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We report Phrixocephalus cincinnatus, a pennellid copepod infecting the eyes of flatfishes, from a single specimen of rex sole, Glyptocephalus zachirus, for the first time. In the typical host, the arrowtooth flounder, Atherestes stomias, the parasite occurred commonly in sampled populations from the Broughton Archipelago in British Columbia, infected primarily the right eye of the flounder, and on only one occasion presented more than two parasites per eye. The copepod attached to the choroid layer and ramified throughout the posterior compartment of the eye, resulting in the disruption of the retina and probably impairing host vision. Inflammation and hyperplasia progressed to necrosis and proliferation of connective tissue, resulting in the total destruction of the eye.
Epizootics of Eimeria funduli involved estuarine killifishes (Fundulus grandis, F. pulvereus, F. similis, and F. heteroclitus) in Mississippi, Alabama, and Virginia. All of more than 500 specimens examined of F. grandis from Mississippi during 1977 through 1979 had infections, regardless of age, sex, or season collected. Oocysts occurred primarily in the liver and pancreas, replacing up to 85% of both those organs. Infrequent sites of infection were fatty tissue of the body cavity, ovary, intestine, and caudal peduncle. Living fish did not discharge oocysts. Eimeria funduli is the first known eimerian to require a second host. To complete the life cycle, an infective stage in the grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio had to be eaten. In 6-mo-old killifish reared in the laboratory at 24 C, young schizonts were first observed in hepatic and pancreatic cells 5 days post feeding, followed by first generation merozoites by day 10, differentiation of sexual stages during days 15 to 20, fertilization between days 19 and 26, sporoblasts from days 25 to 30, and sporozoites about day 60. Unique sporopodia developed on sporocysts by day 35 when still unsporulated. Temperatures of 7 to 10 C irreversibly halted schizogony. Both schizogony and sporogony progressed slower as age of host increased. When infective shrimp in doses ranging from 1 to 10% of a fish's body weight were eaten, the level of intensity of resulting infections did not differ significantly. Pathogenesis followed a specific sequence, with the host response apparently unable to contend with extensive infections as seen typically in nature and in our experiments. Premunition was indicated. When administered Monensin® orally, infected fish exhibited a reduction in oocysts by 50 to 70% within 20 days as compared with untreated fish. Furthermore, infected killifish maintained exclusively on a diet of TetraMin® for 3 mo completely lost their infections.
A white shrimp from Galveston, Texas, is the first reported case of a crustacean internally infected by a diatom. Even though more than one species occurred in debris on and between gill filaments, only individuals of Amphora sp. occurred within gills. To determine if a related diatom would easily reproduce within the shrimp and cause. a host response similar to that observed, we injected cultured specimens of A. coffaeformis into white shrimp. Under the experimental conditions, individuals of that species did not divide, but they elicited an extensive melanistic host-response.
Specific dietary contents from six fishes collected in Mississippi Sound are recorded. In order of their importance, primary components grouped in major taxonomic categories were fishes, penaeid shrimps, and other crustaceans for Cynoscion nebulosus; Crustaceans and fishes for C. arenarius; fishes and crustaceans for C. nothus; crustaceans, pelecypods, and polychaetes for Pogonias cromis; crustaceans, molluscs, polychaetes, and fishes for Archosargus probatocephalus; and fishes and penaeid shrimps for Paralichthys lethostigma. Principal items in the diets of most of the fishes included Anchoa mitchilli, Penaeus aztecus, P. setiferus, and Callinectes sapidus. Those crustaceans show that competition exists for commercial shellfishes in Mississippi Sound. Ratios among the different dietary items vary, according at least to species of fish, length of fish, season, specific location, and abundance of available prey. Some of these variations are documented and are additionally related to selected findings by other authors sampling different localities. We suggest that examination of food items in Archosargus probatocephalus can serve as a practical means to sample and assess seasonal prevalence and abundance of a wide range of invertebrates throughout different habitats in Mississippi Sound and elsewhere.
Localities are documented for the milliped Abacion texense (Loomis, 1837) (Callipodida: Abacionidae) whose distribution forms both the northern and southern ordinal limits in the Western Hemisphere. The westernmost component of Abacion Rafinesque, 1820, A. texense is the only milliped species whose range spans the Mississippi and Pecos rivers and the Rio Grande. Distribution extremes are in Hennepin County (Co.), Minnesota, in the north; Terrell and Potter cos., Texas, in the west; Alcorn Co., Mississippi, in the east; and southwestern Tamaulipas, Mexico, in the south. Occurrences are projected for southeastern South Dakota, northwestern Alabama, and the southwestern periphery of Tennessee. The type series of A. texense consists solely of the male holotype, so a neotype will be needed if this individual is ever lost, because no paratypes were officially designated.
