5 resultados para cold supersonic gas jet

em DI-fusion - The institutional repository of Université Libre de Bruxelles


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The hydrodynamic structure of an axisymmetric supersonic expansion can be regarded as a series of concentric divergent cones, with decreasing particle densities as the cone angle increases. Different groups of molecules therefore contribute to high-resolution absorption line shapes when optically probing the expansion in a direction perpendicular to the jet axis. These groups are distinguished by the cone angle, inducing a specific Doppler shift, and by the particle density, contributing a specific weight to the absorption intensity. As a result different broader line profiles are observed compared to room temperature spectra. This effect is investigated here selecting as the working example the R(0), ν3 absorption line in N2O recorded using a Fourier transform interferometer. Independent impact pressure and quadrupole mass spectrometric measurements are performed leading to two complementary maps of the expansion, allowing the recorded absorption line shape to be quantitatively modeled. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In spectra of jet-cooled C2H2 recorded with an FTIR spectrometer, the ν5, ν4 + ν5, ν3 and ν2 + ν4 + ν5 bands all exhibit an intensity distribution corresponding to ∼6 K for rotation, with no evidence of nuclear spin conversion. Spectra of C2H2 isolated in solid p-H2 show no evidence of rotation of C2H2. The strong interaction between ν3 and ν2 + ν4 + ν5 in the gas phase is diminished in solid p-H2. Lines associated with dimer, trimer and tetramer of C2H2 are identified. Spectral features characteristic of solid state acetylene are observed under jet-cooled conditions. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A set-up combining a high resolution Fourier transform interferometer and a quadrupole mass spectrometer with a supersonic jet expansion produced thanks to a large turbomolecular pumping unit is described. A rotational temperature close to 3 K is demonstrated. Vibration-vibration energy transfer in the expansion affecting the v2 = 1 state in N2O is monitored in the presence of various collision partners. The transfer from the v 2 = 1 state of N2O towards the quasi resonant, lower energy v2 = 1 state of OCS is demonstrated, in particular. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The design of a new apparatus, named FANTASIO, for studying jet-cooled molecules is described. It includes, around the same supersonic expansion cell, a high resolution Fourier transform spectrometer with single or multipass optics, a tunable diode laser spectrometer with optional cavity ring-down facilities, and a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Performance and operational procedures are illustrated.


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The outer-crust structure and composition of a cold, non-accreting magnetar are studied. We model the outer crust to be made of fully equilibrated matter where ionized nuclei form a Coulomb crystal embedded in an electron gas. The main effects of the strong magnetic field are those of quantizing the electron motion in Landau levels and of modifying the nuclear single-particle levels producing, on average, an increased binding of nucleons in nuclei present in the Coulomb lattice. The effect of a homogeneous and constant magnetic field on nuclear masses has been predicted by using a covariant density functional in which induced currents and axial deformation due to the presence of a magnetic field that breaks time-reversal symmetry have been included self-consistently in the nucleon and meson equations of motion. Although not yet observed, for Ba 1016 G both effects contribute to produce different compositions - odd-mass nuclei are frequently predicted - and to increase the neutron-drip pressure as compared to a typical neutron star. Specifically, in such a regime, the magnetic-field effects on nuclei favor the appearance of heavier nuclei at low pressures. As B increases, such heavier nuclei are also preferred up to larger pressures. For the most extreme magnetic field considered, B=1018 G, and for the models studied, almost the whole outer crust is made of 4092Zr52.