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In Alaska, as in arctic and subarctic Eurasia, important natural-focal zoonoses are rabies, brucellosis, tularemia, trichinosis, alveolar hydatid disease, cystic hydatid disease, and diphyllobothriasis. Most frequently affected are aboriginal peoples in villages within biocenoses that include the natural parasite-host assemblages. Pathogens are transmitted to man from wild animals and from dogs, which are important as synanthropic hosts. The prevalence and rate of transmission of certain pathogens in natural foci are related to the numerical density of small mammals, especially rodents, which may themselves be involved as hosts, and on which the numbers of their predators ultimately depend, such as is evident in the natural cycles of Echinococcus multilocularis and of rabies virus. Some pathogens in northern regions exhibit biological Characteristics that separate them from morphologically indistinguishable strains at lower latitudes (e.g., Trichinella spiralis and E. granulosus). Host-parasite relationships may also differ, as in the Arctic where rabies virus is maintained in populations of foxes, without significant involvement of mammals of other groups. Faunal interchanges during and after the Pleistocene period have influenced the distribution of parasite-host assemblages in Alaska.


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Compatible with the biotic uniformity of northern regions, the occurrence of certain organisms which cause zoonotic diseases is general throughout the Arctic. In the past, most frequently affected by such diseases have been aboriginal peoples whose way of life involved encroachment upon naturally occurring parasite-host assemblages. Now, as changes take place in socioeconomic conditions in the Arctic, the importance of zoonotic diseases as a cause of morbidity may lessen among such peoples, but on the other hand, more nonaborigines may be affected. Although my remarks relate mainly to Alaska, again the biotic uniformity of the North seems to have its effect even with regard to man's activity, for similar changes are occurring throughout the arctic zone. Thus far, the natural environment has not been extensively disrupted at higher latitudes, and the arctic regions remain important for basic research in the natural history of zoonotic diseases. Because of the biotic peculiarities of these regions, conditions there especially favor the investigation of parasite-host relationships and the transmission of disease among the inhabitants. Significant benefit to the human population, in the temperate zone as well, can be expected to accrue from future studies in an undisturbed arctic wilderness.


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Cytogenetic studies based upon somatic cells (bone marrow) have disclosed that the marmot hitherto designated Marmota caligata broweri Hall and Gilmore, occurring in the Brooks Range of Arctic Alaska, differs from M. c. caligata (Eschscholtz) in number of chromosomes (2n=36 as compared with 2n=42 in M. caligata) and in proportions of chromosomal types. Typical karyograms for the two species are presented. It is concluded that the Brooks Range marmot is specifically distinct from M. caligata, the applicable name being Marmota broweri Hall and Gilmore. Also determined were diploid chromosome numbers for two other Nearctic species of marmots, M. flaviventris (Audubon and Bachman), with 42, and M. olympus (Merriam), with 40. It is suggested that M. broweri survived the last (Wisconsin) glaciations in the amphi-Beringian refugium, and that its closest affinities may be with one of the Eurasian species of Marmota.


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Tumors of the Harderian gland occurred frequently in red-backed voles, Clethrionomys rutilus (Pallas), in a captive colony maintained since 1957. Although the tumors became obvious only in animals about a year old and older, early stage changes were histologically evident in glands from younger, clinically normal voles. The tumors ranged in type from poorly differentiated adenoma to adenocarcinoma, with invasion of adjacent tissues and characteristic deformation of the zygomata. Electron micrographs disclosed viral particles in the cytoplasm of glands from clinically normal animals as well as in glands showing malignant changes. The tumor was not observed in arvicoline rodents of other species maintained in the same rooms with the red-backed voles.