The National Collection of Arachnids, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (México City) houses 476 chilopod samples, of which 197 are determined to genus and/or species. These are documented here and represent several new state records. Topotypes of eight species of centipedes described by R. V. Chamberlin also documented. Resumen. La Colección Nacional de Arácnidos, del Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Ciudad de México), resguarda 476 muestras de quilópodos, de los que 197 están determinadas a nivel de género y/o especie. Algunas de estas muestras corresponden a nuevos registros estatales. Se documentan los topotipos de ocho especies de ciempiés descritos por R. V. Chamberlin.
This study examines the effects of childhood-onset conduct disorder on later antisocial behavior and street victimization among a group of homeless and runaway adolescents. Four hundred twenty-eight homeless and runaway youth were interviewed directly on the streets and in shelters from four Midwestern states. Key findings include the following. First, compared with those who exhibit adolescent-onset conduct disorder, youth with childhood onset are more likely to engage in a series of antisocial behaviors such as use of sexual and nonsexual survival strategies. Second, youth with childhood-onset conduct disorder are more likely to experience violent victimization; this association, however, is mostly through an intervening process such as engagement in deviant survival strategies.
Oocysts of Eimeria funduli were studied by transmission electron microscopy in naturally-infected livers of the Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis. Tissues were cryo-processed because membranous structures in the oocyst appear to hinder routine fixation and embedment. The oocyst wall (about 25 nm thick) was adjacent to the host cell and consisted of an outer membrane that limited the host cell cytoplasm and an inner membrane separated from the outer membrane by a narrow space. In some specimens, dense material was applied to the inner face of the inner membrane. Individual sporocysts were surrounded by a membranous "veil" (about 25 nm thick) that consisted of two unit membranes. Sporopodia, projections of the sporocyst wall, supported the veil. The sporocyst wall (130-150 nm thick) consisted of two layers, a thin electron-lucent outer layer (about 10 nm thick) and a thick electron dense inner layer (about 130 nm thick). Depending on the plane of section, the inner layer had transverse striations with periods of 3 to 4 nm or 12 to 15 nm. A narrow fissure, broadest at the anterior pole of the sporocyst, extended about one-third the length of the sporocyst wall. The posterior pole of the sporocyst was characterized by a bulbous swelling. Although this swelling resembled a Stieda body in light microscopic preparations, ultrastructurally, the swelling was a knoblike thickening in the sporocyst wall and did not plug a gap in this wall
The interface between stages of Eimeria funduli and hepatocytes of the experimentally infected killifish Fundulus similis was studied ultrastructurally. Parasitophorous vacuoles (PV's) in which meronts, macrogamonts, and microgamonts developed were lined by an inner, smooth membrane and an outer, ribosome-studded membrane. The outer membrane bordered on the cytoplasm of the host cell, whereas the inner one limited the PV. The origins of these membranes have not been determined with certainty, but images were observed in which both membranes appeared to be continuous with the outer nuclear membrane of the host cell. Furthermore, the outer PV membrane was continuous with membranes of rough endoplasmic reticulum in the host cell. For stages which were rapidly growing or differentiating, the inner membrane blebbed into the PV. Blebbing ceased and ribosomes detached from the outer membrane after maturation of the meront or fertilization of the macrogamont. Blebbing appears to be a mechanism by which nutrients transfer from the host to the parasite. During sporogony, the inner PV membrane acquired a thin layer of electron dense material, but otherwise membranes lining the PV remained intact. The two PV membranes, probably together with dense material of parasitic origin lining the inner membrane, appear to serve as the oocyst wall enclosing the sporocysts until they are released in the intermediate host.
The annual return, seasonal occurrence, and site fidelity of Korean-Okhotsk or western gray whales on their feeding grounds off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia, were assessed by boat-based photo-identification studies in 1994-1998. A total of 262 pods were observed, ranging in size from 1 to 9 whales with an overall mean of 2.0'. Sixty-nine whales were individually identified, and a majority of all whales (71.0%) were observed in multiple years. Annual sighting frequencies ranged from 1 to 18 d, with a mean of 5.4 d. The percentage of whales re-identified from previous years showed a continuous annual increase, reaching 87.0% by the end of the study. Time between first and last sighting of identified individuals within a given year was 1-85 d, with an overall mean of 40.6 d. Annual calf proportions ranged from 4.3% (1997) to 13.2% (1998), and mother-calf separations generally occurred between July and September. The seasonal site fidelity and annual return of whales to this part of the Okhotsk Sea emphasize its importance as a primary feeding ground for this endangered population.
