9 resultados para laser spectroscopy, ESR, bismuth, lithium-like, QED-test

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Electronic signal processing systems currently employed at core internet routers require huge amounts of power to operate and they may be unable to continue to satisfy consumer demand for more bandwidth without an inordinate increase in cost, size and/or energy consumption. Optical signal processing techniques may be deployed in next-generation optical networks for simple tasks such as wavelength conversion, demultiplexing and format conversion at high speed (≥100Gb.s-1) to alleviate the pressure on existing core router infrastructure. To implement optical signal processing functionalities, it is necessary to exploit the nonlinear optical properties of suitable materials such as III-V semiconductor compounds, silicon, periodically-poled lithium niobate (PPLN), highly nonlinear fibre (HNLF) or chalcogenide glasses. However, nonlinear optical (NLO) components such as semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs), electroabsorption modulators (EAMs) and silicon nanowires are the most promising candidates as all-optical switching elements vis-à-vis ease of integration, device footprint and energy consumption. This PhD thesis presents the amplitude and phase dynamics in a range of device configurations containing SOAs, EAMs and/or silicon nanowires to support the design of all optical switching elements for deployment in next-generation optical networks. Time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy using pulses with a pulse width of 3ps from mode-locked laser sources was utilized to accurately measure the carrier dynamics in the device(s) under test. The research work into four main topics: (a) a long SOA, (b) the concatenated SOA-EAMSOA (CSES) configuration, (c) silicon nanowires embedded in SU8 polymer and (d) a custom epitaxy design EAM with fast carrier sweepout dynamics. The principal aim was to identify the optimum operation conditions for each of these NLO device configurations to enhance their switching capability and to assess their potential for various optical signal processing functionalities. All of the NLO device configurations investigated in this thesis are compact and suitable for monolithic and/or hybrid integration.


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In this thesis, a magneto-optical trap setup is used to laser cool and confine a cloud of 85Rb. The cloud typically contains 108 atoms in a 1 mm3 volume at a temperature in the region of the Doppler Limit (146 _K for 85Rb). To study the cold cloud, a subwavelength optical fibre - a nanofibre, or ONF - is positioned inside the cloud. The ONF can be used in two ways. Firstly, it is an efficient fluorescence collection tool for the cold atoms. Loading times, lifetimes and temperatures can be measured by coupling the atomic fluorescence to the evanescent region of the ONF. Secondly, the ONF is used as a probe beam delivery tool using the evanescent field properties of the device, allowing one to perform spectroscopy on few numbers of near-surface atoms. With improvements in optical density of the cloud, this system is an ideal candidate in which to generate electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light. A theoretical study of the van der Waals and Casimir-Polder interactions between an atom and a dielectric surface is also presented in this work in order to understand their effects in the spectroscopy of near-surface atoms.


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By using Si(100) with different dopant type (n++-type (As) or p-type (B)), it is shown how metal-assisted chemically (MAC) etched silicon nanowires (Si NWs) can form with rough outer surfaces around a solid NW core for p-type NWs, and a unique, defined mesoporous structure for highly doped n-type NWs. High resolution electron microscopy techniques were used to define the characteristic roughening and mesoporous structure within the NWs and how such structures can form due to a judicious choice of carrier concentration and dopant type. Control of roughness and internal mesoporosity is demonstrated during the formation of Si NWs from highly doped n-type Si(100) during electroless etching through a systematic investigation of etching parameters (etching time, AgNO3 concentration, %HF and temperature). Raman scattering measurements of the transverse optical phonon confirm quantum size effects and phonon scattering in mesoporous wires associated with the etching condition, including quantum confinement effects for the nanocrystallites of Si comprising the internal structure of the mesoporous NWs. Laser power heating of NWs confirms phonon confinement and scattering from internal mesoporosity causing reduced thermal conductivity. The Li+ insertion and extraction characteristics at n-type and p-type Si(100) electrodes with different carrier density and doping type are investigated by cyclic voltammetry and constant current measurements. The insertion and extraction potentials are demonstrated to vary with cycling and the occurrence of an activation effect is shown in n-type electrodes where the charge capacity and voltammetric currents are found to be much higher than p-type electrodes. X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman scattering demonstrate that highly doped n-type Si(100) retains Li as a silicide and converts to an amorphous phase as a two-step phase conversion process. The findings show the succinct dependence of Li insertion and extraction processes for uniformly doped Si(100) single crystals and how the doping type and its effect on the semiconductor-solution interface dominate Li insertion and extraction, composition, crystallinity changes and charge capacity. The effect of dopant, doping density and porosity of MAC etched Si NWs are investigated. The CV response is shown to change in area (current density) with increasing NW length and in profile shape with a changing porosity of the Si NWs. The CV response also changes with scan rate indicative of a transition from intercalation or alloying reactions, to pseudocapactive charge storage at higher scan rates and for p-type NWs. SEM and TEM show a change in structure of the NWs after Li insertion and extraction due to expansion and contraction of the Si NWs. Galvanostatic measurements show the cycling behavior and the Coulombic efficiency of the Si NWs in comparison to their bulk counterparts.


