5 resultados para Environmental Degradation

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Abandoned hardrock mines and the resulting Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) are a source of vast, environmental degradation that are toxic threats to plants, animals, and humans. Cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) are metal contaminants often found in AMD. In my mine outwash water samples, cadmium and lead concentrations were 19 and 160 times greater than concentrations in control waterways, and 300 and 40 times greater than EPA Aquatic Life Use water quality standards, respectively. I tested the phytoremediation characteristics of three montane willows native to the Rocky Mountains: Salix drummondiana, S. monticola, and S. planifolia. I tested the willows’ accumulation and tolerance characteristics of cadmium and lead contamination. I found that S. drummondiana accumulated more cadmium in stems than both S. monticola and S. planifolia, and that all three willow species accumulated similar concentrations of lead. I found similar trends for leaf accumulation. I also found that S. monticola had a greater growth and tolerance to the lower lead concentrations than high lead concentrations in addition to containing higher field stem concentrations of lead than S. planifolia. Salix planifolia contained nearly 2.5 times greater concentrations of cadmium in field stems than S. drummondiana. Based on my results, S. drummondiana could aid in aboveground accumulation of cadmium polluted watersheds, and S. monticola could aid in aboveground accumulation and tolerance of lead pollution.


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This dissertation uses a political ecology approach to examine the relationship between tourism development and groundwater in southwest Nicaragua. Tourism in Nicaragua is a booming industry bolstered by ‘unspoiled’ natural beauty, low crime rates, and government incentives. This growth has led to increased infrastructure, revenue, and employment opportunities for many local communities along the Pacific coast. Not surprisingly, it has also brought concomitant issues of deeper poverty, widening gaps between rich and poor, and competition over natural resources. Adequate provisions of freshwater are necessary to sustain the production and reproduction of tourism; however, it remains uncertain if groundwater supplies can keep pace with demand. The objective of this research is to assess water supply availability amidst tourism development in the Playa Gigante area. It addresses the questions: 1) are local groundwater supplies sufficient to sustain the demand for freshwater imposed by increased tourism development? and 2) is there a power relationship between tourism development and control over local freshwater that would prove inequitable to local populations? Integrating the findings of groundwater monitoring, geological mapping, and ethnographic and survey research from a representative stretch of Pacific coastline, this dissertation shows that diminishing recharge and increased groundwater consumption is creating conflict between stakeholders with various levels of knowledge, power, and access. Although national laws are structured to protect the environment and ensure equitable access to groundwater, the current scramble to secure water has powerful implications on social relations and power structures associated with tourism development. This dissertation concludes that marginalization due to environmental degradation is attributable to the nexus of a political promotion of tourism, poorly enforced state water policies, insufficient water research, and climate change. Greater technical attention to hydrological dynamics and collaboration amongst stakeholders are necessary for equitable access to groundwater, environmental sustainability, and profitability of tourism.


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Sustainable development (or sustainability) is a decision-making framework for maintaining and achieving human well-being, both in the present and into the future. The framework requires both consideration and achievement of environmental protection, social justice and economic development. In that framework, environmental protection must be integrated into decisions about social and economic development, and social justice and economic viability must be integrated into decisions about environmental quality. First endorsed by the world’s nations in 1992, this framework is intended to provide an effective response to the twin global challenges of growing environmental degradation and widespread extreme poverty. Sustainability provides a framework for humans to live in harmony with nature, rather than at nature’s expense. It may therefore be one of the most important ideas to come out of the 20th century. In the last two decades, the framework has become a touchstone in nearly every economic sector and at every level of government, unleashing an extraordinary range of creativity in all of those realms. Sustainable development is having a significant effect on the practice of law and on the way in which laws are written and implemented. Understanding the framework is increasingly important for law makers and lawyers. As sustainable development (or sustainability) has grown in prominence, its critics have become more numerous and more vocal. Three major lines of criticism are that the term is “too boring” to command public attention, “too vague” to provide guidance, and “too late” to address the world’s problems. Critics suggest goals such as abundance, environmental integrity, and resilience. Beginning with the international agreements that shaped the concept of sustainable development, this Article provides a functional and historical analysis of the meaning of sustainable development. It then analyzes and responds to each of these criticisms in turn. While the critics, understood constructively, suggest ways of strengthening this framework, they do not provide a compelling alternative. The challenge for lawyers, law makers, and others is to use and improve this framework to make better decisions.


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Environmental degradation from point and non-point source pollution in the past ten years has made it increasingly clear that threats to aquatic resources cannot adequately be addressed without a more integrated watershed approach to the management. Through comprehensive, qualitative interviews of experts in the watershed approach in South Carolina, recommendations will be made to improve this holistic process. Conducting interviews to compile institutional knowledge on the incentives and barriers from professionals working within the watershed approach will show how managing the natural resources in South Carolina could be more effective and efficient. By gathering experiences of lessons learned, best approach techniques, and suggestions for future watershed planning, several recommendations were made to further the use of the watershed approach in South Carolina.


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The effects of climate change are beginning to show themselves globally and not enough is being done to counteract these changes. Institutional action is a necessity, and municipalities have an opportunity to fill this void by developing mitigation strategies that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This report critically reviews the municipal climate action plans for Portland, Oregon; Boulder, Colorado; and Toronto, Ontario and provides recommendations for other municipalities who wish to create and implement climate change mitigation plans.