90 resultados para ICT and mathematics education


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In this action research study of my classroom of 7th and 8th grade mathematics, I investigated how math anxiety relates to the student work and behavior in the classroom, and how this can affect the student’s overall relationship to mathematics. I discovered that the harder the work, the more math anxiety was displayed. The harder I pushed students to think more deeply, the fewer responses to my questions I received. I noticed difference in the students’ body language and overall behavior. As a result of this research, I plan to help my students try to overcome the feeling of math anxiety and try to teach them different methods to use when they are feeling anxious. The methods that I plan to use hopefully will help the students when they are feeling anxiety and help the students to understand the math being taught and how to apply the math they learn to everyday life.


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In this action research study of eighth grade mathematics, I investigated my students’ use of writing and solving word problems. I collected data to determine if writing and solving word problems would have a positive effect on students’ abilities to understand and solve word problems. These word problems are grade-level appropriate and are very similar to the problems on the eighth grade online assessment of state standards. Pre- and post-test data, weekly word problems that focus on specific mathematics topics, beginning and end surveys about word problem perceptions, and a teacher journal reveal that student engagement in this weekly practice of writing and solving word problems did influence the students’ overall abilities for, achievement in and attitudes toward solving word problems. Except for some students’ perceptions, the influence was largely positive. This suggests that word problems can be a constructive feature in eighth mathematics instruction.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 5th grade mathematics students, I investigated their understanding of the mathematical operations by having them write problems to match given equations. I discovered that writing a story to match an equation does provide insight into a student’s understanding of mathematical concepts, however, reading comprehension is a factor in the understanding. Readers who struggle with comprehension do struggle with understanding and writing math story problems. The discussion that follows the writing of a math story problem and the solving of the written problems helps to strengthen the students’ mathematical abilities as well as their communication skills and confidence levels. Through my study, students learned that it was alright to make mistakes because the learning from those mistakes is what is important. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to have students write stories to match given equations as a source of information about student understanding. I will continue to give opportunities to revisit those written problems as a tool to increase students’ comprehension and communication skills, as well as their confidence.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 8th grade mathematics students, I investigated whether cooperative learning would lead to a better understanding of the mathematical concepts and thus more success for the students. I used my three eighth grade classes with two using cooperative groups and the third not. I discovered that the students who wanted to work in cooperative groups were more successful than they had been. I also discovered that the grouping itself has a great effect on how the group works together. The wrong grouping of students can lead to disaster and many headaches for the teacher. Overall the two classes that used cooperative groups did better grade wise than the one class that was taught using the traditional way of not using cooperative groups. As a result of this research, I plan to continue using cooperative groups but will be more aware of the students who are grouped together.


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In this action research study of my classroom of seventh grade mathematics, I investigated the use of non-traditional activities to enhance mathematical connections. The types of nontraditional activities used were hands-on activities, written explanations, and oral communication that required students to apply a new mathematical concept to either prior knowledge or a realworld application. I discovered that the use of non-traditional activities helped me reach a variety of learners in my classroom. These activities also increased my students’ abilities to apply their mathematical knowledge to different applications. Having students explain their reasoning during non-traditional activities improved their communications skills, both orally and in writing. As a result of this research, I plan to incorporate more non-traditional activities into my curriculum. In doing so, I hope to continue to increase my students’ abilities to solve problems. I also plan to incorporate the use of written explanations of my students’ mathematical reasoning in order to continue to improve their communication of mathematics.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 8th and 9th grade Algebra I students, I investigated if there are any benefits for the students in my class to learn how to read, translate, use, and understand the mathematical language found daily in their math lessons. I discovered that daily use and practice of the mathematical language in both written and verbal form, by not only me but by my students as well, improved their understanding of the textbook instructions, increased their vocabulary and also increased their understanding of their math lessons. I also found that my students remembered the mathematical material better with constant use of mathematical language and terms. As a result of this research, I plan to continue stressing the use of mathematical language and vocabulary in my classroom and will try to develop new ways to help students to read, understand, and remember mathematical language they find daily in their textbooks.


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In this action research study of my 5th grade classroom, I investigated the benefits of a modified block schedule and departmentalization. The research consisted of dividing the 5th grade curriculum into three blocks. Each block consisted of two primary subject areas: Mathematics was paired with Social Studies, Reading was paired with Health, and Writing was paired with Science. These groupings were designed to accommodate district time-allotment requirements and the strengths of each teacher within the 5th grade team. Thus, one teacher taught all of the Mathematics and Social Studies, another all of the Reading and Health, and another all of the Writing and Science. Students had classes with each teacher, each school day. I discovered that this departmentalization had many benefits to both students and teachers. As a result of this research, we plan to continue with our new schedule and further develop it to more fully exploit the educational and professional advantages we found to be a part of the project.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 8th grade mathematics, I investigated if cooperative learning could be an effective teaching method with the Saxon curriculum. Saxon curriculum is largely individualized in that most lessons could be completed without much group interaction. I discovered that cooperative learning was very successful with the curriculum as long as it was structured. Ninety-five percent of the students in the study preferred to work in groups, and I observed mathematical communication grow with most of the students. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to incorporate cooperative learning into my mathematics classroom. I will use cooperative learning with all of my mathematics classes, even the ones that do not use the Saxon curriculum. I believe in the power of working together.