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French abstract: La faune des Trématodes Microphallidés d'Alaska étudiée comporte neuf espèces différentes, distribuées en quatre genres: 1° Microphallus oblonga Ching, 1965, M. pygmaeum (Levinsen, 1881) et M. similis (Jaegerskioeld, 1900). 2° Levinseniella (Lev.) propinqua Jaegerskioeld, 1907. 3° Maritrema acadiae (Swales, 1933). M. afanassjewi Belopolskaia, 1952. M. gratiosum Nicoll, 1907. M. megametrios Deblock et Rausch, 1968 et enfin, 4° Pseudospelotrema sp. n° 1. Les caractéristiques morphologiques essentielles de ces Trématodes sont décrites, sauf celles de la dernière espèce citée qui a déjà fait l'objet d'une étude antérieure. English abstract: Microphallid trematodes of nine species, representing four genera, have been studied from birds and mammals collected in Alaska: 1° Microphallus oblonga Ching, 1965, M. pygmaeum (Levinsen, 1881) and M. similis (Jaegerskioeld, 1900). 2° Levinseniella (Lev.) propinqua Jaegerskioeld, 1907. 3° Maritrema acadiae (Swales, 1933), M. afanassjewi Belopolskaia, 1952, M. gratiosum, Nicoll, 1907 and M. megametrios Deblock and Rausch, 1968 and 4° Pseudospelotrema sp. n° 1. Morphological characteristics of these trematodes are described, with the exception of Pseudospelotrema sp. to be considered elsewhere.


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This paper reports seasonal changes in respiratory gases in artificial dens of two species of hibernators indigenous to central and northern Alaska: Citellus parryi ablusus(Osgood) and Marmota broweri Hall and Gilmore (Sciuridae).


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Not more than four species of cestodes of the genus Echinococcus Rudolphi, 1801, are recognized as valid. The larval stage of at least three of them is able to develop in man, causing respective types of hydatid disease. Accurate characterization of these cestodes, including both larval and adult stages, is essential for identification, upon which depends development of methods for preventing infection of man and domestic animals. Because morphological characteristics of the larval cestodes may be modified according to the species of host in which they develop, identification should be based upon taxonomic characters of specimens from the respective natural hosts, which can be identified by means of ecological investigations in endemic areas in combination with controlled infection of experimental animals. The morphological and biological characteristics of the known species are discussed, and the two species most important to public health and economically--E. granulosus (Batsch, 1786) and E. multilocularis Leuckart, 1863--are distinguished. French résumé: Trois espèces de cestodes du genre Echinococcus Rudolphi, 1801 ont été identifiées: E. granulosus (Batsch, 1786); E. multilocularis Leuckart, 1863; et E. oligarthrus (Diesing, 1863). On n'a pas encore déterminé avec certitude s'il fallait leur adjoindre E. patagonicus Szidat, 1960. Ce dernier mis à part, tous ces ténias sont connus pour provoquer chez l'homme des formes spécifiques d'échinococcose hydatique; l'infestation par les larves de E. granulosus est également fréquente chez les ongulés domestiques et la répartition de ce cestode est presque cosmopolite. E. multilocularis est très largement répandu dans l'hémisphère nord, tandis que E. oligarthrus ne se trouve que dans le centre et le sud de I'Amérique. Pour définir des critères morphologiques qui permettent de distinguer avec précision les différentes espèces d'Echinococcus, il convient de prendre les spécimens sur leurs hôtes naturels, sinon l'évolution du stade strobilaire se trouve habituellement retardée et le stade larvaire présente une gamme étendue de variations morphologiques. Pour identifier les hôtes naturels, il faut étudier l'écologie dans les zones d'éndemicité, ainsi que les manifestations de l'infection contrôlée chez des animaux d'expérience. Le stade strobilaire des ténias peut présenter plusieurs caractères spécifiques importants qui concernent notamment la taille, le nombre et la répartition des testicules, la position du pore génital dans les segments gravides, la forme de l'utérus gravide et, dans certains cas, la taille et la forme des crochets du rostre. La structure de la larve normalement développée est caractéristique de chacune des trois espèces relativement bien connues. Les caractéristiques biologiques jouent également un rôle important dans la différenciation de ces cestodes. Au stade larvaire, le laps de temps nécessaire au développement des scolex infectants est directement fonction de la durée de vie de l'hôte intermédiaire. La larve de E. multilocularis présente des scolex infectants dès le deuxième ou le troisième mois, alors qu'ils n'apparaissent qu'au bout d'un ou deux ans chez la larve de E. granulosus. Un tableau donne la liste comparative des caractéristiques taxonomiques qui permettent de faire la distinction entre ces deux espèces.


