13 resultados para tin-oxide film

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Thin layers of indium tin oxide are widely used as transparent coatings and electrodes in solar energy cells, flat-panel displays, antireflection coatings, radiation protection and lithium-ion battery materials, because they have the characteristics of low resistivity, strong absorption at ultraviolet wavelengths, high transmission in the visible, high reflectivity in the far-infrared and strong attenuation in the microwave region. However, there is often a trade-off between electrical conductivity and transparency at visible wavelengths for indium tin oxide and other transparent conducting oxides. Here, we report the growth of layers of indium tin oxide nanowires that show optimum electronic and photonic properties and demonstrate their use as fully transparent top contacts in the visible to near-infrared region for light-emitting devices.


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This article examines some preliminary tests which were performed in order to evaluate the best electrode configuration (width and spacing) for cell culture analyses. Biochips packaged with indium tin oxide (ITO) interdigitated electrodes (IDEs) were used to perform impedance measurements on A549 cells cultured on the surface of the biochip. Several tests were carried out using a 10 mM solution of Sodium Chloride (NaCl), cell medium and the cell culture itself to characterize some of the configurations already fabricated in the facilities at Tyndall National Institute.


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This thesis is concerned with an investigation of the anodic behaviour of ruthenium and iridium in aqueous solution and particularly of oxygen evolution on these metals. The latter process is of major interest in the large-scale production of hydrogen gas by the electrolysis of water. The presence of low levels of ruthenium trichloride ca. 10-4 mol dm-3 in acid solution give a considerable increase in the rate of oxygen evolution from platinum and gold, but not graphite, anodes. The mechanism of this catalytic effect was investigated using potential step and a.c. impedance technique. Earlier suggestions that the effect is due to catalysis by metal ions in solution were proved to be incorrect and it was shown that ruthenium species were incorporated into the surface oxide film. Changes in the oxidation state of these ruthenium species is probably responsible for the lowering of the oxygen overvoltage. Both the theoretical and practical aspects of the reaction were complicated by the fact that at constant potential the rates of both the catalysed and the uncatalysed oxygen evolution processes exhibit an appreciable, continuous decrease with either time or degree of oxidation of the substrate. The anodic behaviour of iridium in the oxide layer region has been investigated using conventional electrochemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry. Applying a triangular voltage sweep at 10 Hz, 0.01 to 1.50V increases the amount of electric charge which the surface can store in the oxide region. This activation effect and the mechanism of charge storage is discussed in terms of both an expanded lattice theory for oxide growth on noble metals and a more recent theory of irreversible oxide formation with subsequent stoichiometry changes. The lack of hysteresis between the anodic and cathodic peaks at ca. 0.9 V suggests that the process involved here is proton migration in a relatively thick surface layer, i.e. that the reaction involved is some type of oxide-hydroxide transition. Lack of chloride ion inhibition in the anodic region also supports the irreversible oxide formation theory; however, to account for the hydrogen region of the potential sweep a compromise theory involving partial reduction of the outer regions of iridium oxide film is proposed. The loss of charge storage capacity when the activated iridium surface is anodized for a short time above ca. 1.60 V is attributed to loss by corrosion of the outer active layer from the metal surface. The behaviour of iridium at higher anodic potentials in acid solution was investigated. Current-time curves at constant potential and Tafel plots suggested that a change in the mechanism of the oxygen evolution reaction occurs at ca. 1.8 V. Above this potential, corrosion of the metal occurred, giving rise to an absorbance in the visible spectrum of the electrolyte (λ max = 455 nm). It is suggested that the species involved was Ir(O2)2+. A similar investigation in the case of alkaline electrolyte gave no evidence for a change in mechanism at 1.8 V and corrosion of the iridium was not observed. Oxygen evolution overpotentials were much lower for iridium than for platinum in both acidic and alkaline solutions.


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Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is now used in semiconductor fabrication lines to deposit nanometre-thin oxide films, and has thus enabled the introduction of high-permittivity dielectrics into the CMOS gate stack. With interest increasing in transistors based on high mobility substrates, such as GaAs, we are investigating the surface treatments that may improve the interface characteristics. We focus on incubation periods of ALD processes on III-V substrates. We have applied first principles Density Functional Theory (DFT) to investigate detailed chemistry of these early stages of growth, specifically substrate and ALD precursor interaction. We have modelled the ‘clean-up’ effect by which organometallic precursors: trimethylaluminium (TMA) or hafnium and titanium amides clean arsenic oxides off the GaAs surface before ALD growth of dielectric commences and similar effect on Si3N4 substrate. Our simulations show that ‘clean-up’ of an oxide film strongly depends on precursor ligand, its affinity to the oxide and the redox character of the oxide. The predominant pathway for a metalloid oxide such as arsenic oxide is reduction, producing volatile molecules or gettering oxygen from less reducible oxides. An alternative pathway is non-redox ligand exchange, which allows non-reducible oxides (e.g. SiO2) to be cleaned-up. First principles study shows also that alkylamides are more susceptible to decomposition rather than migration on the oxide surface. This improved understanding of the chemical principles underlying ‘clean-up’ allows us to rationalize and predict which precursors will perform the reaction. The comparison is made between selection of metal chlorides, methyls and alkylamides precursors.


