13 resultados para Fernand Braudel

em DI-fusion - The institutional repository of Université Libre de Bruxelles


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Objective-To characterize a subpopulation of complicated cases of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Method-Descriptive retrospective study. Results-0.75% of our IVF-ET population suffered from OHSS. Among this group, 33% did not exhibit any recognized risk criteria of OHSS in terms of infertility characteristics and ovarian response to exogenous gonadotrophins. Only severe (ascites) OHSS cases were considered (n = 5) in this study. Previous IVF-ET attempts had been uneventful and during the complicated trial, estradiol peak levels and numbers of oocytes retrieved remained below 2,500 pg/mL (conversion factor to SI unit, 3.671) and 10, respectively. In all cases, the luteal phase was supplemented by hCG and all patients became pregnant. A threshold level of exogenous and/or endogenous hCG seems to be responsible for the occurrence of OHSS. Conclusion-One-third of the patients developing an ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome after IVF-ET had not previously shown risk criteria. A causal role of exogenous and/or endogenous hCG is suggested.


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Objective - To evaluate the effect of in vitro culture on zona pellucida resistance in mouse oocytes and embryos. Method-Zona pellucida resistance was assessed by comparing duration of zona lysis in the presence of alpha- chymotrypsin. The effects of artificial or physiological conditions of development were evaluated by comparing embryos in vitro with those left to reach the same stage of development in vivo. Results - The time required for zona lysis of oocytes increased after 2, 9.4, and 48 hours in vitro (P < .001). The same observation holds true for oocytes left in vivo during 24 hours. Fertilization both in vivo and in vitro induced a major increase in zona resistance. At the two-cell stage, in vitro culture did not harden the zona pellucida. At the morula stage and beyond, enzymatic lysis was slightly longer in vitro as compared to that of similar stages recovered from the genital tract. Conclusions - Our data indicate that in vitro culture conditions do not modify zona hardening in oocytes and only slightly increased zona resistance from the morula stage on.


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Complementary DNA encoding human 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/5-ene-4-ene isomerase (30-HSD) has been expressed in transfected GH4C1 with use of the cytomegalovirus promoter. The activity of the expressed protein clearly shows that both dehydrogenase and isomerase enzymatic activities are present within a single protein. However, such findings do not indicate whether the two activities reside within one or two closely related catalytic sites. With use of [3H]-5-androstenedione, the intermediate compound in dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) transformation into 4-androstenedione by 3β-HSD, the present study shows that 4MA (N,N-diethyl-4-rnethyl-3-oxo-4-aza-5α-androstane-17β-carboxamide) and its analogues inhibit DHEA oxidation competitively while they exert a noncompetitive inhibition of the isomerization of 5-androstenedione to 4-androstenedione with an approximately 1000-fold higher Ki value. The present results thus strongly suggest that dehydrogenase and isomerase activities are present at separate sites on the 3β-HSD protein. In addition, using 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol as substrates for dehydrogenase activity only, we have found that dehydrogenase activity is reversibly and competitively inhibited by 4MA. Such data suggest that the irreversible step in the transformation of DHEA to 4-androstenedione is due to a separate site possessing isomerase activity that converts the 5-ene-3-keto to a much more stable 4-ene-3-keto configuration. © 1991 American Chemical Society.


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The most potent steroid in human prostatic carcinoma LNCaP cells, i.e. dihydrotestosterone (DHT), has a biphasic stimulatory effect on cell proliferation. At the maximal stimulatory concentration of 0.1 nM DHT, analysis of cell kinetic parameters shows a decrease of the G0-G1 fraction with a corresponding increase of the S and G2 + M fractions. In contrast, concentrations of 1 nM DHT or higher induce a return of cell proliferation to control levels, reflected by an increase in the G0-G1 fraction at the expense of the S and especially the G2 + M fractions. Continuous labeling for 144 h with the nucleotide analogue 5'-bromodeoxyuridine shows that the percentage of cycling LNCaP cells rises more than 90% after treatment with stimulatory concentrations of DHT, whereas in control cells as well as in cells treated with high concentrations of the androgen, this value remains below 50%. Although LNCaP cells do not contain detectable estrogen receptors, the new pure steroidal antiestrogen EM-139 not only reversed the stimulation of cell proliferation and cell kinetics induced by stimulatory doses of DHT but also inhibited basal cell proliferation.


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Although steroid hormones are known to play a predominant role in the regulation of cell growth in hormone-sensitive cancers, their mechanisms of action, especially their interaction with growth factors and/or growth inhibitors, is poorly understood. We have recently observed that the effects of androgens and estrogens on the expression of the major protein found in human breast gross cystic disease fluid, protein-24, are opposite to their respective action on cell proliferation in human breast cancer cell lines. Somewhat surprisingly, the recent elucidation of the amino acid sequence of this progesterone binding protein reveals that this tumor marker is apolipoprotein D (apo D), a member of a superfamily of lipophilic ligand carrier proteins. The present study was designed to determine whether apo D is secreted by human prostate cancer cells and could thus be a new marker of steroid action in these cancer cells, and whether the sex steroid-induced stimulation of apo D secretion coincides with inhibition of cell proliferation. We took advantage of the biphasic pattern of the effect of steroids on the proliferation of the human prostate cancer LNCaP cell line, which offers the opportunity to discriminate between positive and negative steroid receptor-regulated cell growth processes. A 10-day exposure to low concentrations of dihydrotestosterone and testosterone caused a potent stimulation of LNCaP cell proliferation, whereas incubation with higher concentrations of these androgens led to a progressive decrease in cell proliferation towards basal levels. The biphasic action of androgens was also observed on apo D secretion, the effects on apo D secretion being inversely related to their action on LNCaP cell proliferation. Similar opposite biphasic effects were also observed with 9 other steroids, thus indicating that the stimulation of secretion of this new biochemical marker coincides with inhibition of cell proliferation in LNCaP human prostatic cancer cells.


