87 resultados para Computer Sciences Corporation


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Key management is a core mechanism to ensure the security of applications and network services in wireless sensor networks. It includes two aspects: key distribution and key revocation. Key distribution has been extensively studied in the context of sensor networks. However, key revocation has received relatively little attention. Existing key revocation schemes can be divided into two categories: centralized key revocation scheme and distributed key revocation scheme. In this paper, we first summarize the current key revocation schemes for sensor networks. Then, we propose an efficient centralized key revocation scheme, KeyRev, for wireless sensor networks. Unlike most proposed key revocation schemes focusing on removing the compromised keys, we propose to use key updating techniques to obsolesce the keys owned by the compromised sensor nodes and thus remove the nodes from the network. Our analyses show that the KeyRev scheme is secure inspite of not removing the pre-distributed key materials at compromised sensor nodes. Simulation results also indicate that the KeyRev scheme is scalable and performs very well in wireless sensor networks.


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Wireless sensor networks are promising solutions for many applications. However, wireless sensor nodes suffer from many constraints such as low computation capability, small memory, limited energy resources, and so on. Grouping is an important technique to localize computation and reduce communication overhead in wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we use grouping to refer to the process of combining a set of sensor nodes with similar properties. We propose two centralized group rekeying (CGK) schemes for secure group communication in sensor networks. The lifetime of a group is divided into three phases, i.e., group formation, group maintenance, and group dissolution. We demonstrate how to set up the group and establish the group key in each phase. Our analysis shows that the proposed two schemes are computationally efficient and secure.


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The security of the two party Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol is currently based on the discrete logarithm problem (DLP). However, it can also be built upon the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). Most proposed secure group communication schemes employ the DLP-based Diffie-Hellman protocol. This paper proposes the ECDLP-based Diffie-Hellman protocols for secure group communication and evaluates their performance on wireless ad hoc networks. The proposed schemes are compared at the same security level with DLP-based group protocols under different channel conditions. Our experiments and analysis show that the Tree-based Group Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (TGECDH) protocol is the best in overall performance for secure group communication among the four schemes discussed in the paper. Low communication overhead, relatively low computation load and short packets are the main reasons for the good performance of the TGECDH protocol.


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In this paper, we propose a Loss Tolerant Reliable (LTR) data transport mechanism for dynamic Event Sensing (LTRES) in WSNs. In LTRES, a reliable event sensing requirement at the transport layer is dynamically determined by the sink. A distributed source rate adaptation mechanism is designed, incorporating a loss rate based lightweight congestion control mechanism, to regulate the data traffic injected into the network so that the reliability requirement can be satisfied. An equation based fair rate control algorithm is used to improve the fairness among the LTRES flows sharing the congestion path. The performance evaluations show that LTRES can provide LTR data transport service for multiple events with short convergence time, low lost rate and high overall bandwidth utilization.


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Most of the proposed key management protocols for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in the literature assume that a single base station is used and that the base station is trustworthy. However, there are applications in which multiple base stations are used and the security of the base stations must be considered. This paper investigates a key management protocol in wireless sensor networks which include multiple base stations. We consider the situations in which both the base stations and the sensor nodes can be compromised. The proposed key management protocol, mKeying, includes two schemes, a key distribution scheme, mKeyDist, supporting multiple base stations in the network, and a key revocation scheme, mKeyRev, used to efficiently remove the compromised nodes from the network. Our analyses show that the proposed protocol is efficient and secure against the compromise of the base stations and the sensor nodes.


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Survivable traffic grooming (STG) is a promising approach to provide reliable and resource-efficient multigranularity connection services in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks. In this paper, we study the STG problem in WDM mesh optical networks employing path protection at the connection level. Both dedicated protection and shared protection schemes are considered. Given the network resources, the objective of the STG problem is to maximize network throughput. To enable survivability under various kinds of single failures such as fiber cut and duct cut, we consider the general shared risk link group (SRLG) diverse routing constraints. We first resort to the integer linear programming (ILP) approach to obtain optimal solutions. To address its high computational complexity, we then propose three efficient heuristics, namely separated survivable grooming algorithm (SSGA), integrated survivable grooming algorithm (ISGA) and tabu search survivable grooming algorithm (TSGA). While SSGA and ISGA correspond to an overlay network model and a peer network model respectively, TSGA further improves the grooming results from SSGA and ISGA by incorporating the effective tabu search method. Numerical results show that the heuristics achieve comparable solutions to the ILP approach, which uses significantly longer running times than the heuristics.


