8 resultados para Zeitschrift

em DI-fusion - The institutional repository of Université Libre de Bruxelles


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La Belgique impose depuis les années 2000 la parité femmes-hommes sur les listes de candidats pour les élections aux différents niveaux de pouvoir (local, régional, fédéral et européen). Cette obligation a accru la féminisation des assemblées pour atteindre entre un quart et un tiers d’élues. Le progrès est donc réel mais la stricte parité reste éloignée. Cet article s’interroge sur les raisons de ce « plafond de verre ». Elles sont à chercher dans la réticence des partis à accorder les premières places sur les listes à des candidates, et encore plus à placer une femme en première position. Dans un scrutin proportionnel de listes semi-ouvertes, la part d’élues s’en trouve automatiquement réduite, surtout lorsque la magnitude des circonscriptions est faible. Parmi les motivations de ces réticences à la parité l’une des plus importantes est la conviction que les candidates seraient de moins bonnes « locomotives électorales » que leurs homologues masculins. Pourtant, et cet article le démontre, ces craintes ne résistent pas à l’épreuve des faits. Une analyse détaillée des résultats électoraux en Belgique montre bien que les femmes ne réalisent pas de moins bonnes performances électorales que les hommes lorsqu’elles sont placées en tête de liste.


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The problem of achieving super-resolution, i.e. resolution beyond the classical Rayleigh distance of half a wavelength, is a real challenge in several imaging problems. The development of computer-assisted instruments and the possibility of inverting the recorded data has clearly modified the traditional concept of resolving power of an instrument. We show that, in the framework of inverse problem theory, the achievable resolution limit arises no longer from a universal rule but instead from a practical limitation due to noise amplification in the data inversion process. We analyze under what circumstances super-resolution can be achieved and we show how to assess the actual resolution limits in a given experiment, as a function of the noise level and of the available a priori knowledge about the object function. We emphasize the importance of the a priori knowledge of its effective support and we show that significant super-resolution can be achieved for "subwavelength sources", i.e. objects which are smaller than the probing wavelength.


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In Belgium, gender-parity has been compulsory for all party lists (in local, regional, federal and European elections) for several years. As a result, the proportion of women has risen from a fourth up to a third of the deputies. Yet, strict parity is still far from realised. This article seeks to establish what causes this glass ceiling, namely the parties' reluctance to place female candidates in the top positions or even as the front-runner. In a proportional representation system with half-open lists, and especially when the constituencies are small, this automatically leads to a smaller proportion of women among the elected deputies. One important reason for the parties' reluctance to rank female candidates higher is their assumption that women are less effective as "election locomotives" than men. However, the analysis of the Belgian election results makes clear that this is not the case. Female candidates in top positions are as successful as their male counterparts. © (2008) Swiss Political Science Review.


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A singular perturbation method is applied to a non-conservative system of two weakly coupled strongly nonlinear non-identical oscillators. For certain parameters, localized solutions exist for which the amplitude of one oscillator is an order of magnitude smaller than the other. It is shown that these solutions are described by coupled equations for the phase difference and scaled amplitudes. Three types of localized solutions are obtained as solutions to these equations which correspond to phase locking, phase drift, and phase entrainment. Quantitative results for the phases and amplitudes of the oscillators and the stability of these phenomena are expressed in terms of the parameters of the model.


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