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Ten black bears, Ursus americanus Pallas, and three brown bears, U. arctos Linnaeus, were inoculated with rabies virus from naturally infected foxes in Alaska. The bears were more resistant than canine species, requiring at least 1,000 MLD50 of virus for infection. Low titres or negative results were obtained in salivary glands titrated in mice. Clinical course of the disease, post mortem findings, and microscopic lesions are described. Microscopic lesions were more· severe in brown bears, in which the inflammatory response was distinguished by the presence of numerous eosinophils in the perivascular infiltrate and among cells diffusely infiltrating the parenchyma. In both species, inclusion bodies were found only in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. Rabies is discounted as a factor in unprovoked attacks by bears on man at high latitudes. The epizootiology of rabies in a region where bears are numerous is discussed, with the conclusion that rabid foxes usually do not excrete sufficient quantities of virus in the saliva to infect bears. German title: Tollwut bei experimentell infizierten Bären, Ursus spp., mit epizootiologischen Anmerkungen German abtract: Zehn Schwarzbären, Ursus americanus Pallas, und drei Braunbären, U. arctos Linnaeus, wurden mit einem von Füchsen in Alaska isolierten Feldstamm des Tollwutvirus infiziert. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen erkennen, daß Bären eine größere Resistenz gegenüber Tollwutinfektion aufweisen als hundeartige Karnivoren, und zwar konnten sie nicht mit weniger als 1000 MLD50 des Tollwutvirus infiziert werden. Das Virus war selten nachweisbar in den Speicheldrüsen der tollwuterkrankten Bären. Klinik und Pathologie der Tollwut bei Bären wurden kurz beschrieben. Die im Gehirn vorkommenden entzündlichen Veränderungen waren bei Braunbären besonders schwer und unterschieden sich durch die Häufigkeit der eosinophilen Leukozyten in den perivasculären und Gewebs-Infiltraten. Bei beiden Arten wurden Einschlußkörperchen nur in den Purkinje-Zellen beobachtet. Die Epizootiologie der Tollwut auf der Alaska-Halbinsel, wo Bären häufig vorkommen, wurde besprochen. Die Ergebnisse deuten an, daß Füchse wenig Virus mit dem Speichel ausscheiden, und selten soviel, daß es für die Infektion von Bären ausreicht. French title: La rage expérimentale chez les ours, Ursus spp., avec observations épizootiologiques French abstract: Dix ours noirs, Ursus americanus Pallas, et trois ours bruns, U. arctos Linnaeus, ont été inoculés avec de virus rabique provenant des renards infectés naturellement dans l'Alaska. Les ours Ont été plus résistants au virus que des espèces canines, et pour produire l'infection chez les ours, au moins 1000 MLD50 ont été requis. La titration des glandes salivaires chez des souris a données des titres peu éléves ou des résultats négatifs. La course clinique de la maladie, les observations des autopsies, et les lésions microscopiques sont decrites. Les lésions microscopiques les plus sévères ont été observées chez les ours bruns, dans lesquels la réponse inflammatoire a été distinguée par la présence de nombreux éosinophiles dans l'infiltration périvasculaire et parmi les cellules infiltrées diffusément dans Ie parenchyme. Chez les deux espèces des ours, des corps d'inclusion ont été trouvés seulement dans les cellules de Purkinje du cervelet. On a discuté l'épizootiologie de la rage dans une région où des ours sont nombreux, avec la conclusion qu'il y a dans la salive des renards rabiques une quantité de virus insuffisante pour infecter les ours. é ó í á ú Spanish title: Rabia en osos, Ursus spp., infectados experimentalmente, con anotaciones epizootológicas Spanish abstract: Diez osos negros, Ursus americanus Pallas, y tres osos pardos, U. arctos Linea, se infectaron con una estirpe campal de virus rábico aislada de zorros en Alasca. Los resultados de la experiencia permiten reconocer que los osos presentan una resistencia mayor frente a la infección rábica que los carnívoros cánidos, pues no se pudieron infectar con menos de 1.000 DML50 de virus rábico. El virus era muy raras veces identificable en las glándulas salivales de los osos enfermos de rabia. Se describen sucintamente la clínica y patología de la rabia en los osos. Las modificaciones inflamatorias en el cerebro eran muy graves en el oso pardo y se distinguían por la frecuencia de los leucocitos eosinófilos en los infiltrados perivasculares e hísticos. En ambas especies solo se hallaron corpúsculos de inclusión en las células de Purkinje. Se discute la epizootología de la rabia en la península de Alasca, donde es frecuente Ia presencia de osos. Los resultados señalan que los zorros eliminan poco virus con la saliva y casi nunca en cantidad tal que fuese suficiente para infectar los osos.


