6 resultados para self-etching cement resins

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Strain-free epitaxial quantum dots (QDs) are fabricated by a combination of Al local droplet etching (LDE) of nanoholes in AlGaAs surfaces and subsequent hole filling with GaAs. The whole process is performed in a conventional molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) chamber. Autocorrelation measurements establish single-photon emission from LDE QDs with a very small correlation function g (2)(0)≃ 0.01 of the exciton emission. Here, we focus on the influence of the initial hole depth on the QD optical properties with the goal to create deep holes suited for filling with more complex nanostructures like quantum dot molecules (QDM). The depth of droplet etched nanoholes is controlled by the droplet material coverage and the process temperature, where a higher coverage or temperature yields deeper holes. The requirements of high quantum dot uniformity and narrow luminescence linewidth, which are often found in applications, set limits to the process temperature. At high temperatures, the hole depths become inhomogeneous and the linewidth rapidly increases beyond 640 °C. With the present process technique, we identify an upper limit of 40-nm hole depth if the linewidth has to remain below 100 μeV. Furthermore, we study the exciton fine-structure splitting which is increased from 4.6 μeV in 15-nm-deep to 7.9 μeV in 35-nm-deep holes. As an example for the functionalization of deep nanoholes, self-aligned vertically stacked GaAs QD pairs are fabricated by filling of holes with 35 nm depth. Exciton peaks from stacked dots show linewidths below 100 μeV which is close to that from single QDs.


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This thesis investigated the block copolymer (BCP) thin film characteristics and pattern formation using a set of predetermined molecular weights of PS-b-PMMA and PS-b-PDMS. Post BCP pattern fabrication on the required base substrate a dry plasma etch process was utilised for successful pattern transfer of the BCP resist onto underlying substrate. The resultant sub-10 nm device features were used in front end of line (FEoL) fabrication of active device components in integrated circuits (IC). The potential use of BCP templates were further extended to metal and metal-oxide nanowire fabrication. These nanowires were further investigated in real-time applications as novel sensors and supercapacitors.


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An examination of the selective etching mechanism of a 1-alkanethiol self-assembled monolayer (SAM) covered Au{111} surface using in-situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) and molecular resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) is presented. The monolayer self-assembles on a smooth Au{111} surface and typically contains nanoscale non-uniformities such as pinholes, domain boundaries and monatomic depressions. During etching in a ferri/ferrocyanide water-based etchant, selective and preferential etching occurs at SAM covered Au(111) terrace and step edges where a lower SAM packing density is observed, resulting in triangular islands being relieved. The triangular islands are commensurate with the Au(111) lattice with their long edges parallel to its [11-0] direction. Thus, SAM etching is selective and preferential attack is localized to defects and step edges at sites of high molecular density contrast.


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Cs atom beams, transversely collimated and cooled, passing through material masks in the form of arrays of reactive-ion-etched hollow Si pyramidal tips and optical masks formed by intense standing light waves, write submicron features on self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). Features with widths as narrow as 43 ± 6 nm and spatial resolution limited only by the grain boundaries of the substrate have been realized in SAMs of alkanethiols. The material masks write two-dimensional arrays of submicron holes; the optical masks result in parallel lines spaced by half the optical wavelength. Both types of feature are written to the substrate by exposure of the masked SAM to the Cs flux and a subsequent wet chemical etch. For the arrays of pyramidal tips, acting as passive shadow masks, the resolution and size of the resultant feature depends on the distance of the mask array from the SAM, an effect caused by the residual divergence of the Cs atom beam. The standing wave optical mask acts as an array of microlenses focusing the atom flux onto the substrate. Atom 'pencils' writing on SAMs have the potential to create arbitrary submicron figures in massively parallel arrays. The smallest features and highest resolutions were realized with SAMs grown on smooth, sputtered gold substrates.


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We report the results of a study into the factors controlling the quality of nanolithographic imaging. Self-assembled monolayer (SAM) coverage, subsequent postetch pattern definition, and minimum feature size all depend on the quality of the Au substrate used in material mask atomic nanolithographic experiments. We find that sputtered Au substrates yield much smoother surfaces and a higher density of {111}-oriented grains than evaporated Au surfaces. Phase imaging with an atomic force microscope shows that the quality and percentage coverage of SAM adsorption are much greater for sputtered Au surfaces. Exposure of the self-assembled monolayer to an optically cooled atomic Cs beam traversing a two-dimensional array of submicron material masks mounted a few microns above the self-assembled monolayer surface allowed determination of the minimum average Cs dose (2 Cs atoms per self-assembled monolayer molecule) to write the monolayer. Suitable wet etching, with etch rates of 2.2 nm min-1, results in optimized pattern definition. Utilizing these optimizations, material mask features as small as 230 nm in diameter with a fractional depth gradient of 0.820 nm were realized.


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With advances in nanolithography and dry etching, top-down methods of nanostructuring have become a widely used tool for improving the efficiency of optoelectronics. These nano dimensions can offer various benefits to the device performance in terms of light extraction and efficiency, but often at the expense of emission color quality. Broadening of the target emission peak and unwanted yellow luminescence are characteristic defect-related effects due to the ion beam etching damage, particularly for III–N based materials. In this article we focus on GaN based nanorods, showing that through thermal annealing the surface roughness and deformities of the crystal structure can be “self-healed”. Correlative electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy show the change from spherical nanorods to faceted hexagonal structures, revealing the temperature-dependent surface morphology faceting evolution. The faceted nanorods were shown to be strain- and defect-free by cathodoluminescence hyperspectral imaging, micro-Raman, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In-situ TEM thermal annealing experiments allowed for real time observation of dislocation movements and surface restructuring observed in ex-situ annealing TEM sampling. This thermal annealing investigation gives new insight into the redistribution path of GaN material and dislocation movement post growth, allowing for improved understanding and in turn advances in optoelectronic device processing of compound semiconductors.