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We have recently characterized two types of rat 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Δ5-Δ4 isomerase (3β-HSD) isoenzymes expressed in adrenals and gonads. In addition, we have cloned a third type of cDNA encoding a predicted type III 3β-HSD protein specifically expressed in the male rat liver which shares 80% similarity with the two other isoenzymes. Transient expression in human HeLa cells of the cDNAs reveals that the type III 3β-HSD protein does not display oxidative activity for the classical substrates of 3β-HSD, in contrast to the type I 3β-HSD isoenzyme. However, in the presence of NADH, type III isoenzyme, in common with the type I isoform, converts 5α-androstane-3,17-dione (A-dione) and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to the corresponding 3β-hydroxysteroids. In fact, the type I and the type III isoenzymes have the same affinity for DHT with K(m) values of 5.05 and 6.16 μM, respectively. When NADPH is used as cofactor, the affinity for DHT of the type III isoform becomes higher than that of the type I isoform with K(m) values of 0.12 and 1.18 μM, respectively. The type III isoform is thus a 3-ketoreductase using NADPH as preferred cofactor which is responsible for the conversion of 3-keto-saturated steroids such as DHT and A-dione into less active steroids.


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Transient expression in nonsteroidogenic mammalian cells of the rat wild type I and type II 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Δ5-Δ4-isomerase (3β- HSD) cDNAs shows that the encoded proteins, in addition to being able to catalyze the oxidation and isomerization of Δ5-3β-hydroxysteroid precursors into the corresponding Δ4-3-ketosteroids, interconvert 5α- dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol (3β-diol). When homogenate from cells transfected with a plasmid vector containing type I 3β-HSD is incubated in the presence of DHT using NAD+ as cofactor, a somewhat unexpected metabolite is formed, namely 5α-androstanedione (A- dione), thus indicating an intrinsic androgenic 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD) activity of this 3β-HSD isoform. Although the relative Vmax of 17β-HSD activity is 14.9-fold lower than that of 3β-HSD activity, the Km value for the 17β-HSD activity of type I 3β-HSD is 7.97 μM, a value which is in the same range as the conversion of DHT into 3β- diol which shows a Km value of 4.02 μM. Interestingly, this 17β-HSD activity is highly predominant in unbroken cells in culture, thus supporting the physiological relevance of this 'secondary' activity. Such 17β-HSD activity is inhibited by the classical substrates of 3β-HSD, namely pregnenolone (PREG), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), Δ5-androstene-3β,17β- diol (Δ5-diol), 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol (3β-diol) and DHT, with IC50 values of 2.7, 1.0, 3.2, 6.2, and 6.3 μM, respectively. Although dual enzymatic activities have been previously reported for purified preparations of other steroidogenic enzymes, the present data demonstrate the multifunctional enzymatic activities associated with a recombinant oxidoreductase enzyme. In addition to its well known 3β-HSD activity, this enzyme possesses the ability to catalyze DHT into A-dione thus potentially controlling the level of the active androgen DHT in classical steroidogenic as well as peripheral intracrine tissues.


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We have recently demonstrated that physiological levels of androgens exert direct and potent inhibitory effects on the growth of human breast cancer ZR-75-1 cells in vivo in nude mice as well as in vitro under both basal and estrogen-stimulated conditions. The inhibitory effect of androgens has also been confirmed on the growth of dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary carcinoma in the rat. Such observations are in close agreement with the clinical data showing that androgens and the androgenic compound medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) have beneficial effects in breast cancer in women comparable to other endocrine therapies, including tamoxifen. Although the inhibitory action of androgens on cell proliferation in estrogen-induced ZR-75-1 cells results, in part, from their suppressive effect on expression of the estrogen receptor, the androgens also exert a direct inhibitory effect independent of estrogens. Androgens cause a global slowing effect on the duration of the cell cycle. These observations support clinical data showing that androgenic compounds induce an objective remission after failure of antiestrogen therapy as well as those indicating that the antiproliferative action of androgens is additive to that of antiestrogens. We have also recently demonstrated in ZR-75-1 human breast cancer cells the antagonism between androgens and estrogens on the expression of GCDFP-15 and GCDFP-24 which are two major proteins secreted in human gross cystic disease fluid. The effects of androgens and estrogens as well as those of progestins and glucocorticoids on GCDFP-15 and GCDFP-24 mRNA levels and secretion are opposite to those induced by the same steroids on cell growth in ZR-75-1 cells.


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SCOPUS: no.j