44 resultados para NCR extension publication


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When the white men first explored Nebraska, they found little erosion taking place. They found the hills, particularly in eastern Nebraska, covered with a dense growth of grass, underlain with a thick mat of decaying debris. The valleys were even more densely covered with the water-loving grasses and sedges. The soil underneath the prairie was black and spongy, the result of centuries of accumulating humus. The valleys bordering the streams were boggy and abounded with springs. Clear water flowed constantly in the streams. The upland draws in the more favorable parts of the state were heavily covered with the big bluestem and slough grass. Springs occurred in many of these. Soil erosion in Nebraska has not progressed to as great an extent as in states to the east and to the south. This is because of the comparatively lower rainfall in Nebraska, because the land has been farmed for fewer years in this state, and because some Nebraska soils are comparatively less erosive. This extension circular covers factors which influence erosion, erosion control practices, and storage of soil moisture.


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When the white men first explored Nebraska, they found little erosion taking place. They found the hills, particularly in eastern Nebraska, covered with a dense growth of grass, underlain with a thick mat of decaying debris. The valleys were even more densely covered with the water-loving grasses and sedges. The soil underneath and prairie was black and soggy, the result of centuries of accumulating humus. The valleys bordernig the streams were boggy and abounded with springs. Clear water flowed constantly in the streams. The upland draws in the more favorable parts of the state were heavily covered with the big bluesteam and slough grass. Springs occurred in many of these. Soil erosion in Nebraska has not progressed to as great an extent as in states to the east and to the south. This is because of the comparatively lower rainfall in Nebraska, because the land has been farmed for fewer years in this state, and because some Nebraska soils are comparatively less erosive. This extension circular covers the factors which influence erosion, erosion control practices and storage of soil moisture.


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The agricultural lands of this country are its greatest natural resource. History points out that nations with vast areas of good farm land are most likely to prosper and survive over long periods of time. Local communities, too, prosper and flourish in proportion to the productiveness of the surrounding land. Schools, social life, and business develop best in areas where the land is productive and properly managed and conserved. Nebraska, in common with other states, has suffered by the depletion of soil fertility. The reduction in acres in legumes and grasses, and the deplation of the organic matter in the surface soils, has likewise had its effect on the run-off of precipitation, soil blowing, and damage from drouth. In order to know what elements of fertility may become deficient and how soil fertility may be restored and maintained, we should understand the composition, character, and management of soils. In the following pages, some fundamentals of soil feritlity are given, followed later by a discussion of practical soil-management practices.


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This investigation was made in 1929-1930 for the purpose of studying the activities of Nebraska farm women in the raising of poultry and in the care of dairy products, to discover whether or not such activities resulted in a contribution to the family income. With this in view, a group of women were asked to keep records for one year (from April 1, 1929 to March 31, 1930) of the value and amount of dairy and poultry products sold or used, of all expense incurred in production, and of the time spent both by the homemaker herself and by all other members of the household, in the production and sale of dairy and poultry products. When this study was outlined it was intended to cover only actual cash addition to the family income. This, however, did not prove to be feasible, as a considerable portion of the contribution to the family income was in the form of dairy and poultry products used at home.


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The increasing interest shown among the farmers thruout this state in the betterment of dairy stock, and the tendency to give more attention to dairying on the farms, is bringing to the Agricultural College a great many requests for plans and suggestions for dairy barn construction. It is impossible to give every one of these inquiries individual attention to the extent of drawing a detailed plan to suit the conditions in each case. It is hoped therefore, that the material contained in this bulletin will offer helpful suggestions and answer many questions in the minds of prospective dairy men and dairy barn builders relative to the arrangement and construction of barns.


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Varying economic conditions and changes in the demands of the meat consuming public have been responsible for the turns that have taken place in the beef industry during recent years. Both feeder and producer must recognize and conform to these changes if they are to continue in business. Among the most important of these changes have been the turn toward the marketing of lighter cattle and the gradual disappearance from feed lots of two- and three-year-old animals. Furthermore, the cattle population of the United States is fast reaching stabilization with the resulting effect that more heifers are being marketed, since only one-fourth of the heifer crop is needed to replace worn-out breeding animals. Realizing the increasing importance of the heifer problem from the standpoint of the producer, feeder, and consumer, the Nebraska Experiment Station undertook to compare steers and heifers in a series of trials both in the feedlot and in the beef. It was hoped that these experiments would yield results which would bring out existing differences, if any, between steers and heifers both in quality and quantity of beef produced and thus provide or disprove many of the complaints against heifers. The results of these trials are summarized in this bulletin. Age as well as the sex factor has been considered, since two-year-olds, yearlings, and calves were included in these trials.