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In order to widely use Ge and III-V materials instead of Si in advanced CMOS technology, the process and integration of these materials has to be well established so that their high mobility benefit is not swamped by imperfect manufacturing procedures. In this dissertation number of key bottlenecks in realization of Ge devices are investigated; We address the challenge of the formation of low resistivity contacts on n-type Ge, comparing conventional and advanced rapid thermal annealing (RTA) and laser thermal annealing (LTA) techniques respectively. LTA appears to be a feasible approach for realization of low resistivity contacts with an incredibly sharp germanide-substrate interface and contact resistivity in the order of 10 -7 Ω.cm2. Furthermore the influence of RTA and LTA on dopant activation and leakage current suppression in n+/p Ge junction were compared. Providing very high active carrier concentration > 1020 cm-3, LTA resulted in higher leakage current compared to RTA which provided lower carrier concentration ~1019 cm-3. This is an indication of a trade-off between high activation level and junction leakage current. High ION/IOFF ratio ~ 107 was obtained, which to the best of our knowledge is the best reported value for n-type Ge so far. Simulations were carried out to investigate how target sputtering, dose retention, and damage formation is generated in thin-body semiconductors by means of energetic ion impacts and how they are dependent on the target physical material properties. Solid phase epitaxy studies in wide and thin Ge fins confirmed the formation of twin boundary defects and random nucleation growth, like in Si, but here 600 °C annealing temperature was found to be effective to reduce these defects. Finally, a non-destructive doping technique was successfully implemented to dope Ge nanowires, where nanowire resistivity was reduced by 5 orders of magnitude using PH3 based in-diffusion process.


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The goal of this research is to produce a system for powering medical implants to increase the lifetime of the implanted devices and reduce the battery size. The system consists of a number of elements – the piezoelectric material for generating power, the device design, the circuit for rectification and energy storage. The piezoelectric material is analysed and a process for producing a repeatable high quality piezoelectric material is described. A full width half maximum (FWHM) of the rocking curve X-Ray diffraction (XRD) scan of between ~1.5° to ~1.7° for test wafers was achieved. This is state of the art for AlN on silicon and means devices with good piezoelectric constants can be fabricated. Finite element modelling FEM) was used to design the structures for energy harvesting. The models developed in this work were established to have an accuracy better than 5% in terms of the difference between measured and modelled results. Devices made from this material were analysed for power harvesting ability as well as the effect that they have on the flow of liquid which is an important consideration for implantable devices. The FEM results are compared to experimental results from laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV), magnetic shaker and perfusion machine tests. The rectifying circuitry for the energy harvester was also investigated. The final solution uses multiple devices to provide the power to augment the battery and so this was a key feature to be considered. Many circuits were examined and a solution based on a fully autonomous circuit was advanced. This circuit was analysed for use with multiple low power inputs similar to the results from previous investigations into the energy harvesting devices. Polymer materials were also studied for use as a substitute for the piezoelectric material as well as the substrate because silicon is more brittle.


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The phosphorescence excitation spectra of two thiones, 4-H-1-xanthione (XT) and 4-H-1-pyrane-4-thione (PT), cooled in a supersonic jet were investigated. The vibronic lineshape of the T1z origin of PT measured by cavity ring-down spectroscopy is considered and the excited state rotational constants are calculated. For XT the 3A2(nπ* ) → X1A1 phosphorescence excitation spectrum was investigated in the region 14900-17600 cm-1. The structure observed is shown to be due to the T1← S0 absorption and an assignment in terms of the vibronic structure of the band is proposed. A previous assignment of the S1 ← S0 origin is considered and the transition involved is shown to be most probably due to the absorption of a vibronic tiplet state T1z,v7. An alternative but tentative assignment of the S1,0 ←S0,0 transition is suggested. In the case of PT the phosphorescence excitation spectrum was investigated in the region of the 1A2(ππ*) ← X1A1 absorption band between 27300 and 28800 cm-1. The spectrum exhibits complex features which are typical for the strong vibronic coupling case of two adjacent electronic states. The observed intermediate level structure was attributed to the coupling with a lower lying dark electronic state 1B1(nπ*2), whose origin was estimated to be ~ 825 - 1025 cm-1 below the origin of 1A2(ππ*)0. Consequences of the vibronic coupling on the decay dynamics of 1A2(ππ*) as well as tentative assignments of vibronic transitions 1A2(ππ*)v ← X1A1 are also discussed. In the T1z ← S0 cavity ring-down absorption spectrum of PT, the vibronic lineshape of the T1z origin is analysed. As the T1z line is separated from the T1x,1y lines by a large zero-field splitting it is possible to use an Asyrot-like program to calculate the vibrational-rotational parameters determining the lineshape. It is shown that PT is non-planar in the first excited triplet state and the lineshape is composed of a mixture of A-type and C-type bandshapes. The non-planarity of PT is discussed.


