48 resultados para COMPUTER NETWORKS
Today, many leading organizations are undertaking extensive research on a very broad range of new and evolving optical networking technologies. These efforts carry particular significance, especially in light of the “postbubble” dynamics of the optical networking market and have led to the investigation of various cost-efficient optical technologies. Today’s telecom carriers operate several independent optical domains based on diverse technologies, control solutions, standards, and protocols, making interdomain and intercarrier interworking extremely difficult. Standardized interworking across diverse multigranularity network interfaces, and interoperability across disparate vendor equipments and carrier domains are crucial to provisioning end-to-end services and achieving cost-efficient network operation. Needless to say, having an interoperable and standard control plane across multidomain optical networks can benefit carriers through the availability of a wide selection of network elements, platforms, and multiple vendor solutions resulting in faster deployment and reduced CAPEX and OPEX charges.
This paper addresses the problem of survivable lightpath provisioning in wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) mesh networks, taking into consideration optical-layer protection and some realistic optical signal quality constraints. The investigated networks use sparsely placed optical–electrical–optical (O/E/O) modules for regeneration and wavelength conversion. Given a fixed network topology with a number of sparsely placed O/E/O modules and a set of connection requests, a pair of link-disjoint lightpaths is established for each connection. Due to physical impairments and wavelength continuity, both the working and protection lightpaths need to be regenerated at some intermediate nodes to overcome signal quality degradation and wavelength contention. In the present paper, resource-efficient provisioning solutions are achieved with the objective of maximizing resource sharing. The authors propose a resource-sharing scheme that supports three kinds of resource-sharing scenarios, including a conventional wavelength-link sharing scenario, which shares wavelength links between protection lightpaths, and two new scenarios, which share O/E/O modules between protection lightpaths and between working and protection lightpaths. An integer linear programming (ILP)-based solution approach is used to find optimal solutions. The authors also propose a local optimization heuristic approach and a tabu search heuristic approach to solve this problem for real-world, large mesh networks. Numerical results show that our solution approaches work well under a variety of network settings and achieves a high level of resource-sharing rates (over 60% for O/E/O modules and over 30% for wavelength links), which translate into great savings in network costs.
A transparent (wide-area) wavelength-routed optical network may be constructed by using wavelength cross-connect switches connected together by fiber to form an arbitrary mesh structure. The network is accessed through electronic stations that are attached to some of these cross-connects. These wavelength cross-connect switches have the property that they may configure themselves into unspecified states. Each input port of a switch is always connected to some output port of the switch whether or not such a connection is required for the purpose of information transfer. Due to the presence of these unspecified states, there exists the possibility of setting up unintended alloptical cycles in the network (viz., a loop with no terminating electronics in it). If such a cycle contains amplifiers [e.g., Erbium- Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFA’s)], there exists the possibility that the net loop gain is greater than the net loop loss. The amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise from amplifiers can build up in such a feedback loop to saturate the amplifiers and result in oscillations of the ASE noise in the loop. Such all-optical cycles as defined above (and hereafter referred to as “white” cycles) must be eliminated from an optical network in order for the network to perform any useful operation. Furthermore, for the realistic case in which the wavelength cross-connects result in signal crosstalk, there is a possibility of having closed cycles with oscillating crosstalk signals. We examine algorithms that set up new transparent optical connections upon request while avoiding the creation of such cycles in the network. These algorithms attempt to find a route for a connection and then (in a post-processing fashion) configure switches such that white cycles that might get created would automatically get eliminated. In addition, our call-set-up algorithms can avoid the possibility of crosstalk cycles.
Recently, there has been growing interest in developing optical fiber networks to support the increasing bandwidth demands of multimedia applications, such as video conferencing and World Wide Web browsing. One technique for accessing the huge bandwidth available in an optical fiber is wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM). Under WDM, the optical fiber bandwidth is divided into a number of nonoverlapping wavelength bands, each of which may be accessed at peak electronic rates by an end user. By utilizing WDM in optical networks, we can achieve link capacities on the order of 50 THz. The success of WDM networks depends heavily on the available optical device technology. This paper is intended as a tutorial on some of the optical device issues in WDM networks. It discusses the basic principles of optical transmission in fiber and reviews the current state of the art in optical device technology. It introduces some of the basic components in WDM networks, discusses various implementations of these components, and provides insights into their capabilities and limitations. Then, this paper demonstrates how various optical components can be incorporated into WDM optical networks for both local and wide-area applications. Last, the paper provides a brief review of experimental WDM networks that have been implemented.
