4 resultados para Brereaved father

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This dissertation argues that the textual community of fourth or fifth century monastic Egypt read Testament of Isaac as an ascetical regimen in order to transform themselves into children of Isaac. T. Isaac highlights three particular dimensions of Isaac's character from the remembered tradition of Isaac that would have resonated in the Egyptian monastic context of the textual community - Isaac as priestly authority, Isaac as sacrifice, and Isaac as blind ascetic - to create a model for the new self that the textual community aimed to achieve. Two important ascetic practices in T. Isaac that the textual community was to perform were copying and reading T. Isaac. These two practices functioned as technologies of the self that helped the members of the textual community to transform their present subjectivity into a new self modeled on Isaac in T. Isaac.


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In American society, the incidence of divorce continues to rise. In 1974, the estimate was that 40% of all new marriages would end in divorce. When children are involved, the mother usually regains custody. Although the number of children of divorce living with their fathers is increasing, it is still a small percent. In addition, the rate of remarriages is lower when children are involved (Hetherington.et al.,1977). Consequently, a large number of children are being raised in father-absent homes, and indications are that the numbers are increasing. A recent Denver Post article predicted that 50% of all children now being born will spend some of their childhood in a single-parent home. In terms of frequency, the father-absent family is becoming quite common, even "normal," yet it often continues to be considered a "broken" home and, when compared to the two-parent family, an inadequate structure in which to raise healthy children. Since father-absent families are so common these days, this opinion is in need of review.This paper will present a review of the father absence research in three areas: sex role development, cognitive development and personality development. The role of moderator variables will be discussed. And, finally,an open systems model will be proposed as a vehicle to better understand the effects of father absence and as a guide for future research.


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The thesis of this dissertation is that the Descent/Ascent Leitmotif, which includes the language of not only descending and ascending, but also going, coming, and being sent, performs a significant literary and christological function in the Gospel of John. The Evangelist's Descent/Ascent Leitmotif becomes the Gospel's organizing principal, drawing together a constellation of verbs and a number of themes, including Jesus-Son's origin, identity, relationship to God, authority, signs and works, life, and glory. In the introductory chapter, after providing a layout of the dissertation, the discussion turns to the spacial dimensions and christological importance of the vertical and horizontal depictions of the descending, ascending, coming, going, and being sent verbs. The focus of chapter two is to explain and illustrate, using a version of the Cinderella story, a method that serves to identify the Leitmotif and the verbs, motifs, and themes the Leitmotif draws within its constellation. This approach, titled a thematic structural method, integrates works from thematic scholars Horst Daemmrich and Eugene Falk with works from literary structural scholars A. J Greimas and Roland Barthes, and is a tool to analyze the influence of the Leitmotif as the Gospel's organizing principal on the relationships between the Leitmotif and numerous themes from which John's Christology emerges. The task of chapter three is to explain the rationale for the selection of the Leitmotif's verbs of descending, ascending, coming, going, and being sent. Chapters four and five investigate how the Evangelist, with the repetition of the Leitmotif, constructs his narrative to tell the story of the historical Jesus and shape the Evangelist's Christology. Additionally, the focus is to analyze the transforming influences of the Descent/Ascent Leitmotif on the themes of Jesus-Son's origin, identity, relationship to the Father, and authority, through his signs and works, life, and glory. The Descent/Ascent Leitmotif depicts a divine round trip, and the emphasis of chapter six is to examine the role of the Leitmotif in Jesus-Son's departure from the world and return to God. The Evangelist's use of the Leitmotif in Jesus' prayer to the Father (John 17) and the promise of the Paraclete are included in this chapter. Due to the Descent/Ascent Leitmotif's inherent spatial overtones, elements related to Jesus' return, including heaven, world, the hour, and his form after his resurrection, are explored from a cosmological and ontological perspective.


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A sequel to another novel can be written as its own stand-alone book. Several authors have accomplished this, most notably J.K. Rowling in the early Harry Potter books. Other writers have failed in their attempts. Following Gameland: Warriors and Wizards, the sequel Escape from Pirate Isle is an attempt at writing a stand-alone book. Similar to the first story, Charles and Cindy, who are brother and sister, are magically transported into a board game to rescue their father. While the story was initially intended to stand on its own, in the end it does not, but not because the first novel needs to be read in order to understand it. Instead, it needs a sequel to be a complete story.