Surveys of commercial markets combined with molecular taxonomy (i.e. molecular monitoring) provide a means to detect products from illegal, unregulated and/or unreported (IUU) exploitation, including the sale of fisheries bycatch and wild meat (bushmeat). Capture-recapture analyses of market products using DNA profiling have the potential to estimate the total number of individuals entering the market. However, these analyses are not directly analogous to those of living individuals because a ‘market individual’ does not die suddenly but, instead, remains available for a time in decreasing quantities, rather like the exponential decay of a radioactive isotope. Here we use mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and microsatellite genotypes to individually identify products from North Pacific minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata ssp.) purchased in 12 surveys of markets in the Republic of (South) Korea from 1999 to 2003. By applying a novel capture-recapture model with a decay rate parameter to the 205 unique DNA profiles found among 289 products, we estimated that the total number of whales entering trade across the five-year survey period was 827 (SE, 164; CV, 0.20) and that the average ‘half-life’ of products from an individual whale on the market was 1.82 months (SE, 0.24; CV, 0.13). Our estimate of whales in trade (reflecting the true numbers killed) was significantly greater than the officially reported bycatch of 458 whales for this period. This unregulated exploitation has serious implications for the survival of this genetically distinct coastal population. Although our capture-recapture model was developed for specific application to the Korean whale-meat markets, the exponential decay function could be modified to improve the estimates of trade in other wildmeat or fisheries markets or abundance of living populations by noninvasive genotyping.
The great whales of the Southern Ocean were extensively exploited by modern whaling methods, with the first catches made in the Falkland Islands Dependencies region of IWC Management Area II in 1904 (Tønnesson and Johnsen, 1982; Hart, 2006). Exploitation went through several phases. Populations of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, and blue whales, Balaenoptera musculus, around South Georgia crashed around the time of World War I, and further exploitation occurred in other regions into the 1930’s. There was a hiatus in whaling during World War II, but large-scale catches resumed in Antarctic waters after 1945.
Right whales carry large populations of three ‘whale lice’ (Cyamus ovalis, Cyamus gracilis, Cyamus erraticus) that have no other hosts. We used sequence variation in the mitochondrial COI gene to ask (i) whether cyamid population structures might reveal associations among right whale individuals and subpopulations, (ii) whether the divergences of the three nominally conspecific cyamid species on North Atlantic, North Pacific, and southern right whales (Eubalaena glacialis, Eubalaena japonica, Eubalaena australis) might indicate their times of separation, and (iii) whether the shapes of cyamid gene trees might contain information about changes in the population sizes of right whales. We found high levels of nucleotide diversity but almost no population structure within oceans, indicating large effective population sizes and high rates of transfer between whales and subpopulations. North Atlantic and Southern Ocean populations of all three species are reciprocally monophyletic, and North Pacific C. erraticus is well separated from North Atlantic and southern C. erraticus. Mitochondrial clock calibrations suggest that these divergences occurred around 6 million years ago (Ma), and that the Eubalaena mitochondrial clock is very slow. North Pacific C. ovalis forms a clade inside the southern C. ovalis gene tree, implying that at least one right whale has crossed the equator in the Pacific Ocean within the last 1–2 million years (Myr). Low-frequency polymorphisms are more common than expected under neutrality for populations of constant size, but there is no obvious signal of rapid, interspecifically congruent expansion of the kind that would be expected if North Atlantic or southern right whales had experienced a prolonged population bottleneck within the last 0.5 Myr.
In the first seven months of 2008, eighteen Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris), four Sowerby’s beaked whales (Mesoplodon bidens), five unidentified beaked whales and twenty-nine long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) were reported stranded in the UK and Ireland. Decomposition of those animals investigated puts the predicted time of death at mid-January. Concerns that an unusual mortality event had taken place prompted further investigations. Most carcasses were too decomposed for necropsy. A summary of findings is presented here. Although the initial stranding of five Cuvier’s beaked whales in Scotland shared some similarities with atypical mass stranding events linked in time and space to mid-frequency naval sonars, there were two important differences with the remaining strandings during this period. First, the geographical range of the event was very wide and second, the strandings occurred over a prolonged period of several months. Both of these factors could be related to the fact that the mortalities occurred offshore and the carcasses drifted ashore. The cause(s) of this high number of strandings of mixed offshore cetacean species during this period remain undetermined.
The appearances of the gonads are described in males and females of 18 Inia geoffrensis, 11 Pontoporia blainvillei, and eight Sotalia fluviatilis from South America. Males of I. geoffrensis become sexually active at a length of about 228 centimeters, females at 175 to 180 centimeters. Length at birth is 76 to 80 centimeters; parturition occurs from about July to September in the upper Amazon. Males of P. blainvillei are still sexually immature at a length of 128.5 centimeters, females become sexually active at a length of 137 centimeters. Off Uruguay, pregnant females have fetuses 6 centimeters in length in February and 61 centimeters in October. Males of S. fluviatilis are sexually active at a length of 148 centimeters, females at 140 centimeters. Gonad weights and details of corpora lutea and albicantia are given. Corpora albicantia appear to persist as in other cetaceans. The ovaries of I. geoffrensis are relatively bulky with the corpora enclosed in the ovarian substance and not pedunculated as in P. blainvillei and S. fluviatilis in which the right ovary is poorly developed.