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When the well "goes dry" or when the windmill or pump breaks down, every one in the household immediately appreciates the value fo plenty of water. In other words, "You never miss the water until the well runs dry." Fortunately, in most sections of this state, plenty of pure water may be obtained by sinking wells of moderate depth, yet surprisingly few farm homes are supplied with running water in the kitchen even though the barn yards are equipped with hydrants and tanks. It is the purpose of this bulletin to present a number of water supply and sewage disposal systems which have been used in Nebraska and surrounding states and which add greatly to the comfort and convenience of the farm home.


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Nebraska farmers prospered during the period which followed the depression of the nineties and preceded the beginning of the World War. To be sure the prosperity was not uniformly distributed either by years or by areas. The corn crop was unusually short in a large portion of the state in 1901 and an almost total failure in many of the southern counties in 1913. Chinch bugs did considerable injury in 1901 and the Hessian fly in 1905 and 1914. There was noticeable damage from insects in some areas in other years. No part of the state, however, suffered from long-continued drouth or repeated ravages of insect pests. The depression of 1907 affected credit and prices very severly for a few months, but recovery was rapid and within less than a year business was again moving forward. This 1934 research bulletin covers the problems of inflation and deflation; changes in the prices of various commodities during inflation and deflation; prices and purchasing power of Nebraska farm products, 1914 to 1932; adjustments during inflation and deflation; the effect of wages on Nebraska agriculture; taxes; Nebraska farm income; changes in types of farming in Nebraska, 1914 to 1932; the banking situation; Nebraska farm land prices; and the effects of inflation and deflation upon Nebraska businesses.


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Corn is Nebraska's most important crop. Of the nearly 19 million acres under cultivation in the state, over 10 million acres or more than 50 percent is normally planted to corn. This is three times the acreage of wheat, four times that of oats, and ten times that of barley. The 10-year average acre yield of corn for this state is 25.8 bushels compared with 26.9 bushels for the entire United States. Nebraska, with an average annual crop of approximately 258 million bushels, usually ranks third among all states in the total production of corn, being exceeded by Iowa and Illinois. This 1933 extension circular discusses the importance of corn, seed, varieties of corn, freezing injury, testing seed corn, hybrid corn, soil fertility and rotation, cultural practices, harvesting and storing corn, power machinery in relation to costs in corn production, corn diseases and insects, and utilization of corn.


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Each year the federal government gathers data relating to agriculture through the various departments of the United States Department of Agriculture. These data are classified and analyzed by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics at Washington and all information which may be helpful to farmers is published. For several years it has been the policy of the Department of Rural Economics and the Agricultural Extension Service of the College of Agriculture, Lincoln, to select from the federal information facts which may be especially helpful to Nebraska farmers. These facts and other economic conditions in Nebraska are published this year as the Agricultural Outlook for Nebraska, 1938. The Outlook should be helpful in the marketing of the crops and livestock on hand. It should also be helpful in making farm plans for 1938.


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A home filing system makes important papers readily available when needed. If managed properly, the filing system can get older papers out of the way, making needed records more accessible. A well-organized filing system for your household can pay big dividends when it comes time to find an important paper you need NOW. There is no one best filing system for everyone; what works for you could be a disaster for someone else. Once set up, a filing system helps you to be a more effective and efficient financial manager and decision maker.


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Life other small business owners, family child care providers need adequate life, health, and disability insurance to protect their families from the loss of their income. However, child care providers also face unique risks. Perhaps the most important of these risks is the financial loss that would result if the provider were found liable or responsible for the injury or death of a child or a child's parent. If a claim were filed against you as a provider, three different types of financial losses are possible: medical expenses, damages awarded to the victim or his/her family after a lawsuit, and court costs related to your defense. This booklet will help you to: (1) evaluate options for insuring a family child care operation, and (2) evaluate available liability insurance policies.


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Money 2000+ provides you with opportunities to acquire skills and information to help you reach your money goal(s). The first step with Money 2000+ is setting your goal(s). Then, by taking more control of your spending and where your money goes, you may be surprised at what you can actually accomplish as you progress with Money 2000+ Maybe you already know what you want to accomplish. Even so, take some time to read the rest of this booklet and to think about all parts of your life to make sure you don't miss something important.


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Money 2000+ is a program designed to increase the financial well being of Nebraskans through increased savings and reduced household debt. This Campaign Circular, Money 2000+ News is an introductory publication to this program which talks about setting goals for saving money, downsizing your debt with ways to save with credit cards, passing up things that waste money, record keeping, looking for ways to save money, avoiding late fees, and saving and credit tips.


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This register lists the largest trees of over 80 species identified in Nebraska. The name of the owner and nominator, size and location of each tree follow each listing. Many people across Nebraska have worked hard to make this register as comprehensive and accurate as possible, but the quest to find the largest trees in Nebraska is never over. Champion trees are by nature old, and old trees diminish and die. Larger trees are newly discovered. Thus, this list continually changes as new nominations are submitted.