6 resultados para photon

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Practical realisation of quantum information science is a challenge being addressed by researchers employing various technologies. One of them is based on quantum dots (QD), usually referred to as artificial atoms. Being capable to emit single and polarization entangled photons, they are attractive as sources of quantum bits (qubits) which can be relatively easily integrated into photonic circuits using conventional semiconductor technologies. However, the dominant self-assembled QD systems suffer from asymmetry related problems which modify the energetic structure. The main issue is the degeneracy lifting (the fine-structure splitting, FSS) of an optically allowed neutral exciton state which participates in a polarization-entanglement realisation scheme. The FSS complicates polarization-entanglement detection unless a particular FSS manipulation technique is utilized to reduce it to vanishing values, or a careful selection of intrinsically good candidates from the vast number of QDs is carried out, preventing the possibility of constructing vast arrays of emitters on the same sample. In this work, site-controlled InGaAs QDs grown on (111)B oriented GaAs substrates prepatterned with 7.5 μm pitch tetrahedrons were studied in order to overcome QD asymmetry related problems. By exploiting an intrinsically high rotational symmetry, pyramidal QDs were shown as polarization-entangled photon sources emitting photons with the fidelity of the expected maximally entangled state as high as 0.721. It is the first site-controlled QD system of entangled photon emitters. Moreover, the density of such emitters was found to be as high as 15% in some areas: the density much higher than in any other QD system. The associated physical phenomena (e.g., carrier dynamic, QD energetic structure) were studied, as well, by different techniques: photon correlation spectroscopy, polarization-resolved microphotoluminescence and magneto-photoluminescence.


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In this thesis we relate the formal description of various cold atomic systems in the energy eigenbasis, to the observable spatial mode dynamics. Herein the `spatial mode dynamics' refers to the direction of photon emission following the spontaneous emission of an excited fermion in the presence of a same species and spin ideal anisotropic Fermi sea in its internal ground state. Due to the Pauli principle, the presence of the ground state Fermi sea renders the phase space, anisotropic and only partially accessible, thereby a ecting the direction of photon emission following spontaneous emission. The spatial and energetic mode dynamics also refers to the quantum `tunneling' interaction between localised spatial modes, synonymous with double well type potentials. Here we relate the dynamics of the wavefunction in both the energetic and spatial representations. Using this approach we approximate the relationship between the spatial and energetic representations of a wavefunction spanning three spatial and energetic modes. This is extended to a process known as Spatial Adiabatic Passage, which is a technique to transport matter waves between localised spatial modes. This approach allows us to interpret the transport of matter waves as a signature of a geometric phase acquired by the one of the internal energy eigenstates of the system during the cyclical evolution. We further show that this geometric phase may be used to create spatial mode qubit and qutrit states.


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Metal oxide clusters of sub-nm dimensions dispersed on a metal oxide support are an important class of catalytic materials for a number of key chemical reactions, showing enhanced reactivity over the corresponding bulk oxide. In this paper we present the results of a density functional theory study of small sub-nm TiO2 clusters, Ti2O4, Ti3O6 and Ti4O8 supported on the rutile (110) surface. We find that all three clusters adsorb strongly with adsorption energies ranging from -3 eV to -4.5 eV. The more stable adsorption structures show a larger number of new Ti-O bonds formed between the cluster and the surface. These new bonds increase the coordination of cluster Ti and O as well as surface oxygen, so that each has more neighbours. The electronic structure shows that the top of the valence band is made up of cluster derived states, while the conduction band is made up of Ti 3d states from the surface, resulting in a reduction of the effective band gap and spatial separation of electrons and holes after photon absorption, which shows their potential utility in photocatalysis. To examine reactivity, we study the formation of oxygen vacancies in the cluster-support system. The most stable oxygen vacancy sites on the cluster show formation energies that are significantly lower than in bulk TiO2, demonstrating the usefulness of this composite system for redox catalysis.