Computer and telecommunication networks are changing the world dramatically and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. The Internet, primarily based on packet switches, provides very flexible data services such as e-mail and access to the World Wide Web. The Internet is a variable-delay, variable- bandwidth network that provides no guarantee on quality of service (QoS) in its initial phase. New services are being added to the pure data delivery framework of yesterday. Such high demands on capacity could lead to a “bandwidth crunch” at the core wide-area network, resulting in degradation of service quality. Fortunately, technological innovations have emerged which can provide relief to the end user to overcome the Internet’s well-known delay and bandwidth limitations. At the physical layer, a major overhaul of existing networks has been envisaged from electronic media (e.g., twisted pair and cable) to optical fibers - in wide-area, metropolitan-area, and even local-area settings. In order to exploit the immense bandwidth potential of optical fiber, interesting multiplexing techniques have been developed over the years.
The emergence of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) technology provides the capability for increasing the bandwidth of synchronous optical network (SONET) rings by grooming low-speed traffic streams onto different high-speed wavelength channels. Since the cost of SONET add–drop multiplexers (SADM) at each node dominates the total cost of these networks, how to assign the wavelength, groom the traffic, and bypass the traffic through the intermediate nodes has received a lot of attention from researchers recently. Moreover, the traffic pattern of the optical network changes from time to time. How to develop dynamic reconfiguration algorithms for traffic grooming is an important issue. In this paper, two cases (best fit and full fit) for handling reconfigurable SONET over WDM networks are proposed. For each approach, an integer linear programming model and heuristic algorithms (TS-1 and TS-2, based on the tabu search method) are given. The results demonstrate that the TS-1 algorithm can yield better solutions but has a greater running time than the greedy algorithm for the best fit case. For the full fit case, the tabu search heuristic yields competitive results compared with an earlier simulated annealing based method and it is more stable for the dynamic case.
Survivable traffic grooming (STG) is a promising approach to provide reliable and resource-efficient multigranularity connection services in wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) optical networks. In this paper, we study the STG problem in WDM mesh optical networks employing path protection at the connection level. Both dedicated-protection and shared-protection schemes are considered. Given network resources, the objective of the STG problem is to maximize network throughput. To enable survivability under various kinds of single failures, such as fiber cut and duct cut, we consider the general shared-risklink- group (SRLG) diverse routing constraints. We first resort to the integer-linear-programming (ILP) approach to obtain optimal solutions. To address its high computational complexity, we then propose three efficient heuristics, namely separated survivable grooming algorithm (SSGA), integrated survivable grooming algorithm (ISGA), and tabu-search survivable grooming algorithm (TSGA). While SSGA and ISGA correspond to an overlay network model and a peer network model, respectively, TSGA further improves the grooming results from SSGA and ISGA by incorporating the effective tabu-search (TS) method. Numerical results show that the heuristics achieve comparable solutions to the ILP approach, which uses significantly longer running times than the heuristics.
Translucent wavelength-division multiplexing optical networks use sparse placement of regenerators to overcome physical impairments and wavelength contention introduced by fully transparent networks, and achieve a performance close to fully opaque networks at a much less cost. In previous studies, we addressed the placement of regenerators based on static schemes, allowing for only a limited number of regenerators at fixed locations. This paper furthers those studies by proposing a dynamic resource allocation and dynamic routing scheme to operate translucent networks. This scheme is realized through dynamically sharing regeneration resources, including transmitters, receivers, and electronic interfaces, between regeneration and access functions under a multidomain hierarchical translucent network model. An intradomain routing algorithm, which takes into consideration optical-layer constraints as well as dynamic allocation of regeneration resources, is developed to address the problem of translucent dynamic routing in a single routing domain. Network performance in terms of blocking probability, resource utilization, and running times under different resource allocation and routing schemes is measured through simulation experiments.
Routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) is an important problem that arises in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) optical networks. Previous studies have solved many variations of this problem under the assumption of perfect conditions regarding the power of a signal. In this paper, we investigate this problem while allowing for degradation of routed signals by components such as taps, multiplexers, and fiber links. We assume that optical amplifiers are preplaced. We investigate the problem of routing the maximum number of connections while maintaining proper power levels. The problem is formulated as a mixed-integer nonlinear program and two-phase hybrid solution approaches employing two different heuristics are developed
Dynamic conferencing refers to a scenario wherein any subset of users in a universe of users form a conference for sharing confidential information among themselves. The key distribution (KD) problem in dynamic conferencing is to compute a shared secret key for such a dynamically formed conference. In literature, the KD schemes for dynamic conferencing either are computationally unscalable or require communication among users, which is undesirable. The extended symmetric polynomial based dynamic conferencing scheme (ESPDCS) is one such KD scheme which has a high computational complexity that is universe size dependent. In this paper we present an enhancement to the ESPDCS scheme to develop a KD scheme called universe-independent SPDCS (UI-SPDCS) such that its complexity is independent of the universe size. However, the UI-SPDCS scheme does not scale with the conference size. We propose a relatively scalable KD scheme termed as DH-SPDCS that uses the UI-SPDCS scheme and the tree-based group Diffie- Hellman (TGDH) key exchange protocol. The proposed DH-SPDCS scheme provides a configurable trade-off between computation and communication complexity of the scheme.
Consider a wavelength-routed optical network in which nodes, i.e., multiwave length cross-connect switches (XCSs), are connected by fiber to form an arbitrary physical topology. A new call is admitted into the network if an all-optical lightpath can be established between the call’s source and destination nodes. Wavelength converters are assumed absent in this work.
In this paper, we investigate the problem of routing connections in all-optical networks while allowing for degradation of routed signals by different optical components. To overcome the complexity of the problem, we divide it into two parts. First, we solve the pure RWA problem using fixed routes for every connection. Second, power assignment is accomplished by either using the smallest-gain first (SGF) heuristic or using a genetic algorithm. Numerical examples on a wide variety of networks show that (a) the number of connections established without considering the signal attenuation was most of the time greater than that achievable considering attenuation and (b) the genetic solution quality was much better than that of SGF, especially when the conflict graph of the connections generated by the linear solver is denser.
This paper considers the problem of dedicated path-protection in wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) mesh networks with waveband switching functionality under shared risk link group (SRLG) constraints. Two dedicated path protection schemes are proposed, namely the PBABL scheme and the MPABWL scheme. The PBABL scheme protects each working waveband-path through a backup waveband-path. The MPABWL scheme protects each working waveband-path by either a backup waveband-path or multiple backup lightpaths. Heuristic algorithms adopting random optimization technique are proposed for both the schemes. The performance of the two protection schemes is studied and compared. Simulation results show that both the heuristics can obtain optimum solutions and the MPABWL scheme leads to less switching and transmission costs than the PBABL scheme.
We investigate waveband switching (WBS) with different grouping strategies in wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) mesh networks. End-to-end waveband switching (ETEWBS) and same-destination-intermediate waveband switching (SD-IT-WBS) are analyzed and compared in terms of blocking probability and cost savings. First, an analytical model for ETEWBS is proposed to determine the network blocking probability in a mesh network. For SD-IT-WBS, a simple waveband switching algorithm is presented. An analytical model to determine the network blocking probability is proposed for SD-IT-WBS based on the algorithm. The analytical results are validated by comparing with simulation results. Both results match well and show that ETE-WBS slightly outperforms SD-IT-WBS in terms of blocking probability. On the other hand, simulation results show that SD-IT-WBS outperforms ETE-WBS in terms of cost savings.
Waveband switching (WBS) is an important technique to save switching and transmission cost in wavelength -division multiplexed (WDM) optical networks. A cost-efficient WBS scheme would enable network carriers to increase the network throughput (revenue) while achieving significant cost savings. We identify the critical factors that determine the WBS network throughput and switching cost and propose a novel intermediate waveband switching (IT-WBS) algorithm, called the minimizing-weighted-cost (MWC) algorithm. The MWC algorithm defines a cost for each candidate route of a call. By selecting the route with the smallest weighted cost, MWC balances between minimizing the call blocking probability and minimizing the network switching cost. Our simulations show that MWC outperforms other wavelength/waveband switching algorithms and can enhance the network throughput at a reduced cost.