3 resultados para CONTENT VALIDITY

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Brain injury is the leading cause of disability and death in children in the United States. Student re-entry into the school setting following a traumatic brain injury is crucial to student success. Multidisciplinary teams within the school district comprised of individuals with expertise in brain injury are ideal in implementing student specific treatment plans given their specialized training and wide range of expertise addressing student needs. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop and initially validate a quantitative instrument that school personnel can use to determine if a student, identified as having a traumatic brain injury, will benefit from district-level consultation from a brain injury team. Three studies were designed to investigate the research questions. In study one, the planning and construction of the DORI-TBI was completed. Study two addressed the content validity of the DORI-TBI through a comparison analysis with other referral forms, content review with experts in the field of TBI, and cognitive interviews with professionals to test the usability of the new screening tool. In study three, a field administration was conducted using vignettes to measure construct validity. Results produced a valid and reliable new screening instrument that can aid school-based teams to more efficiently utilize district level consultation with a brain injury support team.


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Suspension and expulsion are utilized frequently and disproportionality in schools in the United States. Many schools utilize Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), a tiered framework to prevent problem behavior and reduce the use of discipline practices (Sugai et al., 2000). Check-In, Check-Out (CICO) is a targeted group behavioral intervention that is utilized within this framework in schools to prevent severe problem behavior in students that are beginning to exhibit externalizing and/or internalizing behavioral needs; thus, preventing the use of exclusionary discipline practices (Crone et al., 2010; Hawken & Horner, 2003). As the use of CICO in schools continues to grow, so too does the need for an instrument measuring its fidelity of implementation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of the Check-In, Check-Out Fidelity of Implementation Measure (Crone et al., 2010), an instrument created to measure the fidelity of implementation of CICO intervention. This study assessed the psychometric properties of the instrument utilizing an archival data set collected by the statewide PBIS initiative in a western state in the U.S. The results demonstrated promising content validity, construct validity, internal consistency, and interrater reliability. A unidimensional structure was determined to be the best structure for the instrument based on parsimony and the strong results obtained from the item loadings, internal consistency, and interrater reliability. Implications for use and future research are discussed.


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The Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) was developed in 2011 as analternative to the previous Comprehensive System. The goal was to improve the psychometrics,and particularly the validity, of this assessment method. The norms for children werequestionable in the Comprehensive system (e.g., outdated, low numbers of subjects) and validitystudies for children were sparse. One of the indicators included in the R-PAS system, theaggressive content indicator (AgC), is intended to reflect aggressive behavior, but few studieshave examined the validity of this indicator. This study examined the validity of AgC in asample of 32 children and adolescents receiving services at a residential treatment center.Subjects' AgC scores were analyzed in relation to demographics and diagnosis, as well as ratingsof aggression and conduct problems from the Behavioral Assessment System for Children-2(BASC-2) Parent and Teacher Reports. Correlations between the AgC score and BASC-2aggression and conduct problems scores were not statistically significant. None of thecorrelations between AgC score and a diagnosis of Conduct Disorder, Oppositional DefiantDisorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, or Mood Disorders were significant either. Given thesmall sample size, null results may be a result of power concerns. The lack of significantcorrelations may however, indicate that operational definitions of aggression used in variousforms of measurement reflect different constructs.