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The Li-ion battery has for a number of years been a key factor that has enabled an ever increasing number of modern consumer devices, while in recent years has also been sought to power a range of emerging electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Due to their importance and popularity, a number of characteristics of Li-ion batteries have been subjected to intense work aimed at radical improvement. Although electrode material selection intrinsically defines characteristics like maximum capacity or voltage, engineering of the electrode structure may yield significant improvements to the lifetime performance of the battery, which would not be available if the material was used in its bulk form. The body of work presented in this thesis describes the relationship between the structure of electrochemically active materials and the course of the electrochemical processes occurring within the electrode. Chapter one describes the motivation behind the research presented herein. Chapter two serves to highlight a number of key advancements which have been made and detailed in the literature over recent years, pertaining to the use of nanostructured materials in Li-ion technology. Chapter three details methods and techniques applied in developing the body of work presented in this thesis. Chapter four details structural, molecular and electrochemical characteristics of tin oxide nanoparticle based electrodes, with particular emphasis on the relationship between the size distribution and the electrode performance. Chapter five presents findings of structural, electrochemical and optical study of indium oxide nanoparticles grown on silicon by molecular beam epitaxy. In chapter 6, tin oxide inverted opal electrodes are investigated for the conduct of the electrochemical performance of the electrodes under varying rate of change of potential. Chapter 7 presents the overall conclusions drawn from the results presented in this thesis, coupled with an indication of potential future work which may be explored further.


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Block copolymer (BCP) self-assembly is a low-cost means to nanopattern surfaces. Here, we use these nanopatterns to directly print arrays of nanodots onto a conducting substrate (Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) coated glass) for application as an electrochemical sensor for ethanol (EtOH) and hydrogen peroxide (H


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The early stages of nanoporous layer formation, under anodic conditions in the absence of light, were investigated for n-type InP with a carrier concentration of ∼3× 1018 cm-3 in 5 mol dm-3 KOH and a mechanism for the process is proposed. At potentials less than ∼0.35 V, spectroscopic ellipsometry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed a thin oxide film on the surface. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) of electrode surfaces showed no pitting below ∼0.35 V but clearly showed etch pit formation in the range 0.4-0.53 V. The density of surface pits increased with time in both linear potential sweep and constant potential reaching a constant value at a time corresponding approximately to the current peak in linear sweep voltammograms and current-time curves at constant potential. TEM clearly showed individual nanoporous domains separated from the surface by a dense ∼40 nm InP layer. It is concluded that each domain develops as a result of directionally preferential pore propagation from an individual surface pit which forms a channel through this near-surface layer. As they grow larger, domains meet, and the merging of multiple domains eventually leads to a continuous nanoporous sub-surface region.


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Transparent thin films can now be site-selectively patterned and positioned on surface using mask-defined electrodeposition of one oxide and overcoating with a different solution-processed oxide, followed by thermal annealing. Annealing allows an interdiffusion process to create a new oxide that is entirely transparent. A primary electrodeposited oxide can be patterned and the secondary oxide coated over the entire substrate to form high color contrast coplanar thin film tertiary oxide. The authors also detail the phase formation and chemical state of the oxide and how the nature of the electrodeposited layer and the overlayer influence the optical clearing of the patterned oxide film.


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Surface modification of rutile TiO2 with extremely small SnO2 clusters gives rise to a great increase in its UV light activity for degradation of model organic water pollutants, while the effect is much smaller for anatase TiO2. This crystal form sensitivity is rationalized in terms of the difference in the electronic modification of TiO2 through the interfacial Sn−O−Ti bonds. The increase in the density of states near the conduction band minimum of rutile by hybridization with the SnO2 cluster levels intensifies the light absorption, but this is not seen with modified anatase. The electronic transition from the valence band to the conduction band causes the bulk-to-surface interfacial electron transfer to enhance charge separation. Further, electrons relaxed to the conduction minimum are smoothly transferred to O2 due to the action of the SnO2 species as an electron transfer promoter.


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A key element in the rational design of hybrid organic-inorganic nanostructures, is control of surfactant packing and adsorption onto the inorganic phase in crystal growth and assembly. In layered single crystal nanofibers and bilayered 2D nanosheets of vanadium oxide, we show how the chemisorption of preferred densities of surfactant molecules can direct formation of ordered, curved layers. The atom-scale features of the structures are described using molecular dynamics simulations that quantify surfactant packing effects and confirm the preference for a density of 5 dodecanethiol molecules per 8 vanadium attachment sites in the synthesised structures. This assembly maintains a remarkably well ordered interlayer spacing, even when curved. The assemblies of interdigitated organic bilayers on V2O5 are shown to be sufficiently flexible to tolerate curvature while maintaining a constant interlayer distance without rupture, delamination or cleavage. The accommodation of curvature and invariant structural integrity points to a beneficial role for oxide-directed organic film packing effects in layered architectures such as stacked nanofibers and hybrid 2D nanosheet systems.