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Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs) have been used in a wide range of low light sensing applications such as DNA sequencing, quantum key distribution, LIDAR and medical imaging. To operate the APDs, control circuits are required to achieve the desired performance characteristics. This thesis presents the work on development of three control circuits including a bias circuit, an active quench and reset circuit and a gain control circuit all of which are used for control and performance enhancement of the APDs. The bias circuit designed is used to bias planar APDs for operation in both linear and Geiger modes. The circuit is based on a dual charge pumps configuration and operates from a 5 V supply. It is capable of providing milliamp load currents for shallow-junction planar APDs that operate up to 40 V. With novel voltage regulators, the bias voltage provided by the circuit can be accurately controlled and easily adjusted by the end user. The circuit is highly integrable and provides an attractive solution for applications requiring a compact integrated APD device. The active quench and reset circuit is designed for APDs that operate in Geiger-mode and are required for photon counting. The circuit enables linear changes in the hold-off time of the Geiger-mode APD (GM-APD) from several nanoseconds to microseconds with a stable setting step of 6.5 ns. This facilitates setting the optimal `afterpulse-free' hold-off time for any GM-APD via user-controlled digital inputs. In addition this circuit doesn’t require an additional monostable or pulse generator to reset the detector, thus simplifying the circuit. Compared to existing solutions, this circuit provides more accurate and simpler control of the hold-off time while maintaining a comparable maximum count-rate of 35.2 Mcounts/s. The third circuit designed is a gain control circuit. This circuit is based on the idea of using two matched APDs to set and stabilize the gain. The circuit can provide high bias voltage for operating the planar APD, precisely set the APD’s gain (with the errors of less than 3%) and compensate for the changes in the temperature to maintain a more stable gain. The circuit operates without the need for external temperature sensing and control electronics thus lowering the system cost and complexity. It also provides a simpler and more compact solution compared to previous designs. The three circuits designed in this project were developed independently of each other and are used for improving different performance characteristics of the APD. Further research on the combination of the three circuits will produce a more compact APD-based solution for a wide range of applications.


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Future high speed communications networks will transmit data predominantly over optical fibres. As consumer and enterprise computing will remain the domain of electronics, the electro-optical conversion will get pushed further downstream towards the end user. Consequently, efficient tools are needed for this conversion and due to many potential advantages, including low cost and high output powers, long wavelength Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) are a viable option. Drawbacks, such as broader linewidths than competing options, can be mitigated through the use of additional techniques such as Optical Injection Locking (OIL) which can require significant expertise and expensive equipment. This thesis addresses these issues by removing some of the experimental barriers to achieving performance increases via remote OIL. Firstly, numerical simulations of the phase and the photon and carrier numbers of an OIL semiconductor laser allowed the classification of the stable locking phase limits into three distinct groups. The frequency detuning of constant phase values (ø) was considered, in particular ø = 0 where the modulation response parameters were shown to be independent of the linewidth enhancement factor, α. A new method to estimate α and the coupling rate in a single experiment was formulated. Secondly, a novel technique to remotely determine the locked state of a VCSEL based on voltage variations of 2mV−30mV during detuned injection has been developed which can identify oscillatory and locked states. 2D & 3D maps of voltage, optical and electrical spectra illustrate corresponding behaviours. Finally, the use of directly modulated VCSELs as light sources for passive optical networks was investigated by successful transmission of data at 10 Gbit/s over 40km of single mode fibre (SMF) using cost effective electronic dispersion compensation to mitigate errors due to wavelength chirp. A widely tuneable MEMS-VCSEL was established as a good candidate for an externally modulated colourless source after a record error free transmission at 10 Gbit/s over 50km of SMF across a 30nm single mode tuning range. The ability to remotely set the emission wavelength using the novel methods developed in this thesis was demonstrated.


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Real time monitoring of oxygenation and respiration is on the cutting edge of bioanalysis, including studies of cell metabolism, bioenergetics, mitochondrial function and drug toxicity. This thesis presents the development and evaluation of new luminescent probes and techniques for intracellular O2 sensing and imaging. A new oxygen consumption rate (OCR) platform based on the commercial microfluidic perfusion channel μ-slides compatible with extra- and intracellular O2 sensitive probes, different cell lines and measurement conditions was developed. The design of semi-closed channels allowed cell treatments, multiplexing with other assays and two-fold higher sensitivity to compare with microtiter plate. We compared three common OCR platforms: hermetically sealed quartz cuvettes for absolute OCRs, partially sealed with mineral oil 96-WPs for relative OCRs, and open 96-WPs for local cell oxygenation. Both 96-WP platforms were calibrated against absolute OCR platform with MEF cell line, phosphorescent O2 probe MitoXpress-Intra and time-resolved fluorescence reader. Found correlations allow tracing of cell respiration over time in a high throughput format with the possibility of cell stimulation and of changing measurement conditions. A new multimodal intracellular O2 probe, based on the phosphorescent reporter dye PtTFPP, fluorescent FRET donor and two-photon antennae PFO and cationic nanoparticles RL-100 was described. This probe, called MM2, possesses high brightness, photo- and chemical stability, low toxicity, efficient cell staining and high-resolution intracellular O2 imaging with 2D and 3D cell cultures in intensity, ratiometric and lifetime-based modalities with luminescence readers and FLIM microscopes. Extended range of O2 sensitive probes was designed and studied in order to optimize their spectral characteristics and intracellular targeting, using different NPs materials, delivery vectors, ratiometric pairs and IR dyes. The presented improvements provide useful tool for high sensitive monitoring and imaging of intracellular O2 in different measurement formats with wide range of physiological applications.