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An ecological and taxonomic study of the helminth parasites of voles (Microtus spp.) in the Jackson Hole region of Wyoming is reported. Nematospiroides microti n. sp. from Microtus montanus nanus and M. richardsoni macropus is described and figured. A cestode, Paranoplocephala infrequens, and a nematode, Syphacia obvelata, were generally distributed throughout the region in all habitats except the sage flats. A trematode, Quinqueserialis hassalli, was recovered only from voles collected near streams at low altitudes. This was presumably due to the localized distribution of the molluscan intermediate host. Four helminths, viz., Hymenolepis horrida, Heligmosomum costellatum, Nematospiroides microti and Trichuris opaca, were restricted in their distribution to the alpine and sub-alpine meadows. Of these parasites, H. horrida and H. costellatum are reported for the first time from North America. Most of the other host and locality records are new. Available data indicate that host specificity was not a factor in restricting the distribution of parasites. Although the greatest numbers of parasites, both qualitative and quantitative, occurred in habitats where host density was greatest, it seems unlikely that host density is the only factor involved.


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In connection with parasitological studies carried on during 1949 for the U.S. Public Health Service, the writer collected a considerable number of mammals from the northern edge of the "Endicott" section of the Brooks Range, in Arctic Alaska. The mammalian fauna of this region is poorly known, since apparently no previous collecting has been done here. About 200 microtine rodents were collected, mostly near Tolugak Lake (latitude 68° 24' N, longitude 151° 26' W), near the head of the Anaktuvuk River Valley. A few specimens were also taken at Umiat, on the Colville River, about 80 miles north of Tolugak Lake (latitude 69° 23' N, longitude 152° 10' W). Five species are represented: Clethrionomys rutilis dawsoni (Merriam), Microtus oeconomus macfarlani Merriam, Microtus miurus paneaki, n. subsp., Lemmus trimucronatus alascensis Merriam and Dicrostonyx groenlandicus rubricatus (Richardson). More complete details concerning their ecology and reproduction will be presented in a later paper, at which time the other mammals obtained will also be considered. The specimens have been deposited in the U.S. National Museum.


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Although cestodes of the genus Echinococcus have been much studied in the past, there is need for an evaluation of these morphological characters used as the basis for species differentiation. The generous cooperation of other investigators in providing necessary foreign material and the results of nearly five years of field work in Alaska make possible such a study. It is the purpose of the paper to evaluate morphological characters used at the species level to differentiate these cestodes, and to review the status of species currently considered valid.


