43 resultados para Chimie des surfaces et des interfaces

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Dans la lignée des précédents fascicules de chimie, ce dossier est consacré à la catalyse :qu'est-ce que la catalyse ?Exemples de réactions catalysées, le pot catalytique, quel carburant choisir ?Finie la pollution automobile ?La pile à combustible.


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Monolayers of octadecanethiolate on Au(1 1 1) surface were formed under electrochemical control. The influence of the formation time on the reductive desorption process was studied by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. When the formation time is increased, the reductive desorption peak observed on the voltammograms is significantly shifted in the negative direction, while the cathodic charge is only slightly affected. This behaviour is attributed to a higher degree of organisation of the monolayers for longer formation times, highlighting the role of defect sites in promoting the dissolution. A good agreement was found between our experimental chronoamperograms and theoretical models describing the dissolution process by a shrinkage mechanism. It is demonstrated that a reorganisation process takes place, consisting in the merging of small condensed domains into larger ones. This annealing phenomenon is time and potential dependent, the largest condensed domains being obtained for the longest formation times and least negative potentials. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The behaviour towards electron transfer of self-assembled monolayers of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI) and 2-mercaptobenzimidazole-5-sulfonate (MBIS) on Au(1 1 1) was examined by cyclic voltammetry. The influence of the monolayers was drastically dependent on the charge of the redox probe used. When [Ru(NH3)6]3+ is used, a post-adsorption peak characteristic of the adsorption of the redox probe is detected only at the MBIS modified electrode. Taking advantage of this difference, ac voltammetry has been used to determine the surface composition when mixed monolayers are formed by immersion of the gold substrate in mixtures of different molar fractions of MBI and MBIS. Results clearly indicate that the ionic strength of the immersion solution plays a key role in the surface composition when a charged surfactant is mixed with non-charged surfactant. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ce projet de recherche s’inscrit dans un contexte institutionnel particulier. Depuis 2011, l’ULB rénove ses différentes plateformes informatiques afin d’améliorer les outils et services rendus à la communauté étudiante. Portant le nom de « SMILEY », ce grand projet gère entre autres les outils MonULB, GeHol, Web mail, U.V. etc. et a pour objectif une gestion plus simple, plus efficace et plus flexible de l’Université. Étant donné la complexité initiale du système de gestion de l’ULB, la mise en place du projet Smiley ne s’est pas faite sans difficultés. Divers bugs et imprévus ont été et sont encore rencontrés. Dans ce cadre, les autorités de l’ULB ont décidé de créer un observatoire pour mener des recherches sur les usages étudiants des outils informatiques liés à SMILEY EE (pour Études et Étudiants) afin d’améliorer l’acceptation des outils concernés. Au cours de ces recherches, différentes variables en lien avec l’utilisabilité et l’expérience utilisateur seront envisagées :connaissance du web, connaissance des TIC, sentiment d’efficacité personnel, perception de l’utilité et de la facilité d’utilisation des interfaces, stratégies de recherche d’information utilisées, sentiment d’autonomie t de contrôle, satisfaction cognitive et affective, identification à l’institution… Dès lors, les objectifs sont ;outre l’étude des déterminants de l’acceptation des Tic étudiants, de collecter l’avis des utilisateurs concernés, de fournir des recommandations, d’accompagner la mise en œuvre des améliorations et d’anticiper les besoins/attentes futures en matière de TIC à l’université.Pour cela, les méthodologies employées seront qualitatives et quantitatives. Des groupes de discussions exploratoire seront organisés afin d’identifier plus précisément les facteurs de satisfaction et d’insatisfaction, et des tests d’utilisabilités seront élaborés pour déterminer in situ les difficultés rencontrées. Des questionnaires en ligne seront aussi diffusés afin de déterminer le rôle des variables susmentionnées auprès d’un échantillon représentatif de la communauté estudiantine. L’ensemble des résultats permettra alors de guider des actions concrètes sur les outils étudiés.


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The vibrational properties of the 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI) molecule in interaction with gold were examined by a combined approach of FTIR measurements and density functional theory (DFT). A complete assignment of the 42 normal modes of MBI has been performed on the basis of DFT calculations at the B3PW91 level in complement to the Raman and FTIR spectra. Calculations demonstrated that, on the deprotonated MBI molecule, the negative charge is localized on the sulfur atom, favoring the formation of a gold-sulfur bond upon reaction of MBI with gold. This was confirmed by the very good agreement between the calculated spectrum and the experimental spectra of different gold-MBI compounds, indicating that the vibrational properties of adsorbed MBI are chiefly determined by the coordination through the sulfur atom. © 2006 American Chemical Society.