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Nanostructured materials are central to the evolution of future electronics and biomedical applications amongst other applications. This thesis is focused on developing novel methods to prepare a number of nanostructured metal oxide particles and films by a number of different routes. Part of the aim was to see how techniques used in nanoparticle science could be applied to thin film methods to develop functional surfaces. Wet-chemical methods were employed to synthesize and modify the metal oxide nanostructures (CeO2 and SiO2) and their structural properties were characterized through advanced X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, photoelectron spectroscopy and other techniques. Whilst particulates have uses in many applications, their attachment to surfaces is of importance and this is frequently challenging. We examined the use of block copolymer methods to form very well defined metal oxide particulate-like structures on the surface of a number of substrates. Chapter 2 describes a robust method to synthesize various sized silica nanoparticles. As-synthesized silica nanoparticles were further functionalized with IR-820 and FITC dyes. The ability to create size controlled nanoparticles with associated (optical) functionality may have significant importance in bio-medical imaging. Thesis further describes how non-organic modified fluorescent particles might be prepared using inorganic oxides. A study of the concentrations and distributions of europium dopants within the CeO2 nanoparticles was undertaken and investigated by different microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. The luminescent properties were enhanced by doping and detailed explanations are reported. Additionally, the morphological and structural evolution and optical properties were correlated as a function of concentrations of europium doping as well as with further annealing. Further work using positron annihilation spectroscopy allowed the study of vacancy type defects formed due to europium doping in CeO2 crystallites and this was supported by complimentary UV-Vis spectra and XRD work. During the last few years the interest in mesoporous silica materials has increased due to their typical characteristics such as potential ultra-low dielectric constant materials, large surface area and pore volume, well-ordered and uniform pores with adjustable pores between 2 and 50 nm. A simple, generic and cost-effective route was used to demonstrate the synthesis of 2D mesoporous silica thin films over wafer scale dimensions in chapter 5. Lithographic resist and in situ hard mask block copolymer followed by ICP dry etching were used to fabricate mesoporous silica nanostructures. The width of mesoporous silica channels can be varied by using a variety of commercially available lithographic resists whereas depth of the mesoporous silica channels can be varied by altering the etch time. The crystal structure, morphology, pore arrangement, pore diameters, thickness of films and channels were determined by XRD, SEM, ellipsometry and the results reported. This project also extended work towards the study of the antimicrobial study of nanopatterned silver nanodot arrays formed using the block copolymer approach defined above. Silver nanodot arrays were successfully tested for antimicrobial activity over S. aureus and P. aeruginosa biofilms and results shows silver nanodots has good antimicrobial activity for both S. aureus and P. aeruginosa biofilms. Thus, these silver nanodot arrays shows a potential to be used as a substitute for the resolution of infection complications in many areas.


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The solid-state pyrolysis of organometallic derivatives of a cyclotriphosphazene is demonstrated to be a new, simple and versatile solid-state templating method for obtaining single-crystal micro- and nanocrystals of transition and valve metal oxides. The technique, when applied to Mo-containing organometallics N3P3[OC6H4CH2CN·Mo(CO)5]6 and N3P3[OC6H4CH2CN·Mo(CO)4 py]6, results in stand-alone and surface-deposited lamellar MoO3 single crystals, as determined by electron and atomic force microscopies and X-ray diffraction. The size and morphology of the resulting crystals can be tuned by the composition of the precursor. X-ray photoelectron and infrared spectroscopies indicate that the deposition of highly lamellar MoO3 directly on an oxidized (400 nm SiO2) surface or (100) single-crystal silicon surfaces yields a layered uniphasic single-crystal film formed by cluster diffusion on the surface during pyrolysis of the metal-carbonyl derivatives. For MoO3 in its layered form, this provides a new route to an important intercalation material for high energy density battery materials.


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Metal oxide thin films are important for modern electronic devices ranging from thin film transistors to photovoltaics and functional optical coatings. Solution processed techniques allow for thin films to be rapidly deposited over a range of surfaces without the extensive processing of comparative vapour or physical deposition methods. The production of thin films of vanadium oxide prepared through dip-coating was developed enabling a greater understanding of the thin film formation. Mechanisms of depositing improved large area uniform coverage on a number of technologically relevant substrates were examined. The fundamental mechanism for polymer-assisted deposition in improving thin film surface smoothness and long range order has been delivered. Different methods were employed for adapting the alkoxide based dip-coating technique to produce a variety of amorphous and crystalline vanadium oxide based thin films. Using a wide range of material, spectroscopic and optical measurement techniques the morphology, structure and optoelectronic properties of the thin films were studied. The formation of pinholes on the surface of the thin films, due to dewetting and spinodal effects, was inhibited using the polymer assisted deposition technique. Uniform thin films with sub 50 nm thicknesses were deposited on a variety of substrates controlled through alterations to the solvent-alkoxide dilution ratios and employing polymer assisted deposition techniques. The effects of polymer assisted deposition altered the crystallized VO thin films from a granular surface structure to a polycrystalline structure composed of high density small in-plane grains. The formation of transparent VO based thin film through Si and Na substrate mediated diffusion highlighted new methods for material formation and doping.