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Paranoplocephala etholeni n. sp, parasitizing the meadow vole Microtus pennsylvanicus in Alaska and Wisconsin, USA. is described Paranaplocephala etholeni is morphologically most closely related to the Nearctic Paranoplocephala ondatrae (Rausch, 1948). Available data suggest that P. etholeni is a host-specific, locally rare species that may have a wide but sporadic geographical distribution in North America. The finding of P. ondatrae-like cestodes in Microtus spp. suggests that this poorly known species may actually be a parasite of voles rather than muskrat (type host). A tabular synopsis of all the known species of Paranoplocephala s. I. in the Holarctic region with their main morphological features is presented.


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This study redescribes Andrya sciuri Rausch, 1947 (Anoplocephalidae) from the northern flying squirrel, Glaucomys sabrinus (Shaw), in North America, to redefine the morphology and generic position of this poorly known cestode. Andrya sciuri is shown to belong unambiguously to the genus Paranoplocephala Lühe, 1910 sensu Haukisalmi and Wickström (2005). Paranoplocephala sciuri is compared with four species that resemble it morphologically, and features that can be used in its identification are presented. It is suggested that P. sciuri has speciated through a shift from arvicoline rodents (voles and lemmings) to G. sabrinus.


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The northern biotype of Echinococcus granulosus occurs throughout the holarctic zones of tundra and taiga, from eastern Fennoscandia to the Bering Strait in Eurasia and in North America from arctic Alaska approximately to the northern border of the United States. The cycle of the cestode is complex in taiga at lower latitudes, because of the greater diversity of potential hosts. In the Arctic and Subarctic, however, four patterns of predator/prey relationships may be discerned. Two natural cycles involve the wolf and wild reindeer and the wolf and elk (moose), respectively. Where deer of the two species coexist, both are prey of the wolf; the interactions of the wolf and elk are here described on the basis of long-term observations made on Isle Royale (in Lake Superior near the southern limit of taiga), where only the wolf and elk serve as hosts for E. granulosus. A synanthropic cycle involving herding-dogs and domesticated reindeer caused hyperendemicity of cystic echinococcosis in arctic Eurasia, mainly in northeastern Siberia. The 4th pattern, a semi-synanthropic cycle, formerly existed in Alaska, wherein sled-dogs of the indigenous hunters became infected by consuming the lungs of wild reindeer. The sequence of changes in life-style inherent in the process of acculturation affected the occurrence of cystic echinococcosis among nomadic Iñupiat in arctic Alaska. When those people became sedentary, the environs of their early villages soon became severely contaminated by feces of dogs, and cases of cystic echinococcosis occurred. Compared to cystic echinococcosis caused by E. granulosus adapted to synanthropic hosts (dog and domestic ungulates), the infection produced by the northern biotype is relatively benign. 0fearly all diagnosed cases of cystic echinococcosis (> 300 in Alaska have occurred in indigenous people; only one fatality has been recorded (in a non-indigenous person). After sled-dogs were replaced by machines, cases have become rare in Alaska. A similar effect has been observed in Fennoscandia, in the Saami and domesticated reindeer. Recent records indicate tbat the prcvalence of cystic echinococcosis is increasing in Russia, suggesting that dogs are used there in herding.


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Schizorchis caballeroi n. sp. has been described from the collared pika, Ochotona collaris (Nelson), from Alaska, and has been distinguished morphologically from its congeners, S. ochotonae Hansen, 1948, and S. altaica Gvozdev, 1951. Nine species of helminths have been described 10 dale from North American pikas, O. collaris and O. princeps (Richardson). These mammals are markedly allopatric and do not share any species of helminth. Nematodes of two genera, Eugenuris Shults and Labiostomum Akhtar, 1941, occur in O. collaris as weIl as in palearctic species of Ochotona. This, along with other pertinent information, is taken to suggest that O. collaris has invaded North American more recently than did O. princeps or its precursor.