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Traffic grooming in optical WDM mesh networks is a two-layer routing problem to effectively pack low-rate connections onto high-rate lightpaths, which, in turn, are established on wavelength links. In this work, we employ the rerouting approach to improve the network throughput under the dynamic traffic model. We propose two rerouting schemes, rerouting at lightpath level (RRAL) and rerouting at connection level (RRAC). A qualitative comparison is made between RRAL and RRAC. We also propose the critical-wavelength-avoiding one-lightpath-limited (CWA-1L) and critical-lightpath-avoiding one-connection-limited (CLA-1C) rerouting heuristics, which are based on the two rerouting schemes respectively. Simulation results show that rerouting reduces the connection blocking probability significantly.


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We propose an efficient scheduling scheme that optimizes advance-reserved lightpath services in reconfigurable WDM networks. A re-optimization approach is devised to reallocate network resources for dynamic service demands while keeping determined schedule unchanged.


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We propose a resource-sharing scheme that supports three kinds of sharing scenarios in a WDM mesh network with path-based protection and sparse OEO regeneration. Several approaches are used to maximize the sharing of wavelength-links and OEO regenerators.


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An analytical model for Virtual Topology Reconfiguration (VTR) in optical networks is developed. It aims at the optical networks with a circuit-based data plane and an IPlike control plane. By identifying and analyzing the important factors impacting the network performance due to VTR operations on both planes, we can compare the benefits and penalties of different VTR algorithms and policies. The best VTR scenario can be adaptively chosen from a set of such algorithms and policies according to the real-time network situations. For this purpose, a cost model integrating all these factors is created to provide a comparison criterion independent of any specific VTR algorithm and policy. A case study based on simulation experiments is conducted to illustrate the application of our models.


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Translucent WDM optical networks use sparse placement of regenerators to overcome the impairments and wavelength contention introduced by fully transparent networks, and achieve a performance close to fully opaque networks with much less cost. Our previous study proved the feasibility of translucent networks using sparse regeneration technique. We addressed the placement of regenerators based on static schemes allowing only fixed number of regenerators at fixed locations. This paper furthers the study by proposing a suite of dynamical routing schemes. Dynamic allocation, advertisement and discovery of regeneration resources are proposed to support sharing transmitters and receivers between regeneration and access functions. This study follows the current trend in optical networking industry by utilizing extension of IP control protocols. Dynamic routing algorithms, aware of current regeneration resources and link states, are designed to smartly route the connection requests under quality constraints. A hierarchical network model, supported by the MPLS-based control plane, is also proposed to provide scalability. Experiments show that network performance is improved without placement of extra regenerators.


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The emergence of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology provides the capability for increasing the bandwidth of Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) rings by grooming low-speed traffic streams onto different high-speed wavelength channels. Since the cost of SONET add-drop multiplexers (SADM) at each node dominates the total cost of these networks, how to assign the wavelength, groom in the traffic and bypass the traffic through the intermediate nodes has received a lot of attention from researchers recently.


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Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) offers a solution to the problem of exploiting the large bandwidth on optical links; it is the current favorite multiplexing technology for optical communication networks. Due to the high cost of an optical amplifier, it is desirable to strategically place the amplifiers throughout the network in a way that guarantees that all the signals are adequately amplified while minimizing the total number amplifiers being used. Previous studies all consider a star-based network. This paper demonstrates an original approach for solving the problem in switch-based WDM optical network assuming the traffic matrix is always the permutation of the nodes. First we formulate the problem by choosing typical permutations which can maximize traffic load on individual links; then a GA (Genetic Algorithm) is used to search for feasible amplifier placements. Finally, by setting up all the lightpaths without violating the power constaints we confirm the feasibility of the solution.


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Sparse traffic grooming is a practical problem to be addressed in heterogeneous multi-vendor optical WDM networks where only some of the optical cross-connects (OXCs) have grooming capabilities. Such a network is called as a sparse grooming network. The sparse grooming problem under dynamic traffic in optical WDM mesh networks is a relatively unexplored problem. In this work, we propose the maximize-lightpath-sharing multi-hop (MLS-MH) grooming algorithm to support dynamic traffic grooming in sparse grooming networks. We also present an analytical model to evaluate the blocking performance of the MLS-MH algorithm. Simulation results show that MLSMH outperforms an existing grooming algorithm, the shortest path single-hop (SPSH) algorithm. The numerical results from analysis show that it matches closely with the simulation. The effect of the number of grooming nodes in the network on the blocking performance is also analyzed.


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In active learning, a machine learning algorithmis given an unlabeled set of examples U, and is allowed to request labels for a relatively small subset of U to use for training. The goal is then to judiciously choose which examples in U to have labeled in order to optimize some performance criterion, e.g. classification accuracy. We study how active learning affects AUC. We examine two existing algorithms from the literature and present our own active learning algorithms designed to maximize the AUC of the hypothesis. One of our algorithms was consistently the top performer, and Closest Sampling from the literature often came in second behind it. When good posterior probability estimates were available, our heuristics were by far the best.