8 resultados para Factor-like Domain

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Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is involved in the regulation of ovarian follicular development and has been shown to potentiate the FSH responsiveness of granulosa cells from preantral follicles. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of IGF-I during preantral follicular culture on steroidogenesis, subsequent oocyte maturation, fertilization, and embryo development in mice. Preantral follicles were isolated mechanically and cultured for 12 days in a simplified culture medium supplemented with 1% fetal calf serum, recombinant human FSH, transferrin, and selenium. In these conditions, follicles were able to grow and produce oocytes that could be matured and fertilized. The first experiment analyzed the effect of different concentrations of IGF-I (0, 10, 50, or 100 ng/ml) added to the culture medium on the follicular survival, steroidogenesis, and the oocyte maturation process. The presence of IGF-I during follicular growth increased the secretion of estradiol but had no effect on the subsequent oocyte survival and maturation rates. In the second experiment, IGF-I (0 or 50 ng/ml) was added to the culture medium during follicular growth, oocyte maturation, or both, and subsequent oocyte fertilization and embryo development rates were evaluated. Oocyte fertilization rates were comparable in the presence or absence of IGF-I. However, the blastocyst development rate was enhanced after follicular culture in the presence of IGF-I. Moreover, the total cell number of the blastocysts observed after differential labeling staining was also higher when follicles were cultured or matured in the presence of IGF-I.


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ERM is a member of the PEA3 group of the Ets transcription factor family that plays important roles in development and tumorigenesis. The PEA3s share an N-terminal transactivation domain (TADn) whose activity is inhibited by small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO). However, the consequences of sumoylation and its underlying molecular mechanism remain unclear. The domain structure of ERM TADn alone or modified by SUMO-1 was analyzed using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Low resolution shapes determined ab initio from the scattering data indicated an elongated shape and an unstructured conformation of TADn in solution. Covalent attachment of SUMO-1 does not perturb the structure of TADn as indicated by the linear arrangement of the SUMO moiety with respect to TADn. Thus, ERM belongs to the growing family of proteins that contain intrinsically unstructured regions. The flexible nature of TADn may be instrumental for ERM recognition and binding to diverse molecular partners.


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After a finite doubling number, normal cells become senescent, i.e. nonproliferating and apoptosis resistant. Because Rel/nuclear factor (NF)-κB transcription factors regulate both proliferation and apoptosis, we have investigated their involvement in senescence. cRel overexpression in young normal keratinocytes results in premature senescence, as defined by proliferation blockage, apoptosis resistance, enlargement, and appearance of senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-Gal) activity. Normal senescent keratinocytes display a greater endogenous Rel/NF-κB DNA binding activity than young cells; inhibiting this activity in presenescent cells decreases the number of cells expressing the SA-β-Gal marker. Normal senescent keratinocytes and cRel-induced premature senescent keratinocytes overexpressed manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), a redox enzyme encoded by a Rel/NF-κB target gene. MnSOD transforms the toxic O2.- into H2O2, whereas catalase and glutathione peroxidase convert H2O2 into H2O. Neither catalase nor glutathione peroxidase is up-regulated during cRel-induced premature senescence or during normal senescence, suggesting that H 2O2 accumulates. Quenching H2O2 by catalase delays the occurrence of both normal and premature cRel-induced senescence. Conversely, adding a nontoxic dose of H2O2 to the culture medium of young normal keratinocytes induces a premature senescence-like state. All these results indicate that Rel/NF-κB factors could take part in the occurrence of senescence by generating an oxidative stress via the induction of MnSOD.


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The Ets transcription factors of the PEA3 group - E1AF/PEA3, ETV1/ER81 and ERM - are almost identical in the ETS DNA-binding and the transcriptional acidic domains. To accelerate our understanding of the molecular basis of putative diseases linked to ETV1 such as Ewing's sarcoma we characterized the human ETV1 and the mouse ER81 genes. We showed that these genes are both encoded by 13 exons in more than 90 kbp genomic DNA, and that the classical acceptor and donor splicing sites are present in each junction except for the 5' donor site of intron 9 where GT is replaced by TT. The genomic organization of the ETS and acidic domains in the human ETV1 and mouse ER81 (localized to chromosome 12) genes is similar to that observed in human ERM and human E1AF/PEA3 genes. Moreover, as in human ERM and human E1AF/PEA3 genes, a first untranslated exon is upstream from the first methionine, and the mouse ER81 gene transcription is regulated by a 1.8 kbp of genomic DNA upstream from this exon. In human, the alternative splicing of the ETV1 gene leads to the presence (ETV1α) or the absence (ETV1β) of exon 5 encoding the C-terminal part of the transcriptional acidic domain, but without affecting the alpha helix previously described as crucial for transactivation. We demonstrated here that the truncated isoform (human ETV1β) and the full-length isoform (human ETV1α) bind similarly specific DNA Ets binding sites. Moreover, they both activate transcription similarly through the PKA-transduction pathway, so suggesting that this alternative splicing is not crucial for the function of this protein as a transcription factor. The comparison of human ETV1α and human ETV1β expression in the same tissues, such as the adrenal gland or the bladder, showed no clear-cut differences. Altogether, these data open a new avenue of investigation leading to a better understanding of the functional role of this transcription factor.


