12 resultados para Employee retention

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An economic recession affects the ability of organizations to retain employees. The downturn in the economy causes employers to evaluate how they conduct business causing lay-offs and unemployment rates to rise during periods of recession. A retention strategy is as important as sales and customer service during an economic recession. The impact of decisions made during the recession and the imminent labor shortage will impact the ability of organizations to retain their high performing employees. The author details the areas organizations must consider in a retention strategy and develops a retention model for her employer that can be used to assist with reducing turnover as the economy and the labor force begins to change.


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In the latter half of the twentieth century the workforce dynamic changed when the number of women entering the workforce increased by record amounts. In direct opposition to this change was the inability of organizations to meet the needs of employees with childcare concerns. Organizations and employees alike are best served when policies, procedures, and benefits are implemented to achieve a positive work/life balance. Companies that institute benefits that are supportive to families observe decreases in turnover and increased employee retention. Employees who are offered family friendly resources have been known to stay with companies even when offered a higher salary elsewhere. Demonstrating that retention of valued employees is linked to an organizations ability to offer support for family needs.


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Non-traditional means of recruitment for the twenty-first century knowledge worker need to accompany traditional means of recruitment due to an increased usage of technology by the twenty-first century knowledge worker. In this capstone project, the author examined the recruiting efficacy of social networks. Non-traditional means of recruitment through social networks via the World Wide Web can help organizations compete for potential applicants and assist job seekers in securing employment. These means are cost effective for the employer. Examples of organizational usage in this investigation illustrate that social networking can improve efficacy for recruitment and generational needs.


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The intent of the study was to understand the changes that have occurred over the last 25 years in library programs as far as enrollment and diversity of students, number and ethnicity of the faculty, program income and expenses, cost of attendance, and scholarship and fellowship aid, in an effort to better understand library programs granting the MLIS degree. The study also endeavored to identify institutional factors associated with the retention and productivity rates of White students and students of color in schools of library and information science. During the period studied, the proportional representation of White students decreased. For students of color, proportional representation was stable during the same time period. Results revealed a medium effect size of time with productivity rates for both groups declining over time. Retention rate differed significantly by time, with a small effect size with retention rate that initially increased over time, but is now decreasing. The final analyses were meta-regressions to determine if retention and productivity rates can be predicted by cost of attendance, scholarship and fellow aid, and program size. Results indicated that for students of color, program size in 2000 was significantly predictive of retention, cost of attendance was predictive in 2002, and scholarship and fellowship aid was predictive of retention in 2004. No variables were significantly predictive for retention of White students. The last analysis was to determine if productivity rate can be predicted by cost of attendance, scholarship and fellow aid, and program size. Results indicate that for White students in 2002, the cost of attendance was predictive of productivity rating. In 2003, scholarship and fellowship aid was predictive of productivity rate and in 2004, scholarship and fellowship aid was predictive of productivity rating. For students of color, results indicate that only scholarship and fellowship aid in 2005 was predictive of productivity rate. No other variables in any of the years studied showed any significant prediction of productivity rating for students of color.


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The Journal Retention and Needs Listing (JRNL) program: 1) allows libraries to expose lists of print journals for which they have made retention commitments; 2) express needs (or gaps) in their holdings; and 3) communicate offers to fill the gaps in other participating libraries’ holdings. Multiple library consortia and their member libraries use JRNL to facilitate communication between library staff to identify holding commitments, fill gaps, and guide deselection decisions. JRNL is commonly developed and governed by the participating consortia. Currently, those consortia are the Florida Academic Repository (FLARE), the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)/Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC), and the Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST).


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The impending mass retirement of the Baby Boom generation in the United States may cause a drastic talent drain. Companies should pay attention to this upcoming problem now to alleviate an exodus by encouraging Baby Boomers to continue working past their normal retirement age. One solution is to offer them effective incentives. The most compelling incentives for Baby Boomers are the ability to choose their own hours (how many hours they wish to work, and when they wish to work them), the ability to telecommute from wherever they choose, and the offer of extra health care benefits.


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Every year, obesity rates continue to rise and have reached epidemic proportions throughout the United States. The costs associated with obesity are staggering and many researchers feel that the workplace should be the new front line in the battle for a healthier workforce. Employers must take action to address this worsening health crisis and help reduce spiraling medical costs and absenteeism rates. This capstone reviews the current literature on wellness programs and discusses different companies' approaches to wellness programs that have special emphasis on nutrition and physical activity. It also provides strategies and recommendations for companies eager to initiate a comprehensive, dynamic and directed wellness program to improve the current and future health of their workforce.


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The goal of this project is to determine whether or not coaching, as a part of performance management, results in increased employee motivation, ultimately impacting employee performance. Teletech's customer service group was a case study where their effectiveness of performance management through coaching was analyzed. The data for this research was gathered from interviews of two of TeleTech's managers, and an employee survey created by the author. The results reveal that most participants felt more motivated after their coaching sessions, changed their behavior based on feedback during coaching, resulting in improved performance. Therefore, the results of the project show that regular coaching, as part of performance management, results in improved employee satisfaction and motivation, resulting in increased productivity.


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Traditionally, the awarding of cash bonuses has been one of the primary tools utilized by organizational leaders to increase employee motivation. Recent research has indicated that cash awards may successfully motivate employees. The same research presents alternative, effective techniques that have been demonstrated to improve employee motivation and performance. Results of the 2010 Society for Human Resource Management survey highlight respondents' opinions regarding alternate employee motivators in the United States. The results strongly suggest that alternate cost-effective employee motivators may be as effective as cash rewards. The results of this Capstone will demonstrate that innovative, cost-effective methods can be used by organizations to retain employees. This paper will address specific areas of research including talent management, leadership, communication, and recognition.


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Onboarding is an important aspect of the employment process that has been often ignored. Overlooked onboarding results in high turnover costs, totaling up to 30 to 50 percent of an employee's first-year pay. To decrease this turnover and its associated high costs, this paper proposes the implementation of a highly strategic onboarding process. This process has a strategic focus, SMART goals, integrates multiple offices and people, and addresses all new employee needs with two considerations, generational and technological advances. An employee stays continuously and actively engaged, with vested interest in success, maximizing engagement and retention. The process focuses on constant and continuous feedback from all stakeholders. The project is a practical guide for implementing a new strategically focused onboarding process.


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Abstract \ The business importance of retaining and developing top performing employees is more crucial to business organizations that in the past, yet many organizations are not confident in their ability to staff leadership positions within the next five years. Many companies continue to run without a employee leadership development program. Organizations that shy away from development programs tend to do so because of fear the costs are too high. Organizations that support leadership programs acknowledge that the benefits far outweigh the costs. In this capstone study, the researcher illustrates that employee leadership development programs add value through improved business strategy and employee satisfaction, and as a result, represent a worthy investment.


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‰Û÷Survivor syndrome' or negative consequences of a layoff on survivors is the key reason why layoffs fail. This Capstone Project draws on downsizing-related research and proposes a customizable plan to revitalize the surviving workforce after a downsizing initiative. The plan divides downsizing-related interventions into three phases: pre-downsizing, day of the announcement, and post-downsizing. Key elements of this plan include linking the plan to a revised vision, detailed planning of the process, open, two-way communication systems, employee involvement in all stages of the process, respectable treatment of departing employees, plans to support survivors, training frontline managers, and implementing a top talent retention strategy. The Capstone also addresses roles and responsibilities of leaders, HR professionals, and managers in the survivor management process.