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In this thesis, the evanescent field sensing techniques of tapered optical nanofibres and microspherical resonators are investigated. This includes evanescent field spectroscopy of a silica nanofibre in a rubidium vapour; thermo-optical tuning of Er:Yb co-doped phosphate glass microspheres; optomechanical properties of microspherical pendulums; and the fabrication and characterisation of borosilicate microbubble resonators. Doppler-broadened and sub-Doppler absorption spectroscopic techniques are performed around the D2 transition (780.24 nm) of rubidium using the evanescent field produced at the waist of a tapered nanofibre with input probe powers as low as 55 nW. Doppler-broadened Zeeman shifts and a preliminary dichroic atomic vapour laser lock (DAVLL) line shape are also observed via the nanofibre waist with an applied magnetic field of 60 G. This device has the potential for laser frequency stabilisation while also studying the effects of atom-surface interactions. A non-invasive thermo-optical tuning technique of Er:Yb co-doped microspheres to specific arbitrary wavelengths is demonstrated particularly to 1294 nm and the 5S1/2F=3 to 5P3/2Fʹ=4 laser cooling transition of 85Rb. Reversible tuning ranges of up to 474 GHz and on resonance cavity timescales on the order of 100 s are reported. This procedure has prospective applications for sensing a variety of atomic or molecular species in a cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) experiments. The mechanical characteristics of a silica microsphere pendulum with a relatively low spring constant of 10-4 Nm-1 are explored. A novel method of frequency sweeping the motion of the pendulum to determine its natural resonance frequencies while overriding its sensitivity to environmental noise is proposed. An estimated force of 0.25 N is required to actuate the pendulum by a displacement of (1-2) μm. It is suggested that this is of sufficient magnitude to be experienced between two evanescently coupled microspheres (photonic molecule) and enable spatial trapping of the micropendulum. Finally, single-input borosilicate microbubble resonators with diameters <100 μm are fabricated using a CO2 laser. Optical whispering gallery mode spectra are observed via evanescent coupling with a tapered fibre. A red-shift of (4-22) GHz of the resonance modes is detected when the hollow cavity was filled with nano-filtered water. A polarisation conversion effect, with an efficiency of 10%, is observed when the diameter of the coupling tapered fibre waist is varied. This effect is also achieved by simply varying the polarisation of the input light in the tapered fibre where the efficiency is optimised to 92%. Thus, the microbubble device acts as a reversible band-pass to band-stop optical filter for cavity-QED, integrated solid-state and semiconductor circuit applications.


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Although broadband incoherent light does not efficiently couple into a high-finesse optical cavity, its transmission is readily detectable and enables applications in cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy in the gas phase, liquid phase and on surfaces. This chapter gives an overview of measurement principles and experimental approaches implementing incoherent light sources in cavity-enhanced spectroscopic applications. The general principles of broadband CEAS are outlined and general “pros and cons” discussed, detailing aspects like cavity mirror reflectivity calibration or the establishment of detection limits. Different approaches concerning light sources, cavity design and detection schemes are discussed and a comprehensive overview of the current literature based on a methodological classification scheme is also presented.


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The Li-ion battery has for a number of years been a key factor that has enabled an ever increasing number of modern consumer devices, while in recent years has also been sought to power a range of emerging electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Due to their importance and popularity, a number of characteristics of Li-ion batteries have been subjected to intense work aimed at radical improvement. Although electrode material selection intrinsically defines characteristics like maximum capacity or voltage, engineering of the electrode structure may yield significant improvements to the lifetime performance of the battery, which would not be available if the material was used in its bulk form. The body of work presented in this thesis describes the relationship between the structure of electrochemically active materials and the course of the electrochemical processes occurring within the electrode. Chapter one describes the motivation behind the research presented herein. Chapter two serves to highlight a number of key advancements which have been made and detailed in the literature over recent years, pertaining to the use of nanostructured materials in Li-ion technology. Chapter three details methods and techniques applied in developing the body of work presented in this thesis. Chapter four details structural, molecular and electrochemical characteristics of tin oxide nanoparticle based electrodes, with particular emphasis on the relationship between the size distribution and the electrode performance. Chapter five presents findings of structural, electrochemical and optical study of indium oxide nanoparticles grown on silicon by molecular beam epitaxy. In chapter 6, tin oxide inverted opal electrodes are investigated for the conduct of the electrochemical performance of the electrodes under varying rate of change of potential. Chapter 7 presents the overall conclusions drawn from the results presented in this thesis, coupled with an indication of potential future work which may be explored further.