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Bimetallic alloys are increasingly used in heterogeneous catalysis. This interest is explained by the emergence of new features that are absent in the parent single metals. Synergistic effects between the two combined elements create a more efficient catalyst. One of the most challenging aspect of multicomponent materials in catalysis is the ability to fine-tune the catalytic properties of an alloy by controlling the nature and composition of the surface [1]. For example, the gold/silver alloy combines a high activity and a large selectivity for a broad range of oxidation reaction.It is well established that the surface composition of alloys may deviate from that of the bulk phase. Surface enrichment has also important consequences in some applications of heterogeneous catalysis. In some cases, the thermal and chemical treatments can lead to opposite trends regarding the nature of the metal prone to surface enrichment. Using atom probe tomography we aim to link the physicochemical conditions the composition of the very first atomic layers of bimetallic catalysts and eventually to fine-tune the catalytic features of the latter.


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An accurate characterization of the rhodium specimen was obtained via FIM experiments. Reaction behaviors between H2 and CO2 were observed in FEM mode at 700 K. At this temperature, CO desorption occurs, preventing CO+H2 reaction. Surface is mainly recovered by oxygen; reaction with hydrogen occurs. Finally, we can identify the reaction as the Reverse Water Gas Shift.


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A slit nozzle supersonic expansion containing C2H2 (246 sccm) and N2O (355 sccm) seeded into Ar (1260 sccm) is investigated using CW cavity ring-down spectroscopy, in the 1.5 μm range. The C2H2-N2O van der Waals complex is observed around the 2CH acetylenic band. Despite strong perturbations, 117 b-type lines are assigned. Their combined fit with published microwave data leads to new upper state and improved lower state rotational constants. The Lorentzian width of the assigned line profiles sets the mean lifetime to 1.6 ns. The rotational temperature is estimated to be 15 K from the comparison between observed and simulated spectra. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A supersonic expansion containing acetylene seeded into Ar and produced from a circular nozzle is investigated using CW/cavity ring down spectroscopy, in the 1.5 μm range. The results, also involving experiments with pure acetylene and acetylene-He expansions, as well as slit nozzles, demonstrate that the denser central section in the expansion is slightly heated by the formation of acetylene aggregates, resulting into a dip in the monomer absorption line profiles. Acetylene-Ar aggregates are also formed at the edge of the circular nozzle expansion cone. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In spectra of jet-cooled C2H2 recorded with an FTIR spectrometer, the ν5, ν4 + ν5, ν3 and ν2 + ν4 + ν5 bands all exhibit an intensity distribution corresponding to ∼6 K for rotation, with no evidence of nuclear spin conversion. Spectra of C2H2 isolated in solid p-H2 show no evidence of rotation of C2H2. The strong interaction between ν3 and ν2 + ν4 + ν5 in the gas phase is diminished in solid p-H2. Lines associated with dimer, trimer and tetramer of C2H2 are identified. Spectral features characteristic of solid state acetylene are observed under jet-cooled conditions. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A set-up combining a high resolution Fourier transform interferometer and a quadrupole mass spectrometer with a supersonic jet expansion produced thanks to a large turbomolecular pumping unit is described. A rotational temperature close to 3 K is demonstrated. Vibration-vibration energy transfer in the expansion affecting the v2 = 1 state in N2O is monitored in the presence of various collision partners. The transfer from the v 2 = 1 state of N2O towards the quasi resonant, lower energy v2 = 1 state of OCS is demonstrated, in particular. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The description of the monolayer formed at Au(1 1 1) by 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI) under potential control has been based on electrochemical data (charge measurements) and spectroscopic information from the subtractively normalized interfacial Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy method (SNIFTIRS). From the quantitative analysis of the SNIFTIR spectra, a surface coverage Γ/Γmax was extracted for each sample potential. The evolution of the coverage with potential was in full agreement with the charge density curve. The shift of the pzc in the presence of MBI indicates that the adsorbed molecules have a nonzero component of the permanent dipole moment in the direction perpendicular to the electrode surface. Thanks to the high quality of the spectra, it was possible to determine the orientation of MBI molecules at the surface in the monolayer and submonolayer range. The angle between the C2-axis of the molecule and the direction normal to the surface is close to 64 ± 4° and its small change (<15°) with potential indicates that the orientation of the molecules is chiefly controlled by the chemical interaction between the sulphur atom and the gold surface. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The behaviour of a self-assembled monolayer of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI) at the Au(111) electrode has been examined using cyclic voltammetry and in situ FTIR spectroscopy. The charge associated with the reductive desorption is pH independent while the oxidative partial redeposition charge increases when the pH is lowered. This is due to differences between the nature and the solubility of the MBI desorption product. In alkaline and neutral media MBI desorbs as the thiolate. In contrast, in acidic solutions the thiol is the desorbed product. Subtractively normalized interfacial reflection Fourier transform absorption spectroscopy (SNIFTIRS) has been applied to investigate the MBI monolayer in contact with aqueous solutions of different pH. The SNIFTIRS data are in agreement with the electrochemical results. Moreover, quantitative analysis of the IR data provided evidence that adsorbed MBI molecules assume a tilted orientation with an angle of 60±5° between the C2 axis of the molecule and the direction normal to the gold surface. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.