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ERM is a member of the ETS transcription factor family. High levels of the corresponding mRNA are detected in a variety of human breast cancer cell lines, as well as in aggressive human breast tumors. As ERM protein is almost undetectable in these cells, high degradation of this transcription factor has been postulated. Here we have investigated whether ERM degradation might depend on the proteasome pathway. We show that endogenous and ectopically expressed ERM protein is short-lived protein and undergoes proteasome-dependent degradation. Deletion mutagenesis studies indicate that the 61 C-terminal amino acids of ERM are critical for its proteolysis and serve as a degradation signal. Although ERM conjugates with ubiquitin, this post-translational modification does not depend on the C-terminal domain. We have used an Ets-responsive ICAM-1 reporter plasmid to show that the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway can affect transcriptional function of ERM. Thus, ERM is subject to degradation via the 26S proteasome pathway, and this pathway probably plays an important role in regulating ERM transcriptional activity. © 2007 Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved.


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Human alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA), a 123-residue calcium-binding protein, has been studied using (15)N NMR relaxation methods in order to characterize backbone dynamics of the native state at the level of individual residues. Relaxation data were collected at three magnetic field strengths and analyzed using the model-free formalism of Lipari and Szabo. The order parameters derived from this analysis are generally high, indicating a rigid backbone. A total of 46 residues required an exchange contribution to T(2); 43 of these residues are located in the alpha-domain of the protein. The largest exchange contributions are observed in the A-, B-, D-, and C-terminal 3(10)-helices of the alpha-domain; these residues have been shown previously to form a highly stable core in the alpha-LA molten globule. The observed exchange broadening, along with previous hydrogen/deuterium amide exchange data, suggests that this part of the alpha-domain may undergo a local structural transition between the well-ordered native structure and a less-ordered molten-globule-like structure.


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PR homology domain-containing member 12 (PRDM12) is a highly evolutionary conserved member of the Prdm family of transcription factors that play essential roles in many cell fate decisions. In human, PRDM12 coding mutations have been recently identified in several patients with hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy (HSAN) (submitted elsewhere). Here we show that PRDM12 is involved in sensory neurogenesis in Xenopus and that several of the human Prdm12 mutants show altered structure, subcellular localization and function. In Drosophila, we demonstrate that the sensory neuron specific RNAi knockdown of the Prdm12 ortholog Hamlet induces impaired nociception and that a similar phenotype is observed in hypomorph hamlet mutants. In human fibroblasts of patients with PRDM12 mutations, we identified additional possible downstream target genes including thyrotropin-releasing hormone degrading enzyme (TRHDE). Knock-down of fly TRHDE in sensory neurons resulted in altered nociceptive neurons and impaired nociception. Collectively, these findings provide the first evidence showing that Prdm12 plays an important role in sensory neuron development. They also suggest that it has a critical evolutionarily conserved role in pain perception via modulation of the TRH signaling pathway.


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The transcription factor Ets-1 is implicated in various physiological processes and invasive pathologies. We identified a novel variant of ets-1, ets-1Delta(III-VI), resulting from the alternative splicing of exons III to VI. This variant encodes a 27 kDa isoform, named Ets-1 p27. Ets-1 p27 lacks the threonine-38 residue, the Pointed domain and the transactivation domain, all of which are required for the transactivation of Ets-1 target genes. Both inhibitory domains surrounding the DNA-binding domain are conserved, suggesting that Ets-1 p27, like the full-length Ets-1 p51 isoform, is autoinhibited for DNA binding. We showed that Ets-1 p27 binds DNA in the same way as Ets-1 p51 does and that it acts both at a transcriptional and a subcellular localization level, thereby constituting a dual-acting dominant negative of Ets-1 p51. Ets-1 p27 blocks Ets-1 p51-mediated transactivation of target genes and induces the translocation of Ets-1 p51 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Furthermore, Ets-1 p27 overexpression represses the tumor properties of MDA-MB-231 mammary carcinoma cells in correlation with the known implication of Ets-1 in various cellular mechanisms. Thus the dual-acting dominant-negative function of Ets-1 p27 gives to the Ets-1 p27/Ets-1 p51 ratio a determining effect on cell fate.