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In this action research study of my classroom of sixth grade mathematics, I investigated the impact of cooperative learning on the engagement, participation, and attitudes of my students. I also investigated the impact of cooperative learning upon my own teaching. I discovered that my students not only preferred to learn in cooperative groups, but that their levels of engagement and participation, their attitudes toward math, and their quality of work all improved greatly. My teaching also changed, and I found that I began to enjoy teaching more. As a result of this research, I plan to continue and expand the amount of cooperative group work that happens in my classroom.


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In this action research study of my 5th grade mathematics class, I investigated how students’ understanding of math vocabulary impacts their understanding of the curriculum. I discovered math vocabulary plays an important role in a student’s ability to understand daily lessons, complete homework, discuss ideas in groups, take tests and be successful on achievement tests. A student’s ability to understand the words around him (or her) in math class seem very related to his or her ability to solve word problems. Word problems are what our national assessments are all about. I also discovered that direct instruction and support of math vocabulary increased test scores and confidence in students as test takers. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to find ways to emphasize the vocabulary used in our current math curriculum. This process will start at the beginning of the year. I will continue to look for strategies that promote math vocabulary retention in my students. And finally, I will share my findings with my colleagues, so my research can be used as part of our School Improvement Goals.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 11th grade geometry, I investigated the use of rubrics to help me assess my students during homework presentations. I wanted to know more about the processes students went through as they did their homework problems, so homework presentations were implemented with the rubrics being the main form of assessment. I discovered that students are willing to speak about mathematics and can gain more understanding of mathematical processes as a result of homework presentations. The scores of the class improved after they talked about the homework assignments with each other. As a result of this research, I plan to keep on using homework presentations in my classroom to talk about homework, but discontinue the use of rubrics in assessment of students in mathematics. I also found students going to the board to solve problems in small groups are another helpful way to use presentations prior to assessment to help me understand where the students are with a new concept prior to assigning homework or giving an assessment.


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In this action research study of my 8th grade Algebra class, I investigated the effects of teacher-to-student written corrective feedback on student performance and attitude toward mathematics. The corrective feedback was given on solutions for selected independent practice problems assigned as homework. Each problem being assessed was given a score based on a 3- point rubric and additional comments were written. I discovered that providing teacher-to-student written corrective feedback for independent practice problems was beneficial for both students and teachers. The feedback positively affected the attitudes of students and teacher toward independent practice work resulting in an improved quality of solutions produced by students. I plan to extend my research to explore ways to provide corrective feedback to students in all of my mathematics classes.


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In this action research study of a district’s mathematics teachers, the researcher investigated how teachers interact with other teachers in their building and throughout the district. The researcher wanted to know how deeply teachers thought about teaching mathematics, and if they use other teachers in the district as a resource to help with unknown math problems. The researcher discovered that some teachers are willing to interact with others, but would like to have time supplied to them during the school year’s staff development meetings. The teachers involved were able to observe each other teaching and take valuable strategies back to their own classrooms. As a result of this research, the researcher would like to see this study continued next year during staff development time. The support of the district and staff development are key to the success of this study.


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In this action research study of my eighth grade differentiated Algebra students, I investigated the effects of students using self-assessment on their homework. Students in my class were unmotivated and failed test objectives consistently. I wanted students to see that they controlled their learning and could be motivated to succeed. Formative assessment tells students how they need to improve. Learning needs to happen before they can be assessed. Self-assessment is one tool that helps students know if they are learning. A rubric scoring guide, daily documentation sheet and feedback on homework and test correlations were used to help students monitor their learning. Students needed time to develop the skill to self-assess. Students began to understand the relationship between homework and performing well on tests by the end of the action research period. Early in the period, most students encountered difficulty understanding that they controlled their learning and did not think homework was important. By the end of the year, all students said homework was important and that it helped them on quizzes and tests. Motivating students to complete homework is difficult. Teaching them to self-assess and to keep track of their learning helps them stay motivated.


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This action research paper was about a mandatory math club of seventh graders that met once per week over a 12-week period. The students gathered in the classroom during their regularly scheduled math class. The focus of the math club was to solve challenging math problems, usually cooperatively, and sometimes competitively. The math club activities varied from week to week to offer an element of surprise. Frequently, the students presented their solutions to peers, along with an explanation of the way they solved the problem. Instruments were used to collect information about problem-solving accuracy, student attitudes, and student and teacher behaviors. I discovered a slight improvement in problem solving. Also, on Math Club days, the teaching was less teacher-centered and more student-centered. As a result of this research, I plan to offer my middle school students more problem-solving opportunities and I plan to allow my students to work